Other urls found in this thread:
i can't believe a kpop idol has done this
what a bitch
Name a single (1) kpop that dated/married white dude
Oh that's right you can't
Now go sit in the corner white boy
is arin still pure?
Post JiU
gsd sojin
she doesn't have to give a shit about a clean public image now
our girl and our other girl
Yoojung wants it
way or choa or both, i don't remember
think i heard one of the crayon pop twins is dating some white guy
crayon pops are rotten
huh, when did that happen?
Pirate looks like protoshark here
when's the ioi reunion i wanna fap to her again
why do kpop fans look like this?
does anyone know what's this on-wall-thing in Anda's mv?
98% of kpop fans are Asian
giantess chewy doesn't believe that you are a BIG WHITE
nothing, just bullshit trying to look like circuits and a motherboard
post Chungha (666).webm
thought that girl on the right was Eunseo for a second
and (69)
apologize to that girl rn
I-I'm sorry, not-Eunseo
legendary toes
Why do they put their hands over their mouths when they laugh? Is there a cultural/historical explanation?
>28-year-old female entertainer belatedly revealed to be in jail for drugs
wtf is this real
what a retarded question
they are just actors
sign of respect user
in all seriousness though red velvet is most likely the group that will end up with white bfs, they seem to attract the most white people on varieties
Why? Do you not get curious about things?
Is weki meki the biggest disappointment and flop of recent memory?
no one thought they would do well in the first place
>you will never go to church with dubu
pristin is the biggest flop
wendy and yeri will for sure
pls don't say this
because you already know the answer
i thought you were pure bona...
>you will never watch your kids play while holding hand with dubu
100% whore
>you will never hear dubu say she loves you and wants to grow old with you
...if I did I wouldn't have asked. Don't be so sensitive.
Apparently the mouth is considered more private in Asian countries (of korea, japan, china at least), so it's seen as rude to laugh without covering your mouth. I guess kind of like how it's rude to chew with your mouth open.
stahp ;_;
>you will never switch place in the middle of the night with dubu to watch the baby
I haven't found out why it's considered more private or rude though, if anyone knows why. Maybe it's just one of those things with no reason or that we'll never know.
>you will never see dubu breastfeeding your child
>you will never be tied up and forced to watch dubu cheat on you with a white man
irene will marry some 90yr old trillionair and she will inherit all of his belongings
>its a black baby
>you will never get a call from dubu just because she misses you
nobody ever thought that
I saw dubu get blacked
I want to fuck the gap between her erector spinae
Sorry I don't want to have an uggo baby with dubuggo
she would die first though
I want to date Dahyun. Show her that I care about her, and don't have any bad intentions. Slowly earn her trust, as I continue supporting her in every way a boyfriend should. As the walls she built to protect her heart from all the nasty people in the industry looking to exploit her crumble in the face of overwhelming love I would continuously show her, one evening she breaks down in tears next to me and tells me she loves me - and I reply with the same. As I slowly help her gain more self esteem we build a healthy, steady relationship. She continues working hard, but I'm always there waiting for her, and she knows she can count on me. One day, when she comes home from a particularly difficult and exhausting choreography rehearsal I wait for her in her home, surrounded by a circle of rose petals both red and white, symbolizing love and purity. As tears get drawn to her eyes I fall to my knees and open a little box with a ring in it. I don't even need to say a word, she initially simply covers her mouth with tears streaming down her cheeks, then gets on her knees in front of me, hugs me and whispers "Yes" into my ear, while using my shoulder as a support for her weary head.
a risk she will gladly take
>you will never arrived at home greeted by dubu's cooking and her lips
This but with Yeji instead
>dubu fucking jamal while youre away at work
yeji is also neomu cute
>you will never spend comfy time on kpg with dubu resting on your shoulder
>giantess chewy
she's 5'7 m8, only small browns would consider her a giantess
cute oogie
yo mom is ugie
>you will never hear a very happy "yes" from dubu when you propose to her
>Roses are red,
>handcuffs are naughty,
>if you ever left me,
>they'd never find your body.
i'd let mina kill me
>you will never argue with dubu on how many kids we should have
Where did the "pre dubu" meme come from?
why does she hide?
