/metal/ general - Slipknot Edition

Last thread youtu.be/VpATBBRajP8


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What you niggas ding-dong diddly finna bumpin at the moment

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What do you think of the new Forsaken Vulture release?

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How do I get my little sister to stop listening to k-pop

>Acoustic guitars
Based DsO

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I love super technical weird dissonant stuff but I can't into DsO. Someone teach me.

Ask her to sit on your lap then grind your finna dick up her ass

Are Disturbed and Slipknot last real metal bands?

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We haven't had any good new bands since 2001, so I guess so.

more obscure metal covers of non metal songs?


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What about them

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t. Boomer

This is the best image ever made of Black Metal. It encompasses everything about it.

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#1 on YouTube

Hows your metal band doing Yea Forums? ;^)

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What was this faggot thinking with that mask? It looks like shit

Listen to paracletus, its pretty accessible

Based and Antonypilled

People are believing that it isn't his proper one, surely you can't spend weeks if not months working on a mask for it to be just a plain plastic corner shop bought mask

Maybe their is second layer

The chorus on that song is terrible, but the rest isn't actually that bad

it's a classic.
there's 2 choices, imo. Do the fire-breathing, mace and sword-wielding classic corpsepaint thing, or just dress normal/don't do photos at all).

if your band wears identical cloaks, you're gay and I won't listen to your music because it's probably shitty arty dissonant crap

Which band has the best corpse paint? For me it’s this shitty derivative Dutch band. I wonder what type of make up they use because it looks like it is of better quality than the make up that other bands use.

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How do you guys feel about classics band's latest albums? Dystopia is amazing imo, Book of Souls is pretty good and Hardwired has a few decent songs.

i love this album but god the lyrics are gay
pretty much what i'd expect from a commiefornian cuck who's buds with kim kelly
muh poor oppressed noble abbos they're so much better than us guys ;_;

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Voivod's The Wake is literally one of their best albums and there is no way they should be this good but they are.

>Dystopia is amazing imo
Agreed on that. Dave's best album in a long time for sure.

>letting the terrorists win

Satan's latest is really good, Book of Souls & Hardwired suffer from the same problem imo that they are both far too long. There are good songs on both, but so much bloat.

>i love this album but god the lyrics are gay
Sounds like every single one of my favorite europower albums.

I don't usually listen to albums in full so it isn't a big deal for me but I agree that there are a lot of forgettable songs in those two albums

I can actually dig this now. Thanks user. Maybe I can uncasual myself.

almost all are garbage. satan is the only band that bucks the trend (even though last year's wasn't as good as the previous 2). first half of hardwired to self destruct is actually some of the best songs metallica wrote since their s/t.

I don't care if it's metal or not, this cover is one of the best I've seen.

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Recommend me metal to smoke weed to no numale stoner metal shit

definitely gets me going

whitesnake really knew how to lean into the glam/hair metal aesthetic. Coverdale's also a hell of a frontman and singer.

needs to hang it up. dystopia was such a soulless, overproduced turd.
they churn out a crappy hard rock album with a few thrash riffs here and there and it's "their best since AJFA!" the everyone forgets about it in two months. rinse and repeat. Aging sober James is one of the worst frontmen in metal, the fucking yodeling hack.
>Iron Maiden
has fared the best out of these three, but they've become formulaic, and somebody needs to sit Harris down and tell them a band as big as Maiden needs a real producer. apparently Harris tells their current producer how to fiddle the knobs, and it shows--he's fucking deaf at this age after touring for so long. so as long as it's loud it sounds good to him, even if it's a muddy mess.


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What does this even mean? It has basically the same production as most modern metal albums.

looks cheesy imo, I prefer Behemoth's subtle realism



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I hate this guy but fuck me in the ass if his corpsepaint isn't great.

>It has basically the same production as most modern metal albums.
exactly, and most modern metal albums sound absolutely lifeless due to brickwalling, bad sounding trigger samples and over-quantization.
but Dystopia stands out because of the vocals. all those layers and effects, it's awful. Mustaine sounds like some kraftwerk robot on that album.

>Hating Gaahl
Trve Poser

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he looks like jesus

Gaahl is the biggest poser ever, worst Gorgoroth vocalist and tried to steal the band from the guy who started it.
What the hell is there to like about him, except his corpsepaint?

Compression, man...

This is gay as fuck and this is coming from someone who likes Slipknot.
Shitty video too.

they look like real corpses

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I don't like horrible trigger sounds or excessive brickwalling either, but if Dystopia is the limit for you then basically everything past like the mid 90s is unlistenable to you. It's not particularly egregious on any of those fronts.


