Tyler has surpassed Kanye.
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lmao is that official?
so pretentious
I agree. He just keeps getting better
What a fucking tryhard for an album that's guaranteed to be generic rap/pop. Tyler has always been my least favorite artist, from the edgy bullshit he faked in 2012 to the "gay" shtick he had last year. Fuck him.
By gay he meant pederast
I dare you to listen to the album and say that shit again
whats pretentious about it?
back in my day we used to call this shit MEMERAP, and we made fun of people for listening to it
i agree, it's retarded
just drop the album
this is so mediocre
it's gonna be r/music-core isn't it
i like how he has to describe to people how to listen to music. but i guess it's fair since most just listen to shuffled singles as background noise
mostly just the part where he's telling you how to listen to the album and le drop your expectations. i dont need to be told how to listen to an album
anything more than a “here’s my new album thanks for listening” is pretentious.
Soundcloud rappers do this, Tyler is so gay
>dude this album is gonna s u b v e r t the hell out of your expectations so don't even expect anything amirite?
let me guess it's another totally original hasn't been done before """experimental""" R&B album and it expresses so much about Tyler's emotions as an LGBT man
fuck im so disappointed rn
I know the FLAC and an AAC link are out there, but does anyone have a 320CBR link?
oh brother, serious buisness
Taking yourself seriously as a rapper is one thing, but demanding other people to is embarrassing. "TRASH. THIS IS TRASH. PRONOUNCED TRASH. FAG. IM A FAG" fuck this guy and fuck shithop
sarcasm is soi
i'm so glad other people see how fucking retarded this post was. he's so pretentious and insecure it's ridiculous.
>soi unironically
have sex
no homo. oh wait...
made this just for you user
honestly find me a RYM user fawning over this release who isn't
a) tranny
b) tween user post-2015
c) less than 2000 ratings that aren't padded with singles
It's actually more neo-soul/synth funky desu. Like imagine Flower Boy synths more layered, less rapping
take the piss all you like it's actually a decent way to see what type of individual is engaging with this record positively
I'll give you a hint it's zoomers and retarded people
i literally can't
Oh shit
except that's 90% of the base demographic of RYM you fucktard
what a surprise that you would have such an opinion. egad, it exactly matches the rym genre categories as they stand now!
glorious based post
X did this at the beginning of ? too and it was the most pretentious bullshit
>has a Kanye feature
not so fast OP
how so?
in your circles maybe everybody is busy pretending the new solange album is anything but boring shit and that whatever a member of brockhampton had for breakfast is the most pressing issue of the day as seen in vice magazine but the rest of us don't give a shit
awh dude this is actually real what the fuck thanks so much!!!
don't download it it's just 200 images of kevin spacey
literally the only people I know that like Tyler are zoomers or hypebeasts
I've never wanted to beat the shit out of a rym tranny as much as I do now.
He's been surpassed Kanye
Why do you torture yourself looking at RYM? I don't even dislike the album, but why do you actively search for reviews to get angry at?
It's pronounced IY-GOR, damn it.
I don't use rym like you, tranny.
Too lazy to find a better reviewing site.
tried to read a book but the author gave it a foreword, so i passed on reading it
too pretentious for me
the third Kudi influenced track feels like a parody
then how would you know
chances are you're a hypebeast 16 year old who thinks he's really into "music" and listens to Swans and it's the most liberating feeling in the world to pretend you actually have some kind of authoritative opinion on something when in reality you don't
please cleanse your ears and listen to dedicated by carly rae jepsen now.
It was actually just Experiment Hip Hop at first
quit projecting your high school bully onto me and dilate retard lol
what a pretentious fuck
well I could be wrong but your fervent man love for tyler the creator would have me believe you haven't felt a woman's touch yet and you desperately crave Supreme clothing like the rest of you cock worshippers
The album is about Earl and Tyler guys
imagine reaching this hard
They're both black. Are they long lost brothers?
just crawl back to rym tranny, your delusions are getting to your head again
nah him and jaden/him and wyatt
bruh why are you so mad lol what the hell
oh holy shit what a fag lol
lol fucking fag
used the same chords in track 4 as he did in Sometimes in FB
>its real
imagine having such shitty pleb fans you have to tell them how to listen to your music
lmao holy shit
Funny thing is, Earls last album was loads better than igor
based rap songs
1st track in and its bangin
tyler just thinks he's so complex people can't get him or his music
there's nothing to get. he has no personality
It's Tyler. You never know if he really meant it, if he was joking, or a combination or both. It's like reading a retarded comment on Yea Forums and trying to decipher if it's real or bait.