>implying i would ever leave her in the first place
she'd probably leave me if anything ;_;
stop it
*pure dubu
>you will never spend dubu's hard earned money to buy gifts for sana
how are they so cute youtube.com
>you will never accompany dubu and hold her hand while she's in her deathbed
>you will never explain the memes you show to dubu
im going to miss them
super cute
super healthy
>winner number 1 on melon
i thought yg didn't have any money left
>exid 91
they deserve better
>you will never wait anxiously while dubu is giving birth to your child
oh yeahhh
oh oh oh
>like song
>finally watch the MV
>its really sad
>can barely listen to the song without getting sad now
hiding from antis
wjsn comeback soon
good taste yuki
>you will never make dubu pregnant
>you will never drug yeji and throw her into the sharks after you rape her
>green meme arrow
>cringe erp
>you will never convert dubu to become a protestant
what is she now? she's not catholic
she's not a catholic?
some googling says it is seen across cultures which points to it not just being a sign of politeness but a possible evolutionary adaptation to conceal involuntary sounds from the mouth.
isn't she already?
did they dye their hair?
someone said she's a catholic a few days back
she's in some kind of sect
any comeback spoilers?
>not wanting to throw her into the sharks
that looks like heresy
i must save her
korean catholic churches like black churches?
BTS at Colbert interview
how dare you
i-im sorry
Russian Roulette worst RV album beside #CJ
Momo will in a few years (me)
>you will never check dubu's phone to see whats inside
Catholics don't dance in church
It's just endless pictures of white cocks.
as if any guy would ever leave mina
>he doesn't know
>you will never stick your tongue as deep as humanly possible in dubus tofubox making her gasp in pure pleasure
lewd alien
Chaeyoung bullying Jiheon gets my dick hard
>you will never dubu dubu's dubu'd
what kpg did discuss before twice?
jisoo is very cute
SNSD, Girls Day, Apink, AOA and Red Velvet
and look how most of them ended up
How many Jewish babies would you strangle for the opportunity to lick the toilet seats in Twice's dorm?
they're a lot better at english interviews now
>Hyewon is fat now
How do we stop this maddness?
none if that's the reward
all of them
RV barely been mention these days.
There are pretty specific reasons why
we love fatties here
like what?
People were fantasizing about a female jyp group with 9 visuals that will btfo the whole industry
We cant talk about RV because twiceshitters get jealous.
as many as it takes
I really can't tell if this is a falseflag desu
We cant talk about RV here because RV talk usually mentions music quality and singing ablity, then it goes into comparisons with other big GGs. Once RV music and singing ability gets compared to Twice, the butthurt happens and the sale shitting and slug crop posting starts
Fuck off.
2019 SORIBADA BEST K-MUSIC AWARDS will be held on August 22-23
flashback to the 2018 Winners
>Grand Prize (Daesang)
Twice (Digital)
>New Artist of the Year
The Boyz
Stray Kids
also flashback to 2017 winners
>Photogenic Award
momo, jihyo, dubu, chewy, mina, sana look good tho.
way took the big white
As bad as TWICE is, they never had a dud like RBB. Even signal at its worst is still better than RBB
[Leak/Rumor] From a cue sheet: Heejin, Kim Lip, Choerry, & Olivia Hye from LOONA will appear on the dance contest show "Stage-K" on JTBC as "K-Rookies," a new spot on the show.
* They'll be on the same episode where Blackpink are the weekly "Dream Stars"
it feels like twice is just popular because it's popular
they neither have the best choreos, neither the best music nor the best visuals
there's nothing to really set them apart from other groups except for fanservice
Kingdom Come > literal shit > Bad Boy
actually true, too bad twice was shit enough that we had to drop jyp
Twice is the McDonalds of Kpop. We all know its bad, but go to them because its cheap and easy
I don't get it. RV music is good right? And what about singing ability. No way on earth they worse then twice. I don't wanna say they god like tier but still good.
like it or not, wanting to feel like they're part of a happy successful story is what draws a lot of people to kpop
kpg used to be good. before twice.
Blackpink is the gas station hot dog
at least JTBC seems to support Loona
MNET seems to be doing everything in their power to fuck them over including refusing to invite them to Kcon LA or NY
most memeable choreos and catchiest songs out of the big 3 groups, distinctive visuals
>RV music is good right?
>And what about singing ability
best vocals in the big 3 but not on the same level as a lot of mid-tier groups
Why the fuck did no one tell me a banger like this existed?
Is this why nugushitters are always seething so hard
Oh fuck off its literally not a single bad song on RBB. And signal is good for first 15 seconds. I really like that vibe.
we all forgot about it 3 days after it dropped because it had 0 promotion and 9muses is as good as dead
when will sm admit that bbc is their proxy?
Why do they deserve to be invited over the other groups going to KCON LA or NY? They literally accomplished nothing.
you forgot lovelyz
Loona has way more popularity in the US than fucking Everglow
RBB is a fucking shit song.
Not even Big 3 hype and RV could save that shit song from bombing the shit off the charts. i don't think I have seen a song released by a top GG sink that fucking fast ever.
