guys i think i might have gf soon
music for this feel
Guys i think i might have gf soon
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run while you still can
Based user good luck. Don’t feel like posting any music right now
you're gonna get cucked
I'm.... glad
Tim heidecker - I am a cuck
I got blocked by the same girl twice. I'm unironically considering just going full wizard
came to post this
Lol I tell you all just give up and yall never listen. Women aren't for us, dawg. We must channel our sorrow into works of art.
how do you get blocked twice
Alkaline - Move Mountains of course
>match on tinder few months ago
>go out on date
>she blocks me 3 days later
>she likes my profile again last week
>match and message her
>blocked again...3 days later
lol tinder bitches are crazy, stay away from that shit
Not music for right now, but for about two days after she dumps you:
>Pixies - Gigantic
She just played some mind games with you dude. Don't fall into traps like that, it makes you look weak.
>searching for a gf on tinder of all places
Are you mentally handicapped or retarded? Or both?
>using tinder for anything but sex
>going for a girl who ghosted you once again
nigga...take this L
wtf i just music for the feel of having a romantic relationship with a girl that I like who likes me back
I'm too autistic to get girls irl, I'm not sure of a better option than the tinder cesspit
She had great music taste and liked TVU, MBV, Talking heads, Nirvana. played instruments, and was well read. I had to go for it again, I lack enough self respect to not care about ghosting.
It's worked out for some people
I met my gf on tinder. She's a qt virgin
My advice is to give up, take the mgtow pill, and focus on making music. Some out there just aren't meant for the romance game, music is for everyone
This, incels should just make art or get a hobby instead of obsessing over women.
she IS? like not past tense?
Yeah, she still is a virgin.
ha ha nice one user xD
>you waited too long to ask and she’s going out with someone you know
Just wanted to say this. Makes me ashamed of myself but I’m still going to ask.
posting some tunes
fuck her dummy
have some self-respect, user
I honestly don't even know how it's possible to get a girl to like you. I'm not even some repulsive nice guy or anything but I've just never even gotten a tiny inkling that any girls has ever had some kind of interest in me.
Dating tinder girls is a waste of time. Hookups are a waste of time. The commodification of sex and our bourgeoisie capitalist culture has brainwashed people into thinking that sex is all about pleasure and it is desirable to collect as many partners as possible like yugioh trading cards. Sex is something that should be ideally reserved between lovers, to strengthen their relationship, an intimacy shared by only them. Also, all research indicates that sex does help in emotional bonding with person you´re having it with.
All of you sick fucks who still support this cesspool culture of "sexual liberation" set forward in this capitalist society to make it commodity and norm make me sick.
Our modern culture in this regard is destructive both for mind and spirit of my fellow men out there.
This culture that is fed to masses by capitalist class via mass media and mainstream culture is destroying our views on sex and society.
Spoken like a true incel :')
fuck capitalism
I have a girlfriend, I just abhor the modern hookup culture and what it does to both men and women.
Same. I'm not good at picking up people's queues, but in twenty plus years something would've clicked if it was ever there in the first place.
Haha gay
Based. Furthermore, redpilled. In conclusion: based and redpillled
those dubs