is the only thing that isn't complete dogshit. Then again, sounds exactly like all of the songs on his last 3 albums. What the fuck is this shit.
jaden and wyatt
they done some buttfuckin' son
lmao listen to the album, your more of a faggot than tyler actually is
I THINK sounds like Harder Better Faster Stronger
you are lying get the fuck outta here, for real? im on my second listen now
nah tyler is unironically that pretentious
>everybody talking about this shit instead of the superior 17.5.2019 release
That Tyler died with Cherry Bomb.
also the exact same flow that kanye did on stronger, like literally bar for bar he sings Stronger lmao what the fuck. tyler has been smoking crack or something, this album is pretty shitty, and I'm usually into experimental music. I think the problem with most of these "experimental" albums is they're produced like pop albums, they're compressed to fuck by big producers to bump on the radio, but all the dynamics go to shit, even the quiet parts sound loud somehow and it ruins any kind of feel this album could have. it's just one constant brick of layered synths and garage band beats, which could sound cool if they had some space to play around in, but instead they're all just smashed into your fucking ears like it's Sicko Mode. really a shame, in ten years we might get a remastered version that is actually listenable.
Get a load of this cuck
>I'm usually into experimental music
are you aware of who you're talking about lmao
this is a 7, or if i'm generous a 7.5
>this album is pretty shitty, and I'm usually into experimental music
How retarded do you have to be to find any of this experimental? It's chords and melodies, like Tyler's been about for years If anything, this is him coming into his established comfort zone.
>it's just one constant brick of layered synths
wow man, imagine that, music, with instruments, and more than one at a time, what an experimental hodgepodge :o
Not him but yes he used it, it's that high pitched synth that eerily plays in the background during the final 1:30.
Jesus Christ you people are cynical losers, get over yourself
Anybody who listens to music and their immediate reaction is a number is a pleb. Have some real nuanced perspectives on it, ya dolt.
Yeah, sure says something about his listeners.
Nice trips btw
wow, I thought I was on a discussion forum, not your blog
true, there's tracks that were a bit more outgoing than others like new magic wand which weren't that good themselves
a good record itself
well, considering almost 99% percent of music these days is 4/4 120bpm pop or trap music, just about everything that isn't verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus usually falls into "experimental" territory.
>imagine that more than one instrument
if you don't get what I'm saying when I say all the instruments are clumped together in the mix, you have no idea about music production, and won't understand what I'm getting at, even if I explain it to you. Not because it's complicated, but because you're retarded, and should consider suicide.
That Bound sample is the best thing yet
Didn't like it as much as Flower Boy or Goblin but I'll keep listening to it. I like it a lot and I think it'll grow on me.
or rather if it doesn't grow on me, I'll be surprised.
Listen to better music fag
i hate to see it still. youd think coming off a grammy nom hed chill but hes too terminally online to not let this shit get to him. his insecurity comes across in the music too
How insecure he is comes off in pretty much everything he does. Kind of why I like him
>literally tells us to not be critical
fuck you
4/10 so far
Love how he gets called pretentious for telling people to go in with no expectations, clarifying that these aren't albums that are supposed to be the same and retards making comparisons in the same thread.
This world is a joke.
i love/hate it. i appreciate how earnest and genuine he is but at the same time.... the pitched vocals are gratuitous and hes admitted he does it cause he's insecure about his voice. i think it hampers his art. just tap in more guest singers who sing in the register you want.
Maybe I want to compare it to other albums. This is another chapter in the story of Tyler, The creator and the whole canon is all very interesting
Nah that's fine. I'm just criticizing the fact that what he did was completely warranted because we have examples of WHY he did it in the very thread making fun of him for being pretentious for addressing it. It's kind of funny.
i think i just dont like tyler's style of soul because it feels to me more influenced by pop and r&b than jazz or funk
he's basically admitted multiple times that he jerks off to Stevie Wonder's music so yeah
>guys can you please not judge this album based on my previous albums?
>"wow what a pretentious fuck omg, hes so stuck up"
>"Anyway this album is worse than everything before it because it's different from what I like, y the fuck would he go away from flower boy, why doesnt he appeal to my taste in music and stay the same forever????"
