Two songs in so far and I think it's a solid 8. Tyler expands on what he was going for in Flower Boy pretty solidly, definitely Blonde and Kevin Abstract vibes. Hoping for a banger or two later in the album though, miss that YONKERS Tyler.
dude holy shit tell your boss to lay one of you faggots off, you have like 30 threads ongoing
nobody wants to buy the new child, the molester album
im halfway through the first track and i can already say this album is a 9.5 at LEAST
3 songs in myself: I like what I hear
this is a huge regression for Tyler. maybe its only meant for his hardcore fans or whatever but damn, its not good.
>Two songs in
>Already rating it
its been out for 15 minutes, let it sit with you for a day
hard to believe tyler, the creator put out a 10/10 masterpiece on this debut record wow
>still listening to memerap
How the fuck do people listen to this shit? It's total garbage, I fuckin hate you all for allowing this shit to infest our culture. You oughta feel ashamed of yourselves. We'll never make good music again, it's over, pack it up. Fuck you all
First 2 tracks are good, earfquake was dope, 3rd has some kanye vibes, not feeling it that much
haha love this thanks fren
He sucks at singing. I actually liked Flower Boy but something is missing. It's like he somehow regressed and forgot what he learned from it.
This shit is not great. Good but eh. Someone went and read too many Flower Boy reviews and went OD on the piano chops lol
Newfags dont know what words mean
Like for fucks sake RELAX with the key changes
This is more Flower Boy than Cherry Bomb, but some of the tracks have a hard Cherry Bomb style beat. About halfway through, waiting for a banger. So far I'll rate a 7 I'm liking it but not really something I'd play while driving (my standard for good lol), at least for now. All it'll take is one solid bop though
It's so bad
it's garbage especially if you've been listening from the start.
9/10, slightly worse than Flower Boy but still his second best so far
Idk why there's this fucking trend of distorting voices in songs now. Tyler's got like the coolest voice in rap but just feels the need to get all Frank Ocean with it. Kinda botched the Kanye feature too.
it sounds claustrophobic and cluttered
So he basically tried to make a more sing-ey version of DIE LIT.
I mean one track is virtually a Stronger cover
This just sounds like "I want to do something different: the Album". Why would he sway away from the things that worked pretty well is just weird.
New Magic Wand gives Cherry Bomb vibes
I like the use of drums in the song
Melodic Death Grips type of sound?
Iys better than goblin, which was instrumentally better than bastard, an 5 tracks in is already definitely better than cherry bomb
>good for driving
>only thing that indicates good music
i feel old this shit trash bro, i think sounded like a bad gambino song, earfquake was just boring, i liked the last like 25 seconds of igor it took so long to get good though????
wait till you get to What's Good
just doesnt seem interesting. i like new music not the same shit other people have done already.
this is the most clown shit ive ever read
I bought the digital download bundle from the Golf website how do I get it?
is so good
Why isn't it as good as Flower Boy? What's missing? My brain is trying to figure it out. It sounds amateur. He replaced the intricate production with a bunch of synth leads and pitched up bad singing. Why doesn't it work?
Nigga just for me, I do a bunch of driving I need some big bops for that. Ramona and New Moon type shit
I rate music on other stuff, but for me it's big because I do it so often
>Two songs in so far and I have already rated an album an 8
Worst most unbased thread about tyler the boy chomo today nigger
This is boring as hell and I don't see what you guys see in this jesus fucking christ. Intro is pretty cool but Carti somehow fucked up his own feature on earfquake.
who is that on puppet?? really?
the melodies arent nearly as good and it just sounds a lot more forced
He wanted to shove Cherry Bomb into your throat like his dick into a twink's mouth.
Just got done with it.
