The final is tomorrow, are you excited for Eurovision Yea Forums?
The final is tomorrow, are you excited for Eurovision Yea Forums?
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You betting on anyone?
Norway, they have a Saami guy doing traditional yodelling and apparently it's a big deal.
Realistically Sweden will win though because they sent discount Jason Derulo
Hell yeah get em Raptors
they just gotta start rotating starters out. get Jeremy Lin on the floor
I'm more excited for the Old Town Road video dropping tomorrow
>your country doesn't even have to be in Europe to host or participate
>you don't even have to sing in your country's language
>you don't even have to be from the country you represent
Epic. At least some countries speak their own language.
Well we could do worse than Lake Malawi I guess. You're French aren't you
everyone should vote for uk
so that the next year they should host a massive european contest showcasing solidarity and unity
someone explain to me why australia's in this shit?
The best Eurovision ever had was Lordi. Has been shit since
British expats memed it into existence by waking up early to watch it every year
We love it over here and have been giving it huge ratings bumps since the 80s. Them actually inviting us in only made it more popular here. In fact it's actually too popular now - Australia doesn't actually know how to send a Eurovision contestent so they just send actual artists who are too talented and not memey enough.
This was surely their master plan, to ruin it for us by letting us participate.
It's not like you have to host it if you win
The problem is that we're being unironic about it. While everyone else is just having fun with this big, dumb "laugh at each others weirdos" contest Australia is sending our biggest pop stars to perform actual pop songs.
Tryharding in the Eurovision Song Contest just renders the whole thing pointless.
I'll have you know that whoever we sent (I don't know his name) is one of the biggest names in UK pop right now.
Is there a list where we see what minorities are the contestants part of? I think we can figure out who'll win by finding who's a member of the most minorities, like last year.
Sweden and Switzerland sent handsome black soul singers and are favourites. France is sending an algerian tranny. Italy's guy is named Mahmood and got roasted in the semi-final by the hosts for a picture he took in Israel in blackface
its in the 'rules' that Australia is not allowed to host it. but we can pick who does if a win happens. there will be a lot of Oz dicks fluffed by Europeans if that has-been moll wins.
ive had the misfortune to see KMH numerous times over the years, mostly as apart of a huge lineup at a festival.
She says that she spent most of the last 10 years depressed because she was never consider a 'star'. Thats because she is Eurotrash tier talent and was passed over as quality by everyone else.
Unironically the best song this year
Couldn't be more excited!
I'm supporting Belarus, Like It is an absolute banger
I don't think this is true, I've never even heard of the guy
go back to /pol/
Denmark represent
If it makes you feel better, Eurovision is making many Israeli Jews work on the Sabbath, breaking religious law
Norge > Dansk
We finally sent something so absurd it could win the conest, I still prefer the moustache stuff we did in 2014:
i heard that its especially shit this year and a lot of the songs are terrible even for eurovision standards.
Not bad, just very very dull
yeah. the people i know who watch it only watch it for a laugh and for the odd bit of traditional music. so for them to call it terrible it must be dull this year. you want it to be as big and stupid as possible.
>Dropping it on top of UK
Why isnt' Israel helping pay for the hosting the event? They even got all the contestants showing off Israeli locations instead of their home countries
Can't Israel pay?
The host and the big 5 cover 75% of the costs, that's why they get automatic places
>Can't Israel pay?
this is a very antisemitic question.
Hatari pls
Moustache was great, didn't deserve last place
Fuck you.
France should've lost its rights to automatic qualification for the finals for having sent this.
The only problem with that track is the obvious plagiarism of StromaƩ, check the lyrics, they are much more than your typical eurovision song.
>I've got everything.
>All I ever wanted was
>a moustache
So deep.