Wow, very pretentious for wanting his fans to let him experiment without seeing them bitching about it not being like their last favorite album.
see i wish he would get into funkadelic or sun ra more. i love stevie wonder but tyler isnt that kind of prodigal talent
what the fuck is this shit
yes because everybody in this thread has the exact same thoughts on the album
Running Out Of Time is fucking beautiful
if he don't want comparisons then do something new for starters scrub lol
it's music
notes and chords and melodies and basslines and layers and singing
just listen to it for what it is, labels aside
reddit spacing
it's a great listen for what it is, but people are so caught up on labeling or rating it first and foremost, what a mindless dolt way to approach music, no offense to the dolts out there
has he never heard of side projects? or pseudonyms? if its so different you feel compelled to issue a disclaimer before the album is released why not release it under a different name?
>if he don't want comparisons
That wasn't his point, your reading comprehension is awful. He doesn't want people to go into it with a certain set of expectations, and then to filter their experience based on how it met those expectations instead of whether you enjoy what it is.
fuck him, people will do what they want, he can stick those instructions up his dirty asshole
Because he doesn't want to create an entire alter ego for retards who expect their itches to be scratched whenever they want? Why the fuck should he make an entirely new alter-ego for retards?
It's easier to remind retards that they shouldn't expect something. You're not entitled to Flower Boy 2, faggot.
This shit so ass breh, does NOT bump in the whip
based tyler defense force
pseudonym =/= alter ego. musicians do it all the time
also since when has he been averse to alter egos? lol
>Rhetorical questions
Stay mad, clownie
nice meme, did a verified twitter account make that?
Yeah, he goes by Wolf Haley Robinson. He already uses pseudonyms.
he didnt release this album under one. thats my point. i think he should have done that in lieu of trying to get ahead of the haters. like alternatively he shouldnt have said anything and just dropped the album but if he's actually that insecure about how different it is that he feels compelled to defend it like that, just release it under a pseudonym
>Uses clown pepe because he sees everyone else using it
>Makes a verified Twitter joke
I dunno I followed his advice of listening just enjoying it in the dark without any interruptions or distractions and it was magical. Great album.
>not as good as flower boy
>not as good as ye or pablo
>not as good as gambino recent album
>not as good as access memories
>not as good as utopia
bro this shit fucking sucks lmao
honk honk
its because he knows his fans go in with expectations so he is letting them know it isnt like the others
>it isnt like the others
>it is exactly like the others
made me think honestly
Good thing he was talking about a specific group of people that he paraphrased.
i mean, of course its going to sound excellent when you listen to it for the first time with no distractions. its not a bad album. most okay albums would sound incredible if you listened to them for the first time with your absolute focus.
corny as fuck and based as fuck
are you fucking stupid?
What track was bound sampled on
Is he still doing the gay thing
Shit is ass like a tailbone
>running out of time
>to make you love me
yessir the album is about jaden and jaden's ex
I wouldn't know if I'd go so far as to say that he surpassed Kanye, but it was a very solid album. He definitely matured from Flower Boy
this man knows
you're a hypebeast faggot
I enjoy it, but I respect you if you don't. I will continue to enjoy it, and I hope you enjoy the next new thing you here.
8/10 for me, after listening to this I'm actually glad he took a different direction from Flower Boy. Excited for what comes next.
Will have to see if this stands up to time though as I still regularly give FB a full listen through.
fucking album sucks
>turn off your brain to listen to these DAW loops and pitched vocals
I love this aesthetic so much and I really hope he's thriving off being a gay black man in 2019.
amen to that
Kek, it's late, go to sleep boomi
It is trash
What a pretentious faggot. I understand the zoomer OFWGKMA part of his fanbase need to be told how to listen to an album, but still.
Injury Reserve sucks dog shit
>Stand up you smelly mucho
thank you user!