Igor's Theme, I Think and What's Good are ok
The rest is really bad
Thats fine man, im enjoying it so far
"I hate wasted potential, that shit crushes your spirit"
Gone, Gone / Thank You
That nigga should listen to his own words
i'm disappointed
FlowerBoy sounded good because he stopped experimenting and went for mainstream success after Cherry Bomb's failure
>Ramona and New Moon
my nigga up top
Everyone's saying that, on my way to that
Puppet good af
based EXOchad. that new Rav compilation album is heat.
Production seems to be on par with flower boy, maybe you are not feeling the aesthetic, like the faggot you are, listen to the actual music
Flower Boy was a full realization of his potential. He's achieved it. A mediocre followup doesn't take it away.
This is a honked album for me famalam, there isn't anything mind-blowing or groundbreaking for me except maybe "WHAT'S GOOD". The second half of the album is good though.
So far; 5/10, maybe a 6/10. Needs more listens.
Get a load of this retard
Fuck yeah bro, going to ExoMania this June
No it's not you fucking tard. The whole thing feels cluttered and the instrumentals have no room to breathe, which is completely opposite of Flower Boy
a boy is a gun is the best track
nice bait retard
Bro I ordered it before it sold out, been bumping a bunch love his faves and the new stuff is great
>listen to the actual music
get off Yea Forums tyler nobody liked the first cherry bomb
This. My ears feel plugged
Shid i wish i could. You get VESTIGES yet?
it's a good sign that everybody has a different fav track
I'm same as
>get off Yea Forums tyler nobody liked the first cherry bomb
How new?
So how does Igor compare to Wolf?
imo Wolf
You're god damn right
I miss the old Tyler. Srs what’s this rnb shit
This a strong 9.
Don't let shills tell you otherwise.
I Think sounds like a shitty Kanye - Stronger lol
I've noticed he rips many other artists sounds on this. ex. Clairo, Kevin abstract (brockhampton in general), death grips
is that the ponderosa twins bound sample on a boy is a gun? when i heard the snippet it reminded me of bound 2.
GONE GONE fucking slaps
sffb>cherry bomb>igor>wolf
wolf has some great songs but it falls off towards the end
Nothing will ever beat Wolf. Ever.
Fuck no Wolf>Igor
both dogshit
yes you are correct
Some tracks are over compressed in some parts, not all the album, you may be retarded user.
how im feelin after my first listen
All the features kinda got fucked. Uzi is ok but I can barley hear Carti or Kanye. I think Frank's on track 5 but I can't even tell with all the distortion.
I THINK: 2/10
EXACTLY: Interlude
A BOY IS A GUN: 4/10
PUPPET: 4/10
Shitty cliche r&b with awful vocals and random noise for no reason in like 3 songs.
Damn. Only exo disc I have is Beneath the Toxic Jungle. Good to see another EXOchad, I don't see em much.
Is it just me or do all the songs sound the same?
What is Igor about? What is the theme? I thought Igor was going to be a new persona like Sam, Wolf Haley, etc
Its true, he included some distorted sounds and you fags are freaking out, that doesn't meanbad production...
it's garbage
where the fuck is yandhi
>all these zoomers expecting Goblin 2
Igor is a slav he met at the world cup. Listen to the lyrics, he's announcing he got aids from him
it'd be alright if the noise wasn't so suffocating
Whole Lotta Red>Eternal Atake>Igor>Yandhi
Goblin and Wolf style Tyler is never coming back.
this guy knows
Seems like a breakup storyline
the mix is very muddled, as much as I love the album. It's even muddier than cherry bomb
You cant be this retarded
What's Good :)
They do, it's a muffled mess
So is Igor after FlowerBoy?
Calling it right now: Igor is about him breaking up with Jaden Smith
>Announcing our things and you don't know how to inform
>Your power and dreams, though you cannot go through all
>You're caught in this matrix, don't know where you're playing
>You made it, could be your favorite if you make it your friend
What is this gay shit
probably stole the idea from billie.
def not just you
Hoping they drop New Moon and Ramona again on CD I would scoop that up in an instant
You listen to their podcast?
