Explain how you have suffered more than me

Explain how you have suffered more than me.

you cant...

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Maybe this:
I'm suffering because you're still fucking alive, clown

da joker

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kill yourself

OP will be dead by EOW, screencap it.

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I can't. I have an awsome live :^)

What the fuck is wrong with your ear?

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aaaaand there you have it.... you have proven my point once again.. the one being the butt of the joke is always.. me... but i have predicted your pathetic attempts to insult me.. and i have prepared mentally for your bullying once more.. go ahead... keep laughing.... soon you will all repent and i will be laughing last....

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Kys faggot

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Look dude, either follow this fags advice ()

Or stop showing your scar-ridden face on Mongolian basket weaving forum and actually get some help.

I know it may not be much but that has to be a better way to cope than doing this.

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I know where you live OP.

This is your only warning, stop posting.

You suffered because you're an old fag you brainless ignorant retard....when using such a gay chemical color on your hair in a pathetic attempt to look "cool" or like the...joker...off course you'll get some shity allergic reaction over your skin and ugly herpes. But you're obviously too dumb to understand such a simple fact and prefer crying like a retard the whole year long on Yea Forums.

is that all you have?... you stalk me?.. i have been burned.. beaten... bullied.. spat on.. ya dont know the things ive seen... itd make ya shake in your safe little zone and comfortable chair behind your screen.. tomorrow it will all change..

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Nice prosthetics if you made them yourself OP

not prosthetics.. this is the real me... i have been broken in.. do you know what i have become?..

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You didn't listen. You're going to find out now. Good luck.

>do you know what i have become
A pathetic brainless retard seeking for attention?

You are a dildo

Seriously, have you considered Reconstructive Plastic Surgery?

You could Probably get a successful GoFundMe Going.

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oh user.. how will you "catch " me if i have been imprisoned my whole life?.. to be sought for would be like a treat for my solitary confinement... 10 decades locked uo can break a man ya know?.... ill be waiting for ya at my doorstep... if you can MAKE IT THERE! HAHAH!

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when will this guy be banned
he literally shitposting endlessly

You have a nice jawline, and a good facial structure. Your hair would also look nice without the dye. if you got some sun you'd look much better. Hang in there, friend!

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Where will I see you OP?

How old is that bubblegum now? Chew some new sticks you deplorable waste of life. I feel bad that your mom didn't have proper access to an abortion clinic. If she could see you now, she would've just done it the ol fashion way with a coat hanger and a plastic bag.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your eyelids peeled off?

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Bruh you have eyelids tf??

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HAHA! "WONDERED"! ....oooooh user.. ya just proved ya know nothing about me.. see these scars and eyebrows?.. lets just say that having to remove them myself to dullify other pains wasnt so.. funny.. even to a guy like me that was cold... pain is.... so to speak.. an old friend..

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i have an abusive ex boyfriend who's just like you. you two would get along

i wouldnt be running my mouth about my momma like that if i were u user..

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I believe you think this is a joke, unfortunately your LARP will come back to bite you very soon. You shouldn't make a mockery of the deranged.

Why haven't you posted your clown shoes yet?
Am I ruining your order?

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look at me user.... do ya think a guy like me can make a funny joke?.. do you think a guy like me has a plan...? i am not "deranged".... you all are.. im just ahead of the curb..

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Got some barbed wire and hang yourself with it you pussy ass nigger

>more than me
more than you.

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Tick tock, tick tock. Time's running out, hope you're a light sleeper! I love a fighter.


Did you put hotglue on your face then colored it ? You're a grown ass man ffs

who are you and why should i care?

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The Joker?

Get a shotgun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger!!!!

oh god he's making more threads

Joker! Comissioner Gordon was right you are here.

Your days of terrorizing the fine people of 4 chan are over!

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oh user... time has been running out for me ever since i was born.. ut started ticking when i saw the girl i liked go with my bully..thats when i discivered the meaning of suffering.... ever hear screams and voices in yoyr head?.. i cant be the only one! HAHHA!

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When you bring Harley Quinn around be sure to tell her tits or gtfo.

kindly return to /r9k/

>ut started ticking when i saw the girl i liked go with my bully..thats when i discivered the meaning of suffering....
Oh the horror! I'm suffering because a girl I like is going out with some asshole, this must be suffering!!!!! Dude, for real slit your fucking throat

ting ting ting!!! aaaaaand we havva winner!!!! oooh for once to be seen as what i truly am is truly...... conforting... i will bring my own order or rules to you all.. and you will tremble ans quiver at my arrival.... you will fucking regret having mocked of me.. tomorrow, on the news is where youll see it first..

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owo what's this?

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>i will bring my own order or rules to you all.. and you will tremble ans quiver at my arrival.... you will fucking regret having mocked of me.. tomorrow, on the news is where youll see it first..
Dude..... stop larpina and fuck off back to whatever shithole discord you crawled out off

gotta keep the hair dry ig

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fuck. You.. user.. i decide what is fucking bad for me and you can decide what is bad you fucking you.. you dont know what its like.. so dont fucking condescene me asshole.. as i said.. i have suffered more than any of you.. do you know what its like to be bullied?....

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>do you know what its like to be bullied?....
Yes... I do actually l, but I don't go around on a Asian basket forum pretending to be some Elliott Roger's wanna be, instead I go on with my life like a normal human being oh, and slit your wrists vertically you cockfucker

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>dad was a cult
>human experiment from birth
>sex trafficked
>later used to kill
>emotional abuse
>psychological abuse
>driven insane
>chronic depression whole life
>malnourished most of life
>isolated most of life
>taunted and ridiculed most of life
>you know nothing of hell

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user .. thats impressive.. where did you find my diary from when i was 7 years old?.... that was a tough year for me.. HAHA! i guess what doesnt kill ya makes ya ... STRANGER!

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Get that red playdough off your face, OP. You look like an attention seeking fag.

zomg that fucking cap gun

>i guess what doesnt kill ya makes ya ... STRANGER!
Don't you mean more retarded? Faggot

>7 years old
those are rookie numbers

that doesnt even make sense in context. what would be improved numbers

>nice larp faggot

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Attention whoring is for women, you pathetic spastic faggot

Chalk this guy up to the cool guys club

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