>be fem user >21 >extremely fat, over 400 pounds >eat mostly junk food >spends all day every day sitting on my ass at my computer without getting up much >barely even try to keep up proper hygiene
what went wrong in my life for me to turn out like this
sounds pretty good tbh, discord is Imaginary_Thanks#6242 if you wanna talk or some shit
Jeremiah Kelly
fuckin rules, post tits or gtfo
Luis Adams
idk,were you ever traumatized as a kid?why dont you try to make your situation better?
Matthew Martin
whats stopping you?
Adam Foster
>>be fem user >>extremely fat, over 400 pounds >>eat mostly junk food >>spends all day every day sitting on my ass at my computer without getting up much >>barely even try to keep up proper hygiene >what went wrong in my life for me to turn out like this kill yourself
The depressing thing is that even though she admits she's a 400 lb loser with no motivation to do anything with her life and is pretty much a burden to society, there is still some fucking dweeb out there that would give his left arm to date this walking (or rolling) disaster.
This is only partially your fault. You were blessed by a time of unprecedented abundance that also tries its hardest, out of greed and competition, to make you consume as many of these resources as it is humanly possible. Yours is the mind of a lab rat and yours is affected and driven by their same desires: the need to get that dopamine, in your case clearly coming from digitized skinner boxes and a nonstop intake of sugary treats. Usually the one thing stopping all of us from ending like you are repercussions, mostly of the social kind, but your immediate cradle of obesity is built on foundations firm enough to not collapse against your weight. Maybe you will get diabetes five years from now, but that's a tale for another time. If your wake up call ever comes it'll be delivered by the part of your brain that doesn't only act on instinctive drive. You can get something equal triggered through fear or loss, too, but not even those will change your immediate habits. The only way of fixing yourself is to muster up the bravery you need to look at yourself objectively, hate yourself for what you are and the intelligence to deconstruct the habits you hate, feel an instinctive moral need towards at least your own life, and essentially disintegrate and rebuild into a much better individual still marked by past experiences. I think it's your intelligence alone which decides whether you succeed or fail here. Either way, good luck. As this thread proves: you're a woman. You don't need to change. You literally made this thread out of a seeking for immediate attention, because of fucking course you would, you're a woman. Even your supposed self depreciation is only a shallow act not meant to wound any actual part of your ego: you're not being reflective, just quirky enough to stand away from the competition. And don't you worry. Someone out there is willing to fuck and care for you, trust me. You don't have to change. Just make it quick.
Hunter Bell
At a certain point, how would you even know if you're over 400 pounds?
I would like to use your lard to make candles and soap.
Ayden Martin
underrated post
Elijah James
Does it really go that high? 400 pounds? Really? It doesn't break?
Luke Butler
We're waiting for timestamp.
Levi Rivera
assuming everything is true, its not hard to lose weight. 400lbs is gonna take some time but in about 2 years maybe less you can be down to about 150lbs easy. you have to cook your food yourself and basically eat mostly steamed broccoli, chicken, and rice, but really as long as you cook the foods yourself you will be fine. if you wanna lose weight then eat eggs or oatmeal for breakfast every day, try and get a kiwi every now and then (they are cheap) and cook chicken and broccoli for dinner. you will lose a lot of weight very quickly because chicken and broccoli have like no calories but are incredibly nutritionally dense. add milk to breakfast and as long as you dont start snacking a whole bag of potato chips between meals you will become skinny. it just takes consistency.
weight is about food unless its like the last 15 lbs you need to become skinny. you can be normal weight entirely based on what you eat. your endocrine system is fucked due to american food stop eating it you can eat as much as you want if you eat anything not full of carbs or corn syrup your natural hunger sensations will regulate your food intake and make you a normal weight by the time you are 25 just dont eat fast food or too many carbs, thats all you gotta do.
Adam Baker
First, you're a mentally lazy asshole. You've never developed the discipline to do actual mental WORK. You're self-centered and only concerned with keeping yourself entertained. Second, this makes you physically lazy because the same discipline is needed for physical work and recreation. Third, your parents are also mentally lazy assholes. Decent parents would never have tolerated such degenerate behavior. Last, this is all due to creeping Marxism. It was done to your family and millions of others with premeditated purpose in order to take down the US. That plan is near completion. Stop fucking eating! Get mentally tough. Exercise your ass off, literally. Find God. Fight these fucking globohomo bastards until your last breath.
Isaiah Powell
>asked and you shall receive Timestamp and or pussy?
Logan Gray
Close. But eliminate all the carbs. They are totally unnecessary and will only prolong the torture.
Angel Robinson
spear chucker spotted
Oliver Harris
why would you ask this.
Kayden Sanders
make a fucking twitter and let me simp for you.
Michael Rogers
i have a lot of fetishes including sweat, fat, farts and general slobbery and i jerk off to cartoons similar to what you described but often more exaggerated. in fact reading your post got me hard just imagining the smell. not trying to hit on you or anything, just remember that one man's trash is another man's treasure.
Brody Bell
youre gay as hell for not wanting to see tits
Caleb Robinson
THIS don't be down femanon, i'm sure you have a pretty dope personality and since you're here you're probably pretty funny, it not too late for you however, we don't care about your personality or your problems, and neither does anyone else in the world. therefore, you should use your body for something that we will care about post tits w/ time stamp, create a twitter, post nudes, sit back and watch as the money comes use your god given gift of breasts to turn yourself into a money machine if not then fuck off please, fucking cow
Cooper Robinson
TimeStamp Not Found, Try Again.
Jaxon Martin
Two hours later and no tits w/ timestamp Why did you waste our time?