>best tracks: boy is a gun, earfquake, puppet, are we still friends?
the rest are good so far and some just need more time for me to appreciate them. Overall the album is 8/10
>album ends
>flower boy starts playing
Thank you Jesus
then why is it called Igor?
it sounds exactly like i expected it to.
if you zoomer fucks really think he was influenced by kevin abstract, brockhampton, clairo or frank on this album, you are smoking meth. it sounds like a mix of the love below and in search of.
talking about an album on release instead of proliferating download links is some loser shit, this corporate sellout loser doesnt even sell a CD either, what a joke. enjoy your new corporate event music
Yeah I guess. Like flowerboy, Igor has less rap
he was never with jaden retard
What's the best song on the album and why is it IGOR'S THEME?
sorry, i'll wait next year to talk about this album
what is this, shoegaze rap?
I need some silence
Frank ocean is a direct influence for him, the others i dont think so
>shoegaze rap
wait till*
fuck me lmao
What's die lit?, Go back please
Tyler said he wants to finish the mixing before releasing the CD
He doesn't want Igor to suffer the same fate as Cherry Bomb
Sometimes, but good shit when I do. Def want New Moon or something by Airospace out again.
What's good and it's not close. Only bangable song. Second half of Gone Gone Thank you is good.
Smuckers is still the best song Tyler has ever made.
It kind of reminds me of that not quite progressive,not quite psychedelic era of rock with moody blues and space oddity and late Beatles. It seems a little confused identity-wise, and was surprisingly not catchy for a poppier love album.
Seems fair, the vinyl is out tho
desu i like the songs on this album a lot, but it doesnt match up to cherry bomb or flower boy bc its so damn unstructured and messy.
theres obviously something to that aesthetic of course, but it's a really exhausting listen with no semblance of flow or dynamics like in flower boy, and it doesn't have enough variety to compensate for the lack of structure like cherry bomb
said, okay, okay, okay, okidokie, my infatuation
Is translatin' to another form of what you call it? Love
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, I ain't met you
I've been looking, stuck here waiting for I
Stop the chasing, like an alcoholic
You don't understand me, what the fuck do you mean?
It's them rose to the cheeks, yeah it's them dirt-colored eyes
Sugar honey iced tea, bumblebee on the scene
Yeah I'd give up my bakery to have a piece of your pie
>rappers have betas
corporate event music for sellouts
Why do I feel like Tyler smokes meth or does adderall?
>when earfquake comes on
Absolute regression in nearly every angle.
CB was a miss step after wolf and this feels like a miss step after Flower Boy.
Looks like his next album will be good.
Based Smuckers Chad
hi fellow patrician
this album is a fucking mess
Every album with all caps song titles is shit
VESTIGES is tiding me over until ExoMania, getting plane tickets asap for that. Their podcast is so good, great to listen to in the background of stuff. Brought me to tears many times
If Whole Lotta Red drops this year the rap industry is BTFO
counterpoint: cherry bomb
TA13OO denzel curry....
Just listened. Gotta say I'm a little disappointed, but some of these songs are good.
current rating: 6.7/10
It's flower bomb and ngl I'm enjoying it a lot. Favorite tracks are probably what's good and gone, gone/thank you
The vinyl is a pre order, shipping in 12 weeks according to the website.
this was fucking shit carti just drop wlr please god i need my cloud trap rap now please jesus christ
every one of you incel faggots needs to listen to the new carly rae jepsen album instead of this garbage.
This mess makes me appreciate cherry bomb more. We were mean to it
Bastard is better than wolf
Cherry Bomb is the patrician album, SFFB is the reddit rym tranny choice
>Cherry Bomb is still filtering tasteless plebs 4 years later...