>worst Gorgoroth vocalist
That's the current one buddy.
>tried to steal the band from the guy who started it
That's King Ov Hell. Notice how everybody else in the scene criticizes King but not Gaahl. Gaahl literally did it because King was his best friend at the time.

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>That's the current one buddy.
Maybe but he's still not good.
>Gaahl literally did it because King was his best friend at the time
Yeah, right. Poor Gaahl didn't know better, he was being forced to do bad things.

Seems like they just mashed up a left over Stone Sour chorus into a random unfinished Slipknot song.

>it’s a white guys instead of a black guy

We truly live in the future now

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Do you think the anime opening aesthetics was intentional?

Whenever I see that image now I just think of this autist

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>close up of some ugly old wrinkled 3DPD hag
>anime opening aesthetic

Who is this chick?

I'm saying that the music sounds like anime opening music and the video was edited like an anime opening.

>hurr durr what is comprehending what I read?
I didn't even hint at Gaahl being forced to do anything. I said he backed up his friend. King is who started and did 99% of the stuff.

70% of black metal is angry retards trying to look tough.
Power and glam.

Slipknot sucks

Lol no one answered

I've made my stance opposed to racism widely open and metalhead losers made responses like "DON'T censor music man it's freedom of speech" or "Its actual hate and makes music powerful". There is nothing "powerful" or "angry" about white pride. Its literally a fragile identity beta males use to feel a sense of strength by using outdated symbols and words projected onto others as an attempt to provoke reaction. It's trolling, these dorks wouldn't die for their convictions, they hide behind social media because they know they have no place in the world. Racism is a byproduct of Christianity and should be treated as such. If it were up to me all anti-semite squallers would have a bullet in their temple.

you say that as if looking gay is somehow better


metal is about being an individual if you hate groups of people without allowing them the chance to be individuals you're a hypocrite and a moron.

I've been out of the loop for 2 years, what are some must black and death metal releases?

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Faggot lmao

So you agree with that entire paragraph, despite it obviously being retarded?

The best

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Can anyone who listens to progressive metal give me some reccs? Google is useless because no one knows anything other than Tool, Opeth and Dream Theater bullshit.

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this is a RYM tranny forum post isn't it

INRI-era Sarcofago

Only really very secure men can get away with lipstick and long hair.

t. youtube.com/watch?v=cw_7RzD_0sM

Melodeath does not suck but slipknot do!

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I just saw Meshuggah and holy fuck it’s a whole nother beast live. It’s so tribal and animalistic, the lights were insane too, lighting to the rhythm of the instruments. 11/10 probably my favorite show by far.

What shows have you guys gone too recently?

>holy fuck it’s a whole nother beast live

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Really secure in their homosexuality

Nah its from this dude instagram.com/infernal_return But he looks to have took down the post now

Glam is unironically NOT gay.

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American power metal might be a little gay.

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I love Metallica to death, but hear me out.

St. Anger has the most unique songwriting out of any album they out it BESIDES the first 4. Even something like trying it different tunings (Invisible Kid is in Drop Ab, Most of the album is in Drop C) brought some serious fucking life to their shit. It felt like the last time they really tried and it fucking shows. I’m not hating them for it, but none of these older bands push their musicality anymore. These fuckers need to let everyone chip in on the music but you can’t hate Lars and James, it ,is in essence , their band so it should follow its their sound. Also hate to dick ride Cliff but when you compare his basslines to what James writes its like COME ON

Megadeth hasn’t put out a unique sounding album in forever, everything is basically a reskin of Endgame(which had some damn good songs) or just typical riff.

>Iron Maiden
I got agree with in production. The mixing is so off in all the albums since the 90’s

European power metal is not gay at all.

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>someone else enjoying things

Intro almost bad enough to turn it off, boring middle, nothing exciting about this at all. This is their "Iowa" heavy album?


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Black metal is VERY gay.

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Typical burzum fan what an emo faggot

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These black metal fans are very embarrassing.

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It's fucking Slipknot. You talk as if they didn't always suck ass, which makes you look like a retard.

Heavy metal is gay

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Weird freaks...

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>ywn be that happy

Black metal fans are most likely homo.

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This black metal fan really blows.

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Gonna self reply and say I thought it was a little silly compared to their first album.


I don't listen to a lot of proge but try some of these out

Toxik - Think This
Cynic - Focus
Aspid - Extravasation (make sure to find a vinyl rip at the original speed)
Obliveon - From this Day Forward
Virus - Carheart
Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace
Carbonized - Disharmonization
Disciples of Power - Powertrap
Edge of Sanity - Crimson

Me on the right

Post albums that got you into new genres

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symphony x - damnation game (and everything after)

Or Gojira?

