I'm putting one of these flags in my yard for 2 reasons, firstly because it looks cool...

I'm putting one of these flags in my yard for 2 reasons, firstly because it looks cool, and secondly I want to trigger snowflakes that feel the need to censor everything they don't enjoy.

Also it's good to know that in my state it's legal to kill trespassers, so bring it on bitch.

Attached: Confedflag.jpg (1600x900, 451.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


can i plz be ur big tiddied goth gf?

Why not a nazi fag

Because op is lame and unoriginal

less based, nazis liked niggers

I am shitting in your yard for three reasons
1) because I can and will it so
2-3) nigga I know you can't count

The confederate flag looks cooler in my opinion. And I don't really agree with nazis.

I can legally gun you down if you set foot on my property.

My flashlight lasted longer than the confederacy

>making your yard look like white trash trailer land to own the libs

You put that flag in your yard to proudly proclaim "I'm a lose idiot" it's better I can spot you dipshits by this traitorous symbol.

Get bent the union won

This woman deserved what happened to her


Doesn't matter the belief, trying to censor someone's views should cost you your life.

as if ur fat ass would be able to waddle over before this user is done shitting. god knows you wouldnt be waiting there for him since you sleep 12 hours a day and lay in bed being fat and retarded for the other 12.

what state do you live in?

Ever hear of something called sniper rifles?

You're a huge faggot. Kill yourself

Butthurt liberal

Please do! This is great for letting everyone know you're retarded!

you can but you're a pussy who will watch me shit in your yard
y'all will too be busy with your circlejerk mantrain to notice faggit

>Putting the redneck loser flag in your yard to try and bait blue hairs so you can live out your Dale gribble D-FENZ fantasies

You sound like the type of dude to start a bar fight, get punched, then pee your pants and cry

Why would you put this in your yard? You do realize this used to be the flag of the liberals..?

We've fought 2 wars over this, you lost both times.

Get fucked the union won, Hitler killed himself you should too

Trips of truth, what brand?

Attached: better color scheme if im being honest.jpg (1078x687, 44.26K)

If I put this one up I could offend trannies, confederates and liberals. Thanks.

How many more wars are you sure to win?

It only took the Union 4 years to win while outnumbering the Confederates 5 to 1 and still consistently losing battles. The only reason the South surrendered was by slowly being suffocated under the sheer weight of the 100's of thousands of Germans, Irish and Scots imported by Lincoln to fight for him and burning all their farmland. That is not a traitorous symbol. It's a symbol of defiance against federal government overreach.

This but he’ll pull out a gun and kill the fucking guy cuz he’s such a little pussy. guys like walk around wanting a confrontation so they can kill someone to fulfill their ultimate power fantasy. Pathetic really.

why put this flag up
all it does it let anyone know you'll surrender then cry about it for the next 200 years and ask for participation trophies

no one would care, they'd just acknowledge you as the weirdo you are though they'd assume there was a transgender flare to your faggotry

nice second place trophy user
how many black dudes fucked you sister and mom after the divorce?

Put up the gay flag too because theyre trash losers who are losing their wars

Democrats were the party of KKK and racism, don't act so tough you fucking racist

My heritage is winning

>I'm putting one of these flags in my yard for 2 reasons, firstly because it looks cool, and secondly I want to trigger snowflakes that feel the need to censor everything they don't enjoy.

>Also it's good to know that in my state it's legal to kill trespassers, so bring it on bitch.

Attached: maga.png (479x472, 284.98K)

>Bitch slapping slavers back to hell is government overreach

>Leaglized slavery is not overreach

How did the special Ed classroom windows taste?

np. I legit think it looks good, baggage notwithstanding

Yes because the democrats and republicans of the antebellum south are the exact same parties with the same exact policies as they were in the antebellum south lol

Always love how a flag is so important to someone that it would trigger them instantly if someone asked them to take it down.

You’re not killing anything. Go eat a bottle of cocks, redneck faglord.

I dont really care about the flag or the party, I just want one to make people's skin crawl.

Based Dixie.

>How did the special Ed classroom windows taste?
Probably like ivermectin and Mountain Dew.

>not putting a nazi flag

Attached: IMG_20220427_031259.jpg (2112x2749, 1.31M)

Everyone will just think you're a retard. It'll be exactly like this thread except your local property values will fall

>muh switcheroo
You missed the point. The KKK is part of Democrat heritage, it is of Democrat origin. Plug your ears and LALALA about the great switcheroo all you want, this is historical fact.

really sad existence to want to desperately seek so little attention

what would really be cool is you waking up out in some battlefield during the civil war. then you stand up and somebody blows your fucking head off with a musket for being an idiot time traveler with zero clue about the actual realities of the confederacy.

We know that, much like we know how the Republican party actually gave a shit about debt and bloat at one time.
Not when the white trash keeps the black trash out. Say no to crack, smoke meth instead.

Attached: red black and white are just not a good flag aesthetic.png (960x576, 24.73K)

so you're saying Republicans have tried to usurp KKKism from Democrats
well, I agree but it seems a strange hill to die on

Thats not very tolerant and accepting of you, democrat

>We know that, much like we know how the Republican party actually gave a shit about debt and bloat at one time.
Don't forget, the GOP founders were Marxists that paid Karl Marx to write for them.

When did I ever claim to know about the confederacy?

I just like the flag. It's quite the sjw magnet.

The dem and repub parties are 100% different than they were 50 years ago. Your point?

>signing up to fight and die for wealthy landowners when you have absolutely nothing to gain for it

It's a cuck flag for cuck fags like you. Have fun though, I guess.

No u

Attached: SStoten1.png (1616x904, 1.44M)

I'll put anything on my yard as long as it upsets people. If neighbours don't throw hissy fits over it, I take it down and try something else to bother them.

> I dont like red white and black
> posts black and white "NO U"
> what did she mean by this
I like how the SS flag looks desu. Except you fagged it up with that gay little skull. Like wtf did a Japanese child draw that?

americans are crazy lol

Pay attention, Yea Forumstards. This is what happens when you don't pay enough attention to your kids.

>Republicans have tried to usurp KKKism from Democrats
I believe I already made my point, as well as predicting you would LALALA about the great switcheroo.
I'll say it again for you, in small words this time so you can understand it:
Red states did not make the KKK.
Blue states made the KKK.
Blue states made the confederate flag.
Red states did not make the confederate flag.
KKK is not red states fault.
KKK is blue states fault.
When you say that all voters in red states consider KKK/the confederacy a part of their heritage (sorry for big word), you are wrong.
I vote red, I hate KKK. You vote blue, you deny that KKK came from blue.

You get it now? Or do I need to draw you a picture in crayon like usual?

I was paid attention to enough as a kid don't get me wrong. I just think its fun to ruin peoples day, innocent people or otherwise doesn't matter to me, just as long as I'm getting under someone's skin.

Jimmies rustled

my dad and I like to drive around town and throw molotovs at houses with confederate flags

God you sound miserable.

> ive almost said it enough to make it matter

Attached: faggot underscorehappy.png (1080x1920, 134.42K)

You do you. It just seems really pathetic.