Feels good being big brained. Fuck fantanodrones.
album was really strong in the beginning but this album doesnt hold the same storytelling or cohesiveness of even his messiest album cherry bomb, this feels like a giant demo with only a couple of completed songs
Tyler is a excellent rapper and the fact that he didnt even do shit on this album bums me out
Go listen to Beatles or some shit you boomer fag
god its so fucking poppy
its so catchy
its so safely mellow
its so inoffensive
its so boring
jesus christ its pathetic how fags call this a follow up to cherry bomb because they got filtered
Tyler said he doesn't like Buffalo from Cherry Bomb though
compared to the last two albums it looks like a fucking masterpiece now
Same. Hopefully they stream or record ExoMania. I'll have to listen to it more. Been relistening to Ravs old B-Sides 1-5.5 and I forgot how good his old shit was.
>look at me guys ha ha im just a six year old in a mask! arent i cool and mysterious and edgy?
tylers such a chomo
>went from rapping about raping pregnant bitches to gay breakup albums
just accept cherry bomb is bad and stop shilling lol
Cherry Bomb is so good, even the title track sold me. It was 3 shit tracks and the rest is pure sex.
>tfw listening to the sweet sweet balance between timed silence and crisp sounds only cutting edge production can provide
Carly saves the day again
t. can't into noise rock that isn;t sonic youth
pathetic faggot, have u even heard it twice
EARFQUAKE was such a disappointing 2nd track. Not that bad on its own
I don't get this music. Everything sounds so flat and repetitive. 5/10 at best, it just exists. It's not annoying. It's not memorable. It's just flat tunes that don't develop into anything. I dont get how people eat this shit up.
wheres the features?
those guitar rifts were god awful DAW trash don't even try to act like that's pure.
what im sayin on god drop that shit
Kanye is in Puppet
how does it compare to emo ti on and side B? I really liked those and I haven't heard anything since that shitty lil yachty collab
This isn't Cherry Bomb or a follow-up to it
Why do people keep saying this?
Pretty dissapointed. WHAT'S GOOD is the only track I can see myself going back to.
I disagree. It's pretty annoying
Pretty good. Definitely helps it's a short project; hell, it could have had another song cut out and it would be even better. Some parts of songs I love, some I hate. Seems pretty re-playable, and it's doing something (kind of) different, so it's hard to dislike.
my favorite 3 tracks --
lowkey the new slowthai album was better than this lmao
why the FUCK does Kanye sounds so constipated on PUPPET? I'm worried about Yhandi bros....
lmao wtf does it even have to do with your shitty cherry bomb album
just accept it's bad and no one except you like it
because people are fucking retarded. they can't stop comparing instead of judging it on it's own.
why do i feel like IGOR'S THEME is the only song that sound remotely new and creative ? Not to say that Tyler is not a creative guy, but the whole album sound like a Flower Boy side B
You can go into it expecting something similar and you'll be pleased. Just like emotion, most songs have unique bits
carti on earfquake
the snippets sounded a lot like Cherry Bomb, but that was just bait.
>tyler fan erecting a strawman of the stereotypical "retarded tyler fan"
tyler has trained you to suck cock well
The memerap era died in 2013 newfag
you'll be saying the same shit about this one after he releases a couple more albums
what ?
based & approved
kys memetards do you even speak english
Well, I think it's pretty good.
Fantano is gonna give this a 6 and everyone here saying it’s the AOTY is gonna pretend it doesn’t exist
But he's a contrarian faggot. He might give this shit a 10 just to get clicks.
this wtf
this is the first tyler album without frank
Anyone feel like this beats could be in adventure time, minus the bass
Worst album now.
i don't get the what's good hype
lmao i cant unhear it now
yeah i kind of feel similarly igors theme is sticking with more than a lot of the meat of the album which all kind of blends together despite being admittedly pretty and melodic
>people were saying white bitches would have to switch their aesthetic because they were expecting cherry bomb 2
>tyler embraced the white bitch vibes
>the worst part on the album by far is the kanye feature
>he's absolutely buried in the mix
how much do you want to bet kanye just shat this out into his computer mic like four hours ago
is there a kanye feature?
Fantano is not relevant anymore lal
on puppet lol. I didn't even notice on the first listen
He wasn't relevant a few years ago either, then he gave MBDTF a 6 and he became relevant for the next 3 years.
