Which Yea Forums-core musician would be the best JRE guest and why

Which Yea Forums-core musician would be the best JRE guest and why.

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Some pseud tool spouting broscience or telling dmt stories
Who would that be?

david byrne




maynard was already on

Johnny hobo


Danny Brown or Gira

Roger Waters


Kanye West, why is this even a thread?

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I’m going to have to go with MatPat’s wife Stephanie.

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Honestly, I think Lydia Lunch would be great, might get a bit too cringey to last long but still. It'd probably get a couple good memes and maybe some interesting thoughts. Could get him into some good music that she was associated with in her prime.

steev mike would be based on jre

jeff mangum

Morrissey would be a ride and a half
is also a good pick

death grip

mac milar

I would be excited to see what kind of shitshow this would turn into just due to their encounter here:


MC ride
>so what do you think of DMT

Miles Davis would have the best stories

Joe rogan is a dumb retard CIA nigger

Lou Reed if he was alive.

dan barrett

Steve Albini

Lol that would be amazing

Why not just get Laurie Anderson or John Cale instead? I'm sure they could tell good stories. Maybe Maureen Tucker since she's a Tea Party conservative.


Cheers user. You are very Stephpilled.

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based & temple os pilled

Mr Smith from The Morrisseys

Morrissey or Albini would be my two picks