Dubs and poop is now pee and vice versa

dubs and poop is now pee and vice versa

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Well I have to say Yea Forums was one of the worse AND one of the best experience in my life

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suck me dry

pls dubs



damn could've used an escape

bet. if dubs, was a good run, and op is a good guy

that being said, op is a faggot, and i guess i'll be here till the day i die

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I could get quints and I'm not leaving.

You literally can't make me.


Im coming moot

Fuck Yea Forums fuck moot

dubs please


take me

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Nah that was a fluke

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later slut

Nice knowin you

Just dumping until dubs

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>dubs and poop is now pee and vice versa
Well seeing as how my poop is currently liquid I think that may have already happened.

Tfw no antifa gf to brutally fuck

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Goodbye forever fags, I'm free!

Guess not... Fuck...

Check dem doobz


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Please get dubz!

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destiny do you want me out of this shithole full of retarded retards and become a normie, join tiktok, subscribe to normie jewtube channels, go out, go party Everyday, get a gf, get a pet who don't need to much care like maybe a fish, a plant or something, be happy, enjoy plebbit, become alpha chad and fuck OP's girlfriend in the ass then make his mom suck the shit of my dick?

Rolling for some sweet ass dubs muthafugga!

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Let's see

lets do this

Dubz and I leave, trips and I stay forever

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peace, i'm out

Chuck sneed


kill me

I gotta get out of this place

later faggot

so am I free?


Gimme dem dubs nigga!

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ive actually never rolled dubs before

destiny take me away

lucky bastards

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin'

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fucking please please


Is there no end to this miserable existence?
Why even continue to go on living!?

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Nah, I won't leave, but I'll still roll anyway...

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rolling for freedom