Low 8, High 7 for me so far through my second listen. No banger imo (maybe WHAT'S GOOD?), and I genuinely can't tell if it's tyler singing because normally he has such a distinct voice. But the production is great and there are a lot of good jams.
I guess that cunt gettin eaten
5 songs I liked but the rest flew over my head unlike flower boy
Oh shit it's the rare singing Kanye
>New album I don't repeat I reset
What did he mean by this?
Where's the Nav feature?
kanye did a good enough job mimicking his performance on Yosemite
he learned nothing from flower boy and shat out garbage
This is the most pretentious, lazy, piece of shit album I've heard. Not only does Tyler just keep repeating "IM IN LOOOVE OOOHH GOO GOO GAA GAA", all the songs sound like they were recorded the same way. Record some stupid high pitched lyrics, get some 808s and some stale ass piano chords and call it a day. Fuck this album and fuck any person that even considers this to be even slightly good.
>gone gone
>read this
>Yfw you realize Tyler meant he’ll never rap like he used to anymore
Kanye didn't deserve the Nav treatment.
I'm 3 tracks in and this is bad production for a dude who has full access to industry veterans that can show him some stuff. Been a fan of Tyler since Bastard, I need to let my opinion form.
>tfw this is just the Grinch OST pt2
>two songs in its an 8
learn to rate albums, cunt
It's a huge step up from anything he's made so far, but it's still mediocre at best.
generous 5/10.
No it isn’t lol. The Grinch soundtrack is way better
please I've been in denial of this, delet this post right now
It seems like he's having a real tough time trying to decide between making pop songs or being abrasively experimental. The production is pretty fuckin good on a lot of it, but there are times where the mixing sounds very unpolished. There's a couple annoying synth sounds in there, and it sounds a bit cluttered at times, but not as bad as people here are making it out to be imo. His singing voice is not good tho, and some of his refrains on here get annoying. He tries to carry the album with so little rapping, that I'd say that's a notable issue that his singing isn't great. The production can only carry him so far, and I think he overcompensates at times, and it begins sounding cluttered and overdone as a result. Maybe like a 6/10 but I will have to give it a couple more listens.
Scorpion or Igor?
no album with album art that bad is allowed in my music library
>Me when I hear Carti come on
igor and i'm not really crazy about igor. scorpion just furthers a sad decline in quality.
The first and last tracks are way better than the rest of the album. If tyler wants to make something like that he should just drop all this stupid catchy rnb shit and go all the way. That being said it's a light 7
Igor isn't as good as SFFB because SFFB had features that made the album good
SFFB had
>Rex Orange County
>Steve Lacy
>Kali Uchis
>Frank Ocean
>Asap Rocky
>Lil Wayne
meanwhile Igor has
>shitty Kanye feature
>decent Playboi Carti feature, you can't go wrong with Carti and he did what he usually does
>First album with no Frank Ocean feature
holy shit
>First album with no Frank Ocean feature
track 5 dawg
it still didn't compensate the lack of features
Tyler needs people to make good music
I like the singing Kanye feature
putting surface noise on your songs like that is obnoxious. pretty mediocre record with little standing out.
Cringe to feature rex oc aka Christian and the hedgehog boys, and shitty uchis
Accept you where wrong lmao
sorry tyler but i didn't see the message you wrote before listening so i went in expecting rap my bad
I was wrong
it bummed me out that Rocky wasn't featured
Just got to the closer Holy fuck this is is amazing
Holy fuck this music is boring. Second listen was worse than the first
gone gone / thank you
igor's theme
running out of time
i don't love you anymore
are we still friends
a boy is a gun
what's good
i think
new magic wand
Hey thats true, what could be the reason?
Sounds like Tyler has been listening to a lot of Brockhampton filler songs
What the fuck. He really did. It's just super fucking slow. Comes in at 2:14
Why can’t he make more music like WOLF era Tyler that was the best of flower boy and his edgy shit
Literally better than anything on his newest album.