Symphony X is onions-tier.


you'd get mobbed by leftoids if you quote that aloud

Ahuhuhuh yeah, Slipknot sucks

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Yeah I definitely feel those enormous amounts of cringe coming from that genre

blast beat your sister

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i eat either takeout or hot pockets, am i better than this s o yboy?

The best corpse paint? Easy dude

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it looks like a clown so it fits his clown world opinions

You can’t be more alpha than this

The new mask makes him look like Born Villain era Marilyn Manson

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Varg’s mouth is so hilariously small

Wow that Count Grishnackh dude really looks like Varg weird

You forgot about Avenged Sevenfold \m/

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nigga this is the wrongest god damn opinion I have ever heard, pic related literally came out this year and it fuckin rips

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I'll bet he hates this picture now

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How can Heavy Metal have Rob Halford and Klause Meine, Glam have musicians who literally dress like hookers but still be less gay than Black Metal? How?

because you're an incessant troll

do you wanna see my fucking penis???

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absolutely fucking based oil paint corpsepaint


These last few threads have been quite cancerous

corpsepaint is GAY, true occult evil black metal is cloaks and LARP costumes

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more like this??

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this autist

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Assuming you hadn't heard this already

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have they? i've only been opening Yea Forums to spam lyrics

heard it great stuff aye

What are your favourite albums of the year?
Here are mine, have I missed anything?

yo that first album is so tight

i really like the warmoon lord album; i rarely like new music

Fuck that faggot shit


Ones I've most enjoyed have been:
Inter Arma
Wretched Fate
Suffering Hour

The pastebin is wrong, there's one "t" missing at the end. pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt this is the real one. And yeah, I know it's most likely intentional, but I pointing it out in case people keep using the wrong one

You are american aren't you? You've been dissected from your roots, so you can never feel and understand the feeling of cultural pride. I do enjoy pagan metal, because it's real worship of my own culture and heritage. It's not really angry, but sure it's powerful as fuck. It invokes the positive feeling of power and pride. I don't have to hide in social media, because those who support leftism here are actually minority. I'm nationalist, but I don't support Hitler's Reich, because that's not my country, not my heritage, not my culture. Racism is natural human feeling, and doesn't have anything to do with Christianity. All races are racist, even though media tries to lie, that it's only a white thing. Years ago most of our countrymen, where racist even against other towns, but after the mass immigration and aggressive leftist policies, the country is uniting. The Europe is uniting. That's a beautiful thing.

been blasting this album so much
can't get enough of it, it's possibly the best thrash metal album i've heard
too bad the rest of the band songs and albums aren't even close as good to the songs in this album

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Both of these guys look as much clowns to me. The left guy has the usual fake-tough guy look, with the cliched earrings and nosering. The fucker is wearing a cap and light grey hoodie. At least the full homo guy with jean panties is wearing a Slayer shirt.

There's more rootless cosmopolitans in the Europe than there is in the US. Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain, almost all of them are happily walking into national extinction without any feelings of remorse. Europeans will exterminate themselves with abortion, contraception and having on average 1child, while importing Arabs to work while we slowly phase ourselves out. And there seems to be no solution or movement in sight to combat this.

some good new aussie brutal DM


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Well the whole norwegian black metal scene was created by gay man (Euronymous). Of course it's full gay.

Nothing wrong with that though. Laying with another man is a blasphemy, so the act of homosexuality is metal as fuck.

me on the left

Varg's panda cosplay is so cute.

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Yeah but melodeth does not suck!

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>almost all of them are happily walking into national extinction without any feelings of remorse.
Yes, keep believing what the media tells you. Nazis are just some rare boogeymen, and almost all of european countries don't have a national party as a one of three biggest political parties.

>Europeans will exterminate themselves with abortion, contraception and having on average 1child
Americans have same problem. We will combat this after more people will wake up from lies of the left. Years ago we couldn't have rightist articles, and articles about problems of immigration and islam written on mainstream magazines. Now people can do that without losing their jobs. Europe will rise.

>And there seems to be no solution or movement in sight to combat this.
Oh, you are just here to demoralize. You cannot win this, Schlomo.

this but unironically

You are damn right, son! Carcass, Death and Bolt Thrower are fucking good. Slipknot is just... Slipknot.

metal isn't about anything besides music, it's only you fag poseurs who want to be seen as edgy and brooding who claims it's anything else

This! Metal is about riffs, attitude and balls. Politics belong to punk.

