>is a better album than igor
damn tyler really dropped the fucking ball!
Is a better album than igor
Other urls found in this thread:
Shillie will always be trash.
>linking Fantano
Doesn't change the fact Shillie is trash.
Industry plant whose image change was made specifically to appeal to XXXTentacion fans after he was clout martyred.
>when we fall asleep where do we go
this sounds like a Will Smith's son tweet. no, i don't remember his name. no i'm not gonna google it. yes, the one who was in the m. night shamsadjman movie.
>link fantano as rebuttal
ohhhhhhhhh no no no ahahahaha
Shillie Eyelash is trash
ay vro, respekt pls
Gekyume isn't even X's kid. It's much more likely he's the son of Kid Trunks since Jenesis was fooling around with all of X's close friends.
She also has info about Jah's murder.
idgi, is the Igor hate trolling? Tyler is as inspired and emotive as ever. He's broadened his melodic and harmonic palate, and used it to craft enjoyable music.
Billie O'Connell is some daft cunt who can't hold a note with an army of ghostwriters. Pic related, her brother's actual reaction to her failing to hold a note.
Billie's terrible vocals are what turn me off the most about her album. If she had a better range and could actually sing I'd give her album a 7/10.
Shillie cites Tyler as her biggest influence. No joke. Could be why she's desperate to appear like a girl from the hood, even though Tyler is from the suburbs.
hope this is bait. if not, trash
>implying andrew wk would put out a good album in 2019
>kid trunks
literally who?
He’s Vietnamese.
It's every live performance where she's actually singing. There's oh so many where she's lipsyncing, like on Jimmy Fallon, but she's proven she can't sing.
Yep. Nearly every song she’s done where she sounds “beautiful” her vocals are either processed or accompanied with layering or whatever. But what do you expect from a homeschooled teenage plant?
got clips of that?
Her brother produced the whole album and co-wrote the whole thing (read: wrote the whole thing). Production can hide the most untalented hacks and it's proven with Billie.