He beat them on their own game, 100 gay boys lost to 1 gay boy
Fuck no
>have a great deep voice that stands out from every beat on the planet
>modify it to sound as boring as possible
I thought I was contrarian for liking cherry bomb jesus fuck
Igor would have been better if Okra and Potato Salad were added
>what's good
>not GREAT
get some taste nigger
At I THINK. When does it pick up?
SMUCKERS, PILOT, and DEATHCAMP have more soul and creativity than this entire album.
You just finished the best tracks on the album
I'm really into it. Who's with me?
they all have a similar motif and use similar vocal harmonies, vocal deliveries, and similar instrumentals.
it's very hard to beat his three best songs, user
Cherry bomb didn't have frank you fucking poser.
Shit dude the album dropped today give it some time
the saturation trilogy refutes the fuck outta that
Me. I've been obsessed with cherry bomb lately and it scratched my itch for more REALLY well
Biking did and it was released during Cherry Bomb era
I wish Mozart was alive, unironically.
Based Cherry Chad
don't worry, too many faggots here think their opinions matter lol
CB tyler:
>Better call your family and give 'em your last wishes, nigga
>And every line dirty, you thought that I dug ditches
>But I never give a fuck, it's like I was born dickless
Igor tyler:
>Are we still friends? Can we be friends?
>Are we still friends? Can we be–
Tired of this meme opinion. Flower Boy was a pretentious piece of shit. The motherfucker sold some clothes that a white suburban mother would dress her 5-year-old in and decided he was a gay fashion designer who makes this grandiose musical "art". This is the dude who was just having fun with his friends drawing, skating, and rapping about dumb shit not too long before that.
what's good is the only good song in the album
this shit sounds like a good joji album
If dubs tyler the creator sucks
>this opinion
So close
I just listened to Burger feat. Hodgy, is there anything like that on this album? If not then:
>”Cherry bomb the greatest fucking album since the days of sound”
It still be
a 7
or if i'm generous a 7.5
the fame really changed this guy for the worst. he left behind all his friends besides the few dickriders like jasper and l-boy while alienating the ones who could actually rap like earl and hodgy.
Laying on my trampoline, looking at the stars
From my fake space fog machine
>Fuck that light, this, that Cherry Bomb
Fuck that light, this, that Cherry Bomb
>Fuck that light, this, that Cherry Bomb
Fuck that light, this, that Cherry Bomb
>Fuck that light, this, that Cherry Bomb
Fuck that light, this, that Cherry Bomb
Truly regression. I ironically missed when he would call his dad a faggot
>this tyler is never coming back
>all we get is gay breakup songs now
what if Tyler made Igor mediocre/shitty so Cherry Bomb stands out/ is appreciated more?
I disagree, I think the theme of getting through an unfortunately non-fruitful relationship was conveyed very well. Especially with Puppet, Gone Gone/ Thank you and Are We Still Friends. I recently got out of relationship and the crescendo of are we still friends reallllly hit me. It oozes with bittersweet emotion.
I completely agree that he's underrated as fuck when it comes to rapping and I definitely want to hear more of that too. Maybe if that ASAP Rocky collab project ever happens
He always had a artsy/deep side tho, i agree he can be pretentious though and i do prefer his old look
What is this? A fucking Gorillaz album?
maybe a modern gorillaz album kek
>people I don’t like enjoy this, so that means I can’t
Think for yourself tittybaby
jazz rap sir
That's a fact.
Fucking hates his OF fans too. If he hadn't retained a big chunk of them even after he started being openly resentful towards them, he'd be in some poorhouse somewhere.
Change Igor with wolf, otherwise patrician
My gut reaction:
Pretty good. Obviously a continuation of what he was going for on Flower Boy, with a few twists thrown in. Gonna be giving this one many more listens. It will almost definitely be in the top 5 hip-hop albums this year.
