What happened to Joe Biden's supporters? He had at least 81 million but after the election they all vanished. I've never met a single Biden supporter
What happened to Joe Biden's supporters? He had at least 81 million but after the election they all vanished...
Jackson Wilson
Isaac Williams
Maybe try leaving your mom's basement?
Elijah Perry
I support biden. Best president of all time tbh
Brayden Garcia
Probably embarrassed since he has managed to turn the country to shit in the last 16 months.
Inflation through the roof, interest rates going up, fuel up, supply shortages, and Poopy pants Joe has no fucking clue what is going on or what to do
David White
Best? How? Name anything he has done well
Daniel Lewis
There a lot of Biden supporters there in Moscow, All the americans are sleeping you fucking moron
Jaxson Bailey
>Name anything he has done well
He isn't Trump.
Alexander Miller
who are you talking to?
Angel Cruz
fukkin' time zones...how do they work?
Andrew Clark
I voted for Biden. Hiya.