Where my Purebloods at?!

Where my Purebloods at?!


report in fellow chads!

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Thats great wanne do some barefoot victory walk over some good old rusty nails? :D

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>Where my Purebloods at?!
>report in fellow chads!

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pandemic of the vaxxed is true
friend is tripple vaxxed and got the kung flu last month. kek. i never gonna take this worthless experimental crap.

I didnt vaxx now I'm a dead again blarrrhrrhhhghghghhhhh!!

Mudbloods immune systems can no longer adequately fight COVID reinfections

You are putting us all in danger, you imbecile!

How so?

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I got vaxxed in December, two shots full deal.

Tested positive for covid yesterday. Week off work. Life is a lie.

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>understands NOTHING.

This one is a libtard. You can tell by the salt. They're always salty. ^

Yet you yourself are salty

Really? Is that all you have? Also your ESL is showing.

reporting in

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-We know MRNA is an experimental technology that has never been used in vaccinations before
- CDC and Fauci told mudbloods the vax would prevent infection and spread
- we know big pharma has complete immunity so you can't sue them for any reason
>understands NOTHING.
-see above

You know what this means, right? They're outsourcing for shills now. Kek.

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Another sad pack of LIES asshole.
YOU just proved me right.
Stupid, lying, uneducated shithead.

Definitely a libshit. They always turn to cheap insults when they cant refute whats being said.

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I haven't been to a doctor in ten years. I've never been healthier. I haven't even had a cold in that time. So called "preventative" medicine is a scam. The healthcare business is a business. Healthy people are bad for business, so they make you sick.

Attached: trust the so called experts, corrupt healthcare industry, fda, vaccine corporations, fauci.jpg (999x1280, 206.24K)

Which is a lie?

Yes to all.

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we shall inherit the earth my brothers!

>Tested positive for covid yesterday

And that's a good thing. The healthcare industry does not make money from healthy people. Healthy and happy people are bad. By taking "medicine" that makes you sick, you are helping vaccine corporations meet their quarterly profit goals. Good job, consumer!

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user, you don't look so good.

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>wanne do some barefoot victory walk over some good old rusty nails?

No, I just want to be normal. It's funny. People that are perfectly healthy and happy just want to live their lives like normal human beings. But you are not good with that. Instead you and your ilk are fuming and hysterical. 'How dare you people live your lives!!! You're crazy!!!' What a world.

Attached: mask cult, corona plandemic.jpg (700x700, 132.59K)

>-We know MRNA is an experimental technology that has never been used in vaccinations before
The technology was developed and adjusted over many decades. This is just the first real world application of it.
>- CDC and Fauci told mudbloods the vax would prevent infection and spread
*reduce, and it does. Either that or the virus is going out of its way to target the unvaxxed.
>- we know big pharma has complete immunity so you can't sue them for any reason
You can sue them for many reasons, but there is a specific immunity to stem the flood of lawsuits by karens who got vaccinated and then stubbed their toe the next day.

fuck niggers

That's exactly what they want you to do.

Lmao some people have bad responses to every vaccine. Some girl in my class in grade 5 passed out bc of the hepatitis B vaccine. That's the reason they don't just let you leave after you vaccinate, you have to hang out for bit.

>The technology was developed and adjusted over many decades. This is just the first real world application of it.
thank you for confirming my point
>*reduce, and it does. Either that or the virus is going out of its way to target the unvaxxed.
absolute lie, see picrel, CDC/Fauci/Biden all said the jabbed can't spread COVID. they are liars
>You can sue them for many reasons, but there is a specific immunity to stem the flood of lawsuits by karens who got vaccinated and then stubbed their toe the next day
Also a lie

thanks for playing retard

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>thank you for confirming my point
"First real world application" doesn't equal "omg sooper experimental we dunno if its gonna work uwu" as you imply. In reality it was highly tested and refined over countless iterations by different labs around the world.
Unless Fauci has been taking hormones that ain't him. Also those two statements are not comtradictory. What works against the original variant in March may not work as well against the delta variant in August. It does however greatly reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalization and death from the disease.

>grade 5 passed out bc of the hepatitis B vaccine

The obvious question a normal person would ask is, why the fuck is a little girl getting a vaccine for hepatitis? Was she a hooker by fifth grade?

first real world application = never been used in vaccinations before
fuck you can't even read you are so retarded

I got an hpv vaccine when i was 13.

just take the L user.
you are way out of your league


Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-10 at 17-12-36 Fauci Vaccinated people become ‘dead ends’ for the coronavirus.png (978x305, 30.27K)

Ive gotten TWO in the past year. Unvaxxed. Untested. I think I might have had it twice. Weird symptoms then gone is a day.

>take the L

Try to speak like a man when you're on this website.

>Also a lie
>The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company.
This sounds pretty fair -- if they did dirty dealings, knowingly overlooked stuff in testing, whatever, that sounds like willful misconduct in which case you can make an argument that the immunity doesn't apply. If they didn't and you had a bad reaction, that sucks and a payout would be nice, but holding them responsible for it when they took all reasonable actions to prevent it seems as silly as suing the gumball factory because you choked on a gumball.

Which is meaningless when the implication that it's poorly tested and hurriedly developed is thrown out.

And you never bothered to ask why.

Attached: vaccine schedule, then, now.jpg (890x1054, 185.4K)

i never asserted if it was fair or not. i just stated it was a thing. and anyone who takes a never before used medical technology without any recourse if something goes bad is an absolute retard

move those goal posts some more.

You realize they did quite a bit of human testing of the actual vaccines before public release, right? It's also one of the most widely administered medicines worldwide.

fucking saved

>adding yearly flu shots to pump up the list

sounds like a faggot brigade to me

>Try to speak like a man when you're on this website.

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please explain to me how long term testing on an experimental vaccine that has only existed for less than 2 years is possible. Will you please share your time machine with the rest of us retard?

Exactly. It massively pumps up the list and they're available and recommended in every first world country. That graphic is retarded.

Funnily enought, I got all 4 during the pandemic.

I am the Anti-OP lmao

It's a dangerous disease that damages your liver for life. It's extra dangerous for children and it's possible to get it with any blood contact, even from sharing toothbrushes. You know what kids do? They hurt themselves and get bloody! Every single kid in my province got the vaccine and nobody had any long term issues. That girl was doing completely fine 2 days after vaccination. Vaccines work.

Wait until you're diagnosed with cancer.

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You have pic related growing in your veins.

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Fuck the Jew World Order

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Lmao I hope you get polio

absolutely fucking based

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reporting in
>call me when its time to repopulate the earth.

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our sperm is going to very valuable soon user!

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I’m unvaxxed for covid (just never saw the need) but I’m up to date with the other vaccines.
Uncut thank god
I wore masks during covid and stopped now it’s basically cool to not wear them anymore. If someone requested I wear a mask I’d do it, don’t really care too much about it
Got tested for covid a few times (I’ve caught it twice, first time sucked second time I didn’t even notice I had it)

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