In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs... Sorry, wrong album

In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs... Sorry, wrong album

Attached: download.jpg (224x225, 18K)

Every song on this album is better than the overrated garbage that is penny Lane

I've listened to this album a few times and I still can't remember a single melody from it

God only knows what id...
Sorry, wrong album

Care of Cell 44 is a rewrite of Penny Lane senpai

This is one of the best albums those days. Focus on melodies and feel it.

Fucking hate Friends of Mine but this is a good album otherwise.

A better version of penny Lane then


Yesss its better

yeah dude if you’re a pussy

How so?

Hung up on a dream is better than anything the Beatles did


I used to hold that same opinion, but now I really love the drum kick at the beginning and how it leads into the first "When" of the verse

Based, extremely good opening in that song.

You're a troll

It sounds better

This album makes me so much peaceful
I love this ,,psychodelic'' vibe. Should I try it on shrooms?

XDDDdDD there is super saiyan in the bottom right corner

might want to skip Butcher's Tale

Fuck niggers
Sorry wrong album....