Woke Disneyfied hot garbage.
Woke Disneyfied hot garbage
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dumb faggot you dont know anything about the god Sam Raimi so why don't you just kill yourself
How many times did they said the word "multiverse" in that movie?
>be OP
>dumb nigger
>shits pants over movie theyve never seen
Agreed, unlikeable characters, corny af cliches, harry potter was edgier than this shit
at least 50 less than 100
I saw it. It was good. Just the beginning is woke, rest is nice Raimi-style horror. It was fun.
sit down shortfat
ir8thisb8 8/8
literally this
yeah, everyone with a brain is coming back talking shit about it. Word is its terrible.
okay but its literally the premise of the whole movie they have to say it
nice samefag OP
Movie is so so bad. MCU is literally done.
Oh yeah, I know, traveling through a lot of realities and some of them being insanely creative too.
Somewhere in the multiverse i'm jew.
couple million dollars yearly just got written to the tax payers tab. The copyright attacks are targeted based on income; hot garbage is correct.
it is a start just unfortunate that it is design to punish success instead of promoting innovation
It was the best MCU movie since infinity war. Not reaching old highs, but it's refreshing and low in garbage.
You have trash taste and like dogshit.
you're literally still samefagging do you have any self-respect?
Most marvel movies are garbage, you have a few batmans and thats all.
imagine being this short and seething this hard
and somewhere in the multiverse you learn to enjoy things in life instead of misery ;)
lol batman is literal capeshit cornball trash
i'm probably taller if not as tall as you i'm 5'11
lol full manlet confirmed
>literal who
>the film is bad because I didn't understand WandaVision
>the film is bad because I don't understand that using the Darkhold makes people insane
>the film is bad because IT JUST IS OK
And somewhere in the multiverse you're sucking a cock.
you probably just like the same 5 movies every fake cinephile is "supposed" to like and you consider that having movie taste because you looked up "top five best movies" on youtube one day
OP samefagging this hard lol
relax ethan, you adore mediocrity
you didnt say how tall you were tho so lol imagine thinking liking kubrick adds inches to anything except the distance between you and ever getting laid
ooo nice one ;) hope that cheered you up mr. death note
i wasn't wrong tho was i?
i know its properly embarassing
This, its a complete mess.
Why are you speaking when you are a manlet?
never heard of Sam Raimi i guess
drilling the concept into the audience allows them to make any movie with any characters with any plot without having to care about continuity.
its a cheap tactic to remove any restrictions and thinking from the writers
This, Sam Raimi is a complete mess.
i'm not speaking you're just so schizo and samefagging so many posts in this thread you don't know who you're replying to anymore
Sam Raimi is a complete legend lol i'd watch Army of Darkness over anything that fag Chris Nolan directed any day of the week
2/10 woke MSheU movie
found some random old farts dick hole
disney is epic
this sun god is a lie
marvel is cringe
>i'm not speaking
Good. Because you arent allowed shorty.
oo yeahh i called out your daddy nolan and now you feel targeted lol
This. Got to know the love of my life watching Army of Darkness.
He waa forced to put America Chavez in there, to point out, as he mentioned in a video. In addition to not being able to watch Wandavision in full before finishing the script, because they were happening concurrently, and executives simply told him the "relevant parts". He was fucked right off the bat by Disney pretty hard, and that's just what we know for certain about their meddling.
itt shortfats lose their minds about disney trash
>now you feel targeted
wtf is this zoomer newfaggotry
>America Chavez
I said "a few batmans", not all you contrarian faggot and the second from Nolan is clearly superior to any of those overrated marvel movies, its on another level and i am not saying that is a masterpiece, i am saying that marvel multiverse of movies is so forgettable that batmans are masterpieces compared to them. I just watched a few of those overbudget pieces of crap from the multiverse of movies and only deadpool has a few decent moments.
For the last and just because i dont want to sound as a batman faggot, its pretty obvious that Burton wasnt enough for all the resources he got.
More falacies... not sure if troll or just mad, idk, i dont get american jokes, but even that copy of Taxi Driver is better than any marvel movie.
Not surprised, Marvel wasn't anything great but everything Disney makes is total cancer.
laughing at your comicbookboi spergout
go eat some more doritos
Saw it tonight, total shit. Was taking turns cringing and laughing at it.
It's just another in a long line of aids woke faggotry. Zoomers ruin everything so they won't know the difference.
haha ok incel
"maybe i didnt say every tiny little syllable.." movies fucking hilarious, what an amazing trilogy- not many franchises were that good with every installment
samefagging again
shes an actual comic book character tho? its not like they made her up for this movie if you're mad get mad that Ms America comics have been coming out since 2011- thats how i know people just dont really "get it" which is fine, not every movie is for every person but there's a point where you can just say it's not for you versus blowing a blood vessel and shitting your pants about it
you are 55 years old and jerk to loli please dont talk to me not to mention you're morbidly obese and couldnt even get into a movie theater to see doctor strange because of your health issues
I dont read comic books, i just had a lot of free time and a projector (literal, its not a joke about you projecting), btw, i ate those things just 2 times in my life, with my mom and one ex, for some reason women love these here.
Now please keep the butthurt for you, hte "capeshit" stupidity is not important, since greek times you had elements in drama selected in a autistic way, marvel movies most of the time fail on all of them, Nolan second movie is pure woke shit, but is a lot better than the others.
it was supposed to be funny lol sounds like you actually had a good time which is what was intended
you havent even seen the movie and neither has OP
imagine raging this hard with disney cum all over your face
seriously a picture of pierce brosnan tho? now i know where your taste in movies is
suck Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbells respective cocks, my friend
The only thing completely shit about this movie was Strange not saying Claatu Berata Niktu when he found the book.
And that they stole Campbell's actually planned cameo.
She's not the burning wokefag in the movie that she is in the comics.
>imagine raging this hard with disney cum all over your face