First track is good
Joji is still a talentess faggot who would've never left soundcloud if not for his shitty Filthy Frank character.
Flower Boys seething right now
it unironically sounds like they recorded the entire album in mono, then copied it, and then panned those two tracks. it's somehow in both ears, but completely smushed together beyond all hope, and compressed to death without a hope for dynamics. the quietest part of this record is still loud as fuck.
Best song in album
It's undeniable that he has always had shit like Analog out there. It just doesn't compute with me how he cranked that side up to 11 and started taking himself and his music way too seriously for what it is. If he hadn't had the fans and connections that he made from Odd Future (which he hates so fucking bad for no reason), no one would have ever heard Flower Boy and no one would have ever bought his stupid thrift shop level rags.
WHAT'S GOOD keeps making me thing of this
Agree with this, I like a lot of the production. A bit cluttered at times though and his singing voice sometimes does get annoying. Should have had other singers IMO
Some of it is really nice but not as good as Flower Boy for sure, I'd give it a 7 so far.
No, okay. Isaiah Rashad is Jazz rap, Earthgang is jazz rap, Mick Jenkins is jazz rap. This? This is just trash.
Joji resents that he could have never made his garbage-ass """art""" without the fanbase that he garnered doing shit that he hated, just like Tyler.
Tyler spits some fire bars at the end of New Magic Wand
I can't fucking believe I saw Flower Boy in concert and bought Flower Boy merch I would take it all back had I known this was coming
Is Camp Flog Gnaw worth going to this year?
anyone got dem flac link ?
Cherry Bomb + Flower Boy basically with less rapping and more singing
Some of it is nice af, some I can take or leave. I love his production though, would take an all instrumental album ... ooo yes
this, wish he rapped some more.
Maybe not on this album tho, thats clearly not what he was going for here, but I for sure want some more OKRA, Potato Salad, Ziploc barring niggas the fuck out Tyler soon
I hope he gets some gigs producing for people, I think hes said before that he wants to, too.
Aren't the tickets all sold out? I've never been. I just saw him at MSG. It was cool and Flower Boy is fun but I like this album so much better. Instead I have a stupid fucking Flower Boy hat and shirt.
thanks baby, bless
>shitty cliche r&b
Look at the song credits and do a little research. It will reveal more to your slightly correct opinion
>Tfw modern music only consists of two dynamics: forte, and forteforte
>a good joji album
Are you fucking retarded? Everything he’s made is garbage
this isn't even a hip hop album, it's literally just garage band beats with mostly off-pitch singing and a rapping verse every fourth song, it's basically a less talented Gorillaz
i don't love you anymore is great but the chorus is a bit weird lol anyone feel me?
Love how he gets called pretentious for telling people to go in with no expectations, clarifying that these aren't albums that are supposed to be the same and retards making comparisons in the same thread.
Shit, wrong thread.
damn some really dont like it
i like some of it but my biggest issue is some of the singing
It's retarded to try and get someone to not compare something to their previous works, especially when it isn't actually that different. He was just trying to make out like it was some grand high art experience or some shit when it isn't.
Retarded n*ggas will be like “I can’t listen to Tyler because it’s memerap” and then say they listen to joji
People listen to music they can identify with. This album is NPC experimental.
No, he was trying to get retards to stop keeping him in a box (Which is something he mentions in the "Find your wings" music video)
You retards are literally the reason he wrote this message because you have to get pissy over him changing his sound up.
You’re only unable to identify with stuff on this album if you’re a turbo virg or a sociopath
No, he was just trying to prepare people who were expecting another Flower Boy for something different. You have no idea what pressure there probably is to hold up to something like Flower Boy when you want to branch off into other things. He probably felt the need to address that and maybe thought he would let people who thought they were getting Flower Boy 2 down.
pretending your art is so special and unique as to be above placing it in context with it's contemporaries is just as if not way more douchey than saying "yeah this sounds like his old shit just worse"