Cringe? I really think he's overestimating his audience's attention span
I can't imagine how an album that has to tell you this can be good.
nothing Earl has made has ever been good. he's such a fucking waste
Sounds like my dude has been getting into lynch and hitchcock
better than ye and gambino's recent album
kill yourself, literally. what do you have available? you can use a belt as a noose. you can take 20 advil (or 3 aleve!). if you want a public spectacle jump off the tallest landing you can get to. i hope you live in a high rise apartment. jump right off the balcony friend. this board will be better for it.
yeah this shit is for 20 year old white kids who think they're smarter than they really are. unimpressive stupid shit, he needs to go back to making edgy meme music because it was sincerely more listenable
you being stubborn and full of yourself doesn't make everyone trying to help you pretentious
Based on a quick listen this shit is Garbo. I had a bad feeling with that what's good snippet. It sounded cool sorta but the video/aesthetic made me think this was gonna be some stupid 60s-70s nostalgia shit. I was correct. The album is mixed like shit. There is plenty of cool moments but they're bogged down by repetitive hooks and meandering song structures. The last song is pretty fucking good. Puppet is pretty good but has an unneeded Kanye feature. Tyler is becoming rather one note and samey. Pandering to woke blacks and twitter art hoes has put him in a box that is very limiting. He wasn't meant for this type of summery pop bullshit. Maybe in very small doses but darkness is Tyler's true bread and butter. His lyrical content has also taken a nosedive and without good production and songwriting to take its place were left with a pretty subpar album. I agree with anons saying it's disappointing. Note that I get what he was going for, I just don't think he executed it particularly well. He needs to step outside his comfort zone and do something different.
you literally only can compare music to hugely popular artists like daft punk, bjork, and kanye and that's pathetic. broaden your horizons or learn how to rate art for what it is, not based on what you've listened to
I forgot to add the whole "quitting rapping" shit is stupid. Tyler is a skilled rapper but its apparent he's run out of things to talk about. Not being an engaging singer doesn't help either.
>Pandering to woke blacks and twitter art hoes
Perfect pinpoint of that sound, thanks.
of course you like his most faggy song, faggot. tyler fucks white boys in they asshole
I rly believe tyler is skilled at production, and that’s it
he’s not a good rapper imo, this album ain’t even rap and whenever he sings it’s cringe af
saying his other music is better does not mean you're comparing his older stuff to listen to the music.
This is too cringe even for him
Lmao all of his old fans shitting on Flower Boy must’ve really hurt his feelings, but clearly he’s adapting a more mainstream sound for a reason y’all, the money there.
>don’t go into this expecting a rap album
And I sleep. Why is this allowed???????
It's not the fact that he wrote a foreword, it's the content, you tard. That shit reeks of insecurity and 2deep4u. And he finishes it off with "KEEP IT TIMELY THO", way to sound more like an asshole.
I think it's alright, some weird mixing on some songs like Puppet for some reason.
>comparing his older stuff does not mean you’re comparing his older stuff
If you give a warning on an album you're a pussy
W-what? I actually kind of like some parts of this album A LOT, no shilling. Some of it is black twitter woke art hoe garbage but their actually a lot of genuinely nice sounding parts. It's like listening to a very eccentric baroque pop album that just happens to be done by a black man.
Had to skip through the tracklisting because I got bored but some songs are good. Maybe it is shit, have to give a few more listens.
>listening to crap-hop in 2019
>tfw can't enjoy Tylers music as much anymore as he is no longer a depressed psycho loser
what a shame
yeah and now he’s a fag too
I can’t relate to this shit no more it’s for teenage girls
thank you user
>I can’t relate to this shit no more it’s for pedos and teenage boys
fixed that
Tyler is so desperate to come off as emotional and vunerable hes done the opposite
NOTHING will top Wolf
IFHY is better than anything on IGOR
teenage boys r listening to carti
I’ll give u pedos tho
teen girls love this shit & brockhampton & frank ocean cuz they love gay niggas
what parts??
SRS was boring as shit
but since most on these sites are "depressed" faggots who can relate, they jizz all over it.
Shit sounds on the same level as mediocre soundcloud producers.
these are the only acceptable songs on this album:
I would avoid listening to anything not on this list.
new magic wand is the best song on the album lol
way too repetitive and slow
And what’s funny is once this reaches critical acclaim all these people will act like they never said any of this shit
I just realized this entire board doesn’t know fuck-all about music. Weird, huh.
This album is a 9.5 out of 10. Anyone who says otherwise is deaf or cynical and angry.
I kno it’s not a rap album therefore I don’t like it. I also know it’s fucking boring and corny as hell lyrical, and tyler cannot fucking sing
U must ONLY be giving it that’s score for the production which is what makes it good.
