Any reason why most great musicians tend to be on the shorter side? Even modern day musicians...

Any reason why most great musicians tend to be on the shorter side? Even modern day musicians. Most of them are tiny little runts, at least the good ones.

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Bigger people tend to hit their head alot and as such have damaged musical processing.

How else are they supposed to get women? With their height? Lmao
t. Girl

Also if you're below 6 foot dont even (you) me. Your opinion is automatically irrelevant.

Nice larp tranny.

Nice projection, incel. You seriously need to have sex. If you can, at least.

He’s right. Get out of my thread tranny. Now.

That was an avg height for an 18th century European.


Bach was a giant among men comparatively

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This. to be exact it was more around 5'5" but Mozart was basically of average height.


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Josh Homme is like 6'3 and everything he touches is gold

based and satanpilled

Shaq proves that you’re wrong faggot

first post based post


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Have sex, Dark Lord Satan.

i'm 6'3" and the best musician.

any good midge musicians?

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Satan wouldn’t degrade himself by fucking a tranny

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Imagine implying something out of your control, like the height you grow to, has anything to do with the relevancy of one's opinion

Imagine being a manlet

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Imagine girl wojak sucking your penis oh God oh fuck im so horny and lonely bros


femcel psychos do exist

Most of the great artists are short.

Just look at Thom Yorke, the greatest modern songwriter. He's only like, what, 5'1? 5'2 in the morning if he's lucky? Most 15 year old girls average at 5'10 nowadays. So just think how Thom Yorke feels propped up on his special "booster-boy" box up on stage.

It's the only place on earth where he's looking down on everyone else. The only place in the world where he can escape his harrowing, ignominious, interminable plight as a stunted half-man.

Women don't type like this.

Lose weight