If anyone cares more about the message, than the music itself, please stop listening metal.

Anyone remember the name of this death metal band that mixes something that sounds like Dutch hardcore with metal?
It has a red dragon's head on the cover.

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>death metal band that mixes something that sounds like Dutch hardcore with metal
Isn't that just deathcore?

stop posting ugly plastic whores

That's just picture of young Varg with corpse paint.

Dave Mustaine seems like a cool guy

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Maybe, the lyrics are pretty gloomy with stuff like, "we all die".

From your description, it sounds like crap. Do yourself a favor, and listen something better.

Yea Forums shilled it for a while I do remember that, I just didn't enjoy it then but I remember it fondly now.

New Bethlehem is out. Fuck you.

The new Slipknot song is so fucking garbage it sounds like it was made to be played on the radio

yeah white pride is for fags.

Firepower is great.

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What about Jewish anti-Semites? Wouldn't YOU be an anti-Semite by shooting me?

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i push gay slipkot fans into the piiiiiiiiiit
Its the only thing that slowly stops poserissssssmmmmm
If this thing goes on!
/meal/ is not gonna make it!!!!!

Slipknot has always been fucking garbage, so that's nothing new

post something good that i still haven't heard

do you guys like my vocals?


A lot of metal surrounding the topic of white nationalism and ethnonationalism is about evoking a mood and to paint a certain time period, a lot of bands also do it because it's edgy as shit and offends people like you.

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Yea Forums is full of posers, and edgyteens who got into metal during one year, and now think that they know what's good metal. recommendations from here are mostly shit. some of you are good guys though.

Its good user just try to get a little louder

If you liked Gardsghastr then give Ringarë a spin. It's another Alex Poole symphoshit album from earlier this year.


Thank user! that is what I am currently working on

Thanks lad, I'll check it out

Because its by the fake batushka, the real batushka song just released is so much better

>yeah, melodeath is definitely my favorite metal subgenre
What kind of person do you imagine?

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Cringe. Avenged Sevenfold is based as fuck

>What kind of person do you imagine?
Gay homo faggot.

Not since he became an alt-right cringelord

A chad that bangs hot metal chicks on a daily basis. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

did /metal/ like the new posessed album

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Anyone listened to new full of hell yet? thoughts?

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Yeah it’s good


>Implying that the people who like melodeath even know what it's called or that they'd ever use the term "subgenre"

How the fuck is Dave Mustaine alt-right?

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Anything similar to this? Mostly drawn to skepsis

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Post 10/10 album covers

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See The Threat Is Real on Dystopia


progarchives has a section dedicated to prog metal, don't mind the ranking tho it's kinda shit
also :

New Slough Feg soon fellow vargrs

I hope it’s good

sweet edge of sanity T

The album cover is disappointing
I hope the new drummer is good

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>Being skeptical of flooding a nation with Islamic immigrants
Leftism is truly a mental illness

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Grow some balls. You sound like a little girl.

Its good :)


r8 my vocals


ya mean fagstein

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We here in Germany call them Schlammstein (Mudstone), because they are shit!


>The Commie La creatura 56% guy and the Mega Jew are in it
Oh boy what a surprise

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Shouldn't you be at school right now?

I quit teaching because the kids were too dumb

>"guys what would happen if we got Tom Morello to play GOT theme on guitar? I'll bet it would be EPIC!"
>Wow just amazing as usual Tom

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Anyone else think that Thy Art Is Murder is a super boring band?

Every song sounds the same.

Why are the so hyped, did they suck the dick of big Jewish music business guys?

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Slammstein slam parody of rammstein WHEN

Dear Desolation sounds completly different from Hate, but Holy War sounds almost the same as Hate, it really depends on the album.
Even the Infinite Death EP is a bit different from the rest,

>Why are the so hyped, did they suck the dick of big Jewish music business guys?
Dubs confirm, they're kosher cock gobblers

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Wait I love metal now


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I thought germans love rammstein?

My buddy and i where driving and he played 30 random tracks from them from all albums, i thought it's the same album.

They sound so fucking generic, the open note chine breakdown is sooo fucking boooring.

Tits make any album cover 10/10

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Nah not really, the are quite lame sound wise.
The mainstream thinks they are to Nazi, and the metal community thinks they are boring.

