It's the anniversary of this masterpiece's release—though it isn't confirmed for a single date—and I think it's a proper opportunity for us to appreciate it as it deserves to be appreciated. Scaruffi wrote that it was the first true work of high art in rock; and for its ambiguity, its subleties, its strangeness, its solemnity, all of its unmatched qualities, I think it's a proper title. It's such a raw and personal piece of art, permeated with solemnity, humor and wit. Let's honor it.
It's the anniversary of this masterpiece's release—though it isn't confirmed for a single date—and I think it's a...
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based scaruffi drone
Stuck Inside of Mobile>>>>>every other song ever made
i agree
fuck I forgot to post it
blurryface *blocks your path*
it finally clicked for me recently
Finally experienced heartbreak eh?
For me, it's this description
>Dylan had succeeded in combining traditional blues material with modernist literary techniques: "[Dylan] took inherited idioms and boosted them into a modernist stratosphere. 'Pledging My Time' and 'Obviously 5 Believers' adhered to blues patterns that were venerable when Dylan first encountered them in the mid-fifties (both begin with the ritual Delta invocation of "early in the mornin"). Yet like 'Visions of Johanna' or 'Memphis Blues Again', these songs are beyond category. They are allusive, repetitive, jaggedly abstract compositions that defy reduction."
those mysterious repeating digits of truth...this album is so somber and perfect for heartache
hahahaha, yeah, plus constant drug use
man i love those descriptions too; Dylan defied every definition with Blonde On Blonde, dodged every loophole in regular music formulae; it's so peculiar and personal, poetic without being preachy
The last time I listened to this, I was thoroughly convinced that this was the greatest album ever made. The juxtaposition of Dylan's urban bohemianism and folk songwriting with the country/blue's stylings of his backing musicians created one of the most musically explorative albums ever. It's just so vocally perfect: the phrasing and inflection of his voice with the busy interplay of instruments like an ever evolving palette of color, so full of words, it does become a collection of evocative poetry. Just immensely expressive and joyous; a catalogue of human beauty. It's a collaboration so rare, that it doesn't seem to have a comparison even decades after its release.
A true masterpiece of music.
this album is so boring, redpill me
Best song? Sad eyed lady seems obvious however I think Just Like A Woman is a perfectly crafted song.
more importantly, it's Pet Sounds's anniversary too
one of us must know
Maybe you just don't dig its style? It's a perfect
representation of it.
i really like blood on the tracks but highway 61 and blonde on blonde never really struck me
It is Sad Eyed Lady. Just thinking about that song makes me feel some kind of way.
honestly though. the harmonica solo at the end makes me wanna die cuz its so fucking good
Visions of Johanna is the perfect sad love song
Sad-Eyed Lady exemplifies the metaphysical gorgeousness of Dylan's output during this period.
rare work in that vein of sublime beauty from '66:
There I wrote a Dylan song, fuck bob dylan. If you feel a sting at the back of you head, that is your own ignorance fighing to believe Dylan is talented. FUCK DYLAN
i listened to it yesterday and the first 2 tracks were fucking awful. but tonight i'll give it another chance. hope it gets better
this is also my opinion. just start with visions of johanna.
The first two tracks are the worst tracks on the album desu, everything else is miles better. It immediately improves.
I Want You is very underrated, a very happy and kindy positive song from a melancolic album
i love Rainy Day Women and Pledging My Time, they're so wild and witty
it's upbeat but evokes a mixture of tangible emotions, with tones of desperate and troubled melancholy; it has to be one of the best 'pop' songs of all time
Well I've honestly haven't heard Blood on the Tracks yet, but always thought this album was probably the height of his evolution into country/folk rock.
I honestly can't understand why you might not enjoy it, so much of it so pretty and warm and joyful to listen to;
there's so much great emotion in it.
It's probably just not what you're looking for;
maybe it'll click one day.
thanks for the answers. yeah it's a really tedious start but well, i'll do my best this time
i only told you i love those tracks, i should elaborate on what could make someone have a knee-jerk reaction; even though in the long-term you might not enjoy them as much as i do, i think the texture of the harmonica might be the main distraction for many listeners. i came to love the silvery sound of the harmonica for its unique expressive form (or lack thereof) and it might settle in some for you.
I still don't think people fully appreciate how immaculate this album is. Just listening to all the instrumentation, it's so thoroughly magnificent to listen to;
I just can't think of a better achievement by a backing band. It's so collossally beautiful and will probably never be replicated
because it's union was so almost otherworldly.
OP here; those who love BoB like I do should experience the material I attached in this and I would like to know what you all think of Dylan's live performances from 1966 as well. more '66 secrets:
note that in this video Dylan calls Sad-Eyed Lady his best work before he plays it
what album is it? I hate Bob Dylan the only songs of his I like are Sign on the Window and Foot of Pride
it's entitled Blonde On Blonde, and it's from mid-1966
God damnit this album is great all you fucks should know this
Amazing stuff
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 is the only song I like in that thing. Lame album.
>oh look jews are getting in on this "rock" fad, time to call it high art so our tribes-men make money!
Highway 61 is better
Pic related is my fave, but this is also a banger of an album
People always say how Elvis "stole" rock music from blacks, but nobody even mentions how much Dylan took from them.