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my legs are jelly

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did you ride a bike 30 miles

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why jelly?

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been up and down a 6 floor stair case too many times this morning

Attached: 1651170339.luckyway_акулка.jpg (1280x853, 102.08K)

oh ya stairs can be a real workout
used to get exercise by just climbing up and down the stairs at my old office

try riding a bike for 30 miles just to do some art.

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don't think I'd make it that far, most biking I've done was to the liquor store and back when I lived in florida

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yey cuddles thread

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carrying all that random equipment up there about killed me off, i've been mostly horizontal for the last 2 months i'm not made to do this

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try riding a bike 100+ miles a week to go work the shittiest job at an establishment to effectively make less than min-wage.

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need more Marty in my life...

lol gay

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the heat has taken away my hungy

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nooo I don't wanna try that

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my life 2 1/2 years ago. it gets worse, but there is no need to elaborate further...

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new housemate moving in this week, she seems nice
she's also a furry :3

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can this housemate of yours oxidize objects at will?

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nah, she does art though
haven't seen it yet, sounds like its mostly porn lol

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NEW YORK CITY -- A newly-discovered species of spider has taken the world by storm by exhibiting startling homophobic characteristics.

Ask anyone who tolerates same-sex relationships to defend their views on homosexuality and they're likely to tell you, "Homosexuality is found in over 450 species. Homophobia is only found in one." But researchers in Ecuador may have found a new species that debunks that argument.

Scientists in South America claim to have discovered a new species of spider in the jungles of Ecuador that exhibits traits of intolerance towards homosexuality. According to sources, one scientist, Ted, who everyone at the camp had a suspicion was Narnia-deep in the closet, captured a unique species of spider he kept in his tent for testing. For days, the spider exhibited no aggression or hostility, even during the invasive testing that eventually proved this to be a wholly new species. During a party to celebrate the discovery, Ted lost all reservations in a drunken stupor and announced his attraction to men. Within seconds, Ted was attacked by the new spider.

This strange coincidence led researchers to experiment.

"I was plastered," said Brock Lee, lead researcher in Ted's compound. "If I was sober, I'd have thought it a deadly coincidence. But I was wasted, an inch from blackout. When he said he was gay and then the spider jumped from its tank and bit him, somebody said, 'How queer.' And then it hit me. I had to experiment."

Mr. Lee pulled out his c*** and slapped his friend, Paul, in the face with it. The group of drunken researchers roared with laughter but the spider turned and charged, evidently enraged. Mr. Lee almost met the same fate as Ted until he slapped Cheryl, the young blond intern flat across the face with four inches of scientific discovery. The spider stopped running at him and went back to encasing a poisoned Ted in a webbed cocoon.

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something aboot spooders

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needs more blahaj

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Blahaj is best shark

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makes for good cuddles, just the right size to hold while sleeping

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Sounds like something The Onion would write.


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I will spank your ass.


thats my job tho

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I find it hard to choose which I like snuggling more, my lewd daki or blahaj. They're both so good.

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screw you guys im going to do other things, none of which are useful.

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seeya :3

a lewd daki would be fun to have

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that pic was how my bed felt when i had 3 of the big bois before i gave erin her one

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Hehe, nice.

I have the opposite situation going on in my bed. When I bought my place I wanted there to be plenty of bed space for when my boyfriend is over. I went overboard and got a king and it's like an entire continent of soft, fluffy, comfort to lounge around in.

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i think mines a standard double and all the plushes take up one half of the bed
we'd probably still manage to fit on considering we tend to somehow fit on the couch when im at erins

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hi hi waz

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hi gay

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Heyo, how's you?
Hi double gay

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I'm doing well, met our new housemate yesterday, she's nice

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That's good, when is she moving in again?

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You sound like two super cute girls

Heya waz! How's you?

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she's moving in this week
turns out she's also a furry and does some art, I'm sure we'll get along fine

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pfffff furries

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I'm good, my memory is kinda bad so I forget exactly last time we talked but yuken visited if you didn't know. Going to try and visit him pretty soon though he isn't feeling well :(
Yay! She meet your other roommate as well?
I know right

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ya I made dinner for us and we all hung out for a while

totally not u

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couldn't be me bro

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not at all (:

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i'm heteronormative and under no circumstance personified as an anthropomorphic goat

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