>muh big 3
so you admit that's the only reason they're popular
had it not been for jyp label they'd be nugu tier
then again >implying kpop is about music or actual talent
i've posted it before but i don't really want to be shilling 9m 24/7 and they're disbanded anyway so it's not like it matters now. here's another, it's probably one of my favorite songs ever honestly
we ran this shit
Hell no. But i can say it about BP. I can't remember one good memorable moment from they choreo's. And twice have shit tons of them. And BP all have no charisma whatsoever.
looks more like soob dbh
Insecure seething SYC
most groups don't have any shy shy shys
Listening to Signal for the first time was a shocking experience. Some real amateur sounding shit like some hobbyist put together in an hour using free software
>let me just bring up BP instead of arguing against the statement
obvious bait and falseflag
>had it not been for jyp label they'd be nugu tier
a nugu company wouldnt be able to sign this many attractive trainees. But if they hid, twice would still have been a success. They blow any other gg out of the water visually (which is the single most important factor)
they have the exact same face
it's sad but true, that's why you get rampant salesshitting and fanwars like that stuff means something to them personally
I can't believe there is someone on kpg that would unironically try defend RBB
>They blow any other gg out of the water visually
only in terms of distinctiveness
twice is uggo desu
nugus like bob girls or sonamoo are way hotter than twice at their peak
they were popular here
Sassy Me is great. Everything else sucks
actually true. wtf became of them?
apologize to butterflies
talking about the title track
>bob girls
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
right yukibro?
>actually true. wtf became of them?
They announced a comeback in 2018 through Makestar funding
Makestar was never fulfilled and they eventually pushed it to March 2019
now we're halfway through May 2019 and no words
TS Entertainment HAS announced a comeback for another group though, TRCNG, the little brother group to Sonamoo
i literally don't remember any of bp's recent choreo but boombayah had rose sliding and pwf the on and on part which was the daebak
i think way is on the left
Thats a very important point. They're all very attractive but in distinctive ways so there is a waifu for everyone.
wheels everyone
holy shit
imagine if crayon shitters still existed
they literally destroyed soshitters so imagine what they could do to twiceshitters
that would have been epic
You are delusional. You’re so deep in the cult
yuki is a hottie with a body
Not really, I'm just a straight male and know what a beautiful woman looks like
When will this Yuki meme end?
>Thats a very important point. They're all very attractive but in distinctive ways so there is a waifu for everyone.
Yes, but they are only "above average" in terms of averaged visuals.
makestar groups like lovelyz are pathetic
manface, manface, manface
Not really means you still are. Jesus
like everybody else.
Lovelys is the rundown roach ridden Korean restaurant actually ran by SEAs that closed down two years ago
*saves image*
and those dudes haven't done anything for over a year. you either have to be really desperate or really stupid to sign to TS
get his ass
try harder
something about that guy doesn't look full white
You can tell that this guy only knows girls from his mangas and animes
lads, I've been listening to kpop for a year now and I came to the conclusion that there's not a single girl group with a better discography than Red Velvet.
Twice is cool and all but their music is really bad. Fancy is the first project that I actually enjoyed. They still have a long way to go
>near 2 hour thread
looks like a tekken character, but for PSone
spainigger crawled out his hole
i like pirates now wtf
T-ara has the best discography in Kpop.
Hands down. Anyone who disagrees is fucking retarded.
>he still thinks music matters in kpop
twiceshitters on cope watch
aka the only good tekken games
>pretends to have taste
>post the memequeens who haven't had a good song since Automatic
lol im dying
how does that Uglyzshitter even show his face here anymore
if you're being serious i'll have to check them out
stop posting jo yuri
Kingdom Come is an eternal banger
do you all know that 85% of these girls are wearing wigs or extensions?
hate twice
Momoland would still be turbonugu tier if Bboom Bboom wasn't catchy
kingdom come came out after automatic though
Finally some beautiful girls after all the nugu and twice spam
old people have no shame
What i like about RV that they at least try to sound different time to time. i like rnb sound and that poppy summer concept.
Yes. There is a reason why T-ara has like the 3rd most albums sold for a Gen 2 GG.
Jo Yuri looks like the little one is Weki Meki
why is she covering up her chin again?
dont talk about jo yuri
never listen them. from what should i begin.
What date was this Arin set, user?
I'll do what I want, tranny
comeback in july faggot
it's true
half of momolands success comes from their ridiculously tight shorts and yeonwoos thighs
50% of Korean girls look like Yoojung
J* Y*ri looks like the little one in Weki Meki
>One Of These Nights
my homie
Start here. You can skip the songs that repeat. If you like them, check out their B-sides as well. There are plenty of good songs in their B-sides.
Do you guys like King Crimson?