> 87818523
No one is listening to your watered-down opinion
opinion discarded
I still hold that DEATHCAMP, PILOT and SMUCKERS alone have more soul and creativity than this entire album.
>Tyler didn’t do the thing I like waaaaaaaaaaaah
>Nigger isn’t making the music I WANT waaaaaaaaaaaah
yikes how old are you?
>earfquake not on
worst taste that is the best song
bro if u like this corny ass shit, good for you.
I cannot find any reason to enjoy a gay nigga making music about fucking white boys
you must be fucking stupid to describe this album as tyler trying to pander to woke blacks and art hoes
it doesnt make any sense
are you upset that he's not an edgy 19 y/o rapping about killing and raping women anymore or what
>20 year old white kids who think they're smarter than they really are
so, you?
STFU N-Igor lover. Wolf > Igor
Bro this album is literally nothing but corny ass lyricism about how he broke up with his gay twink white boyfriend
It’s lame and boring, the kinda gay nigga shit teen girls absolutely love
It is so obvious that people are underage here, seeing how angry and overemotional they get about the smallest things
>shut up and enjoy the music
These people would complain no matter what the release is.
Rappity-rappity KILL PEOPLE BURN SHIT FUCK SCHOOL Pt.2? They’d call it garbage.
IFHY the sequel? They’d call that shit a dumpsterfire.
CHERRY BOMB, but even more distorted? They’d say he never learned.
SEE YOU AGAIN, but more lyrical? They’d say it’s too normie.
So something with actual UPWARD MOBILITY? Nah. These jokes don’t know music. They can’t recognize it and so it makes them deeply uncomfortable. They’ll say it’s for this reason or that reason but that’s all not true. Those opinions are invalid. It’s just that they don’t have the resources to form an adequate opinion of the album because it’s something they don’t understand.
And by the time this album is declared AOTY, they’ll pretend like this never happened. Never knew IQs could go so low!
>it's not like Bastard so now I'm all bummed out and stuff
lol fag
literally this. at least Flower Boy had interesting lyrics and wasn't just him saying "I wanna fuck boys" rephrased for 300 bars
Can;t wait for Anthony to pan this.
that doesn't contradict that post
I'm retarded, how do you open/save this file?
I bet you wear Supreme clothing and window-shop Yeezy's online
This album is either a dissapointment or a banger to some
Big hmmmm
>he needs to go back to making edgy meme music because it was sincerely more listenable
there's always Eminem and Hopsin for faggots like you
His singing is really a put off for so many tracks
>Tyler has surpassed Kanye.
Plus youd think at this point if he wants to not be labeled as a rapper he would start bringing in some good session players to lay down some keys or bass or whatever
>any instruments
>not Tyler
I don’t think he gets it
Maybe im falling out of love with music? Everything sounds samey to me. How many times are you going to go "up down middle down" on your synthesizer before you notice you're being repetitive?
Start branching out into other genres. Check out return to forever if you want to hear top tier synth playing. The musician, sorceress, shadow of lo are all great
this is the correct opinion.
Kanye would understand that a human being is their own individual and that they can listen to music however the fuck we want because we have the freedom to do so.
i was excited going into listening to this because of this, but it really doesn't live up to it, its not a transitive listen. It is good tho.
only faggot artists who's music can't stand on its own put out shit like this
Why should he broaden his horizons to what hes comparing it to? Tyler is mainstream dreck.
I didn't believe the rumors about him being gay until I read this.
I think it's fire and very fun
This was shit and I'm White with an IQ of 143.
I probably should have omitted the "White" part, though, since it's obvious from my score.
great music
the album is bad and bland
made for white girls
ur prolly an effeminate homo
This whole album is about Jaden Smith
>I am cynical and angry
>I am an effeminate homo
not noted because i already knew that
Cherry Bomb > SFFB > Wolf > IGOR > Bastard > Goblin
>listen first track on album
>dude is singing
Wasnt this supposed to be rap
I haven't liked a single thing from Tyler since Wolf
those guitars in deathcamp are terrible though
said the 16 year old who didnt understand that the album was a comment instead of legitimate
Only the beginning sounds like Stronger
legitimate what? Lmao get fucked brainlet
Tyler needs to do drugs again, hes running out of ideas
Cherry Bomb was his best work
Don't give up mate this album's chord progression are just shiete.