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Other urls found in this thread:

The House That Jack Built

Reservoir Dogs

The Green Mile

Lego Movie or 1917

Angst (1983)

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Tommy boy

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Leon the professional, perfect blue, or red line

Never back down. It's seriously underrated summer movie to watch.

leon the professional is for pedos, also the movie is lame


Dr. Strange

Sisters Brothers is comfy af

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
>The 3 greatest movies ever made.

A Serbian Film

oh my lordy lord please watch american psycho

Birth of a Nation

Literally the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. My friend was watching this in theaters and literally walked out because of how bad it was.

These Final Hours
We Need to Talk About Kevin
White Bird in a Blizzard
Battlefield Earth (kek)

I'm so sorry that you have shit taste user

just admit you're a pedo it's ok lol

it's literally the one excuse you have- oh but i guess gary oldman flipping a shit consitutes as "great acting" for you

This is a good drinking movie when you're just chilling.

try and justify to me how that movie is NOT for pedos? please i'd love to hear you explain

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The sound of music

Hey man it's okay, I understand that you just don't understand what makes a good movie, but there's no reason to take your ineptitude out on those who do. Why don't you take a breather and go back to watching that new capeshit movie

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Oh come the fuck on. You have to admit that Matilda-Leon relationship was weird.

I'll just give you a list of my favorites in no particular order or genera.

The Thing
They live
Jeremiah Johnson
Conan the Barbarian
Fight Club

You see I would try, but I'm not sure I could dumb it down enough for you to even be able to understand. Sorry little buddy, I'd love to help but it'll just end up hurting your pride and making you even more angry over your lack of taste

I don't have to admit, or justify shit to the likes of you

more like you can't justify it because we both know the truth

man who stare at goat

am i lacking in taste because i have a distaste for pedo shit? i guess for you it's a very refined palette being able to enjoy that kind of shit

True Romance
The Gods Must be Crazy

this movie is so underrated, I've loved the Dante's reference scene

120 Days of Salo

See now you're getting it! It's true I do have a very refined taste in movies. See it's not too hard to wrap your head around just how much of a retard you are when you try!

A Serbian Tale
...but only if it's legal to watch where you live

you literally just admitted to being a pedo lmao

Nice One!

American beauty, Joker, once upon a time in Hollywood, Django, american history x, misommar, hereditary


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Lol you were obviously too young

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Never heard of it

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freddy got fingered

lol so you wanted to insult my intelligence but in reality nothing about what i said was inaccurate- do you see how retarded you fucking are?

oh wait ofc not you're a pedo and too braindead to even keep from admitting on the internet that you're a disgusting criminal

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Oh no loli Portman is hot, but that doesn't change the fact you have as many iq points as her age in the film. Though by the way nice reddit spacing, you just immigrate from there? Must have been recent since you don't even know the class of people here. Also no the only criminal thing here is how shit your taste is

you are so coombrained- natalie portman wasn't a "loli" you fucking porn addict, she was a CHILD, thus making you a CHILD PREDATOR and therefore yes a criminal haha- like imagine explaining to a police officer how she was "hot" in that movie and how he has "bad taste" when hes got you in the interrogation room lol

you really feel like that movie is so worth defending goes to show how bad your taste in movies really are... imagine inviting a woman your age to watch that film with you and trying to explain how it's not creepy.. OH WAIT you can't do that because you would never be with a woman "your age" now would you?

Get well soon

even despite the completely unnecessary pedo shit in that movie- theres really nothing exceptional about it in the world and history of cinema.. if you want stylish off-beat action thrillers many exist and none of them are meant to cater to pedos lmao

its just self-indulgent nonsense really, the only thing about that movie that makes it stand out is the blatant pedophilic themes and thats it

what movie

i cant tell if you're asking because you are interested in the movie now or if you're just genuinely confused but i'm not even gonna promote the shitty film by saying its name, scroll up and you'll see what i'm talking about

The Simpsons movie

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i don't care faggot

Gay abd boring.

It's okay to be a midwit, user.

yeah you do pedo



1000% recommend

The Legend of 1900 or The Salton Sea.

Heavy Metal (1981 version)

The Spine of Night

Black Cauldron

Fire and Ice (1982)

The Phantom Tollbooth

Watership Down


Forgot to add:

City of Lost Children

Pan's Labyrinth

The Platform

The 13th Warrior


As you can see, I really like Beowulf.

The Northman

So edgy!

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Actually pretty good for a laugh

>really like Beowulf

yes.. apparently.. you must have jizzed yourself during Northman: good film

just one
stop posting lists

The Greatest Story Never Told

The perfect blend of Animal House, zombies, axe murder, alien invasion, and buddy cop comedy.

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Clockwork Orange
The Wall (its not gay or modern its the pink floyd album made into a movie)
Dr Strangelove
Train to Busan
Also gotta say i love comfy threads like this :)

been meaning to watch for years

>the wall its not gay or modern

um....ok HAHA

does this exist on dvd? vhs? anything?