They are Boomer Metal, you can see that at their shows here.

driller killer

>tfw new Rammstein leaked

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Glad to see another Rammstein fan here, much love m8



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>Samefagging this hard for CĂ¼ckstein

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Love the new song

like Corey's mask reminds me of alice sweet alice not sure about the others tho, especially sid's emperor palpatine lookin ass

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>>this hard
You only selected 3 posts
Seething haha

aoty contender

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Needs compression and reverb

>Seething haha
S E E T H I N G CĂ¼ckstein fangoy hahahaha

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Sunn O))) - Life Metal is the only metal album worth listening to from 2019

>Love the new song

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Seek help

I kinda like the new Slipknot song it is okay

Well it's a pretty mediocre Stone Sour song

All out life was fine. New single is not fine.

Slipknot and Rammstein should collab. That'd be fucking EPIC

no. just no

Yeah like mixing Shit with Puke!

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how the FUCK do i get tits this huge


Slipknot is not metal, stop talking about them here

Left Hand Path vs Where No Life Dwells?
For me it's Where No Life dwells, I just wish the guitars sounded as good as they do on Left Hand Path.

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How do I get a gf that likes Rammstein and Sunn O)))?

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You BECOME the gf

>tfw used to fall for the melodeath is all shit meme
Bands like Gates of Ishtar, Cromlech, and Eucharist are solid.

well, in a literal sense... yes they are
why is nobody else trying to talk about the new full of hell?

Why are these guys so underrated? They are much more better than Rammstein.

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No. Need metal gf

It's cool if you like the philosophy book cover theme

Heavy metal
>Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Black metal
>Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
>Dissection - Reinkaos
The latter two were random picks at a record store and were directly responsible in getting me into black metal. Apparently Reinkaos is supposed to be hot garbage, but I think it's alright.

The last couple of days /metal/ has been a massive zoomerfest. I'll fuck off for the weekend, any ideas on whether we can go back to normal by Monday? Or should I migrate to greener pastures?


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Don't come back tbf

It's just some fag sperging out and the mods won't do shit about it for some reason.
>tfw no 12yo mallgoth gf

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It's probably for the best, the memes stopped being funny a while ago. I hope MA/SA/whatever has good threads.

I wish slipknot fans die

Someone should set up a /numetal/ general to weed out the weak from the true /metal/.

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stop posting my picture

Now who is this cute lad uwu

Posting about not having a gf is literally more entertaining than actually getting one LMAO

i do like reinkaos too, but dissection's earlier work was far superior.

Someone did a week or so ago, but it didn't stick apparently. It doesn't matter, this guy's a troll anyway.

I like Sunn O and Sunbather and Dopesmoker and Jim Kirkwood

didn't someone tried to create a /alt-metal/ and it only lasted 2 editions ?
anyway i don't think it would work these "people" want to be considered metal they don't want to feel excluded from something they're not a part of
and it's probably just one person

never make the OP again

Shes just so dreamy to a metalhead like myself

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No I just want you guys to find me a metal gf. Is that really too much to ask?

Hmm for me its Left hand path but I prefer Like an Everflowing Stream over all of them.


It's literally one faggot spamming non-metal related shit for attention. This board is truly fucked if one asshole can shit it up this bad with no consequences.

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Swear I'm gonna die for my shitposts one day. Gonna be epic LMAO

fellow snake poster

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tv and v are worst but yeah mu isn't in good shape

omg u saved my selfie :3c
are u a cute lass

Checked, neck yourself faggot

I will spare none of you peasants

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Claims he worked with Tom Savini on this mask

I don't see it

How do I join Slipknot?

Is that Varg? Holy shit lmao

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Most people start listening to metal with gateway bands, this is a fact. Then they hear people (ie hipsters and out of touch oldfags) tell them they should be ashamed of what they are listening and they start denigrating their first love. This is very sad, genres like glam, nu metal and metalcore are legitimate genre, if you think otherwise you're a poser and a sheeple.

Alt metal isn't that bad

Nu metal is a shitty subgenre of alt metal

it's all shit deal with it faggot

I remember seeing the Soon to be Dead video and thinking how "brutal" it was. Good shit.

Since we hit the limit, I guess I'll ask again in the next thread.
I don't know Slipknot very well besides their first two records, so I was wondering, are they supposed to be characters? Do they have a backstory or some sort of a story developping album after album?

90% of everything is shit, the same apply to your precious extreme metal


Slipknot should release comic books based on their characters omgggggg

do any of you unironically listen to Metallica? They're such entry level metal, and are honestly cringe once you get past the age of 14

>t. 17-year-old

I liked it, can see why they said it was something of a companion album to Trumpeting Ecstasy, similar feel to it

Can you believe i was at a show 20 minutes away from the venue Meshuggah played last night? I missed fucking Meshuggah to see some synthwave show with a friend. I'll never forgive myself.

You're retarded or trolling