The reason why artist like James Brown, Stevie Wonders and Sly Stone aren’t discussed here is because of racist.
Be honest Yea Forums
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Are you an ESL student?
Old black music is boring and only good for sampling
absent dad rock is still dad rock
fuck off i love rocky
Part of it but it's more that Yea Forums is filled with retards and having awful taste and being racist are both primary tenants of being a retard.
Elvis isn't discussed either.
Rock music pre Beatles has never been marketed as cool, so people don't get into it.
>Not marketed as cool
(Not true by the way)
>Rock music pre Beatles has never been marketed as cool
what about when it first came out you moron?
>Rock music pre Beatles has never been marketed as cool
Holy shit, this fucking zoomer doesn't remember all of the endless exposure Elvis still had in the 90s.
Obviously, I mean to any modern generation that might be using Yea people born in the mid to late 80s at the very oldest
He still has exposure to this day, but it's not "cool", Beatles had the hippie movement and you still have people to this very day who LARP as modern hippies, 70s rock is romanticized, as is the 80's, to different people
Your bias is showing. There's still people today who "LARP" as 50s greasers.
It's extremely niche
What the hell is there to talk about? Anything someone here could say about Stevie Wonder is written elsewhere.
Steve Wonder fucking sucks
you should be castrated you fucking retarded monkey
anyone that doesnt like James Brown should drink antifreeze
I think a good portion of people don't listen to that style of music, although you can see people discussing them from time to time.
I genuinely hope you die
no Yea Forums is fucking full of zoomers
Q: Is there ever been a style of music you had a hard time with at first? For example, hip-hop?
A:As the editor at the Village Voice, I always tried to find writers of color. One of them, Pablo Guzman, minister of information for the Young Lords [a Puerto Rican radical organization], said I underestimated James Brown and made me go back. I’ve always believed black people know more about this music than white people. And I felt that I had to educate myself. Once I educated myself, hip-hop was simple.
Black music after the 80s loses me for the most part.
Strange how he wasn't able to apply this same standard to metal.
Why talk to idiots when you could just make it funky?
Elvis is irrelevant. Seriously, are you actually gonna try and pair fucking Elvis with the influential giants like James Brown and Stevie Wonder?
Name one song from Elvis that has had lasting impact on shit in comparison to Songs in the Key of Life as a whole, or Cold Sweat or Funky Drummer? All Elvis managed to do was popularize what he stole from real blues from black people like Chuck Berry, yet these examples alone reshaped music and birthed an entire bundle of baby genres.
Not that black artists are magic or whatever, just saying that was a horrible comparison.
Elvis's fusion of country, blues, and gospel that he did ever since his first Sun recording was groundbreaking stuff and had never been done before.
Who wrote this, a whitenigger russian or a chinker? This is so fucking embarassing, look at this horseshit english
Look man, if your english is this fucking bad you're either retarded or its not your first language. That is not a racist statement at all, that's pretty straightforward logic
Youre probably a nigger though
This isn't bad stuff. Beats the shit out of hip-hop anyway.