~ New Shota Thread ~

~ New Shota Thread ~

last one hit image limit
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Attached: 1622479903016.jpg (1376x873, 594.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: d9b768c071103e55b5cf9b2f3306f4d16e6c861709150bdeb17919541a8cd27d.jpg (1703x1408, 195.11K)

Attached: fd1ba64370ffe508b555ec78eda32b056ff7e9879ad572c85386cf8c54a4d843.jpg (1286x1814, 117.38K)

Attached: Hunter Springfield [Camp Buddies] .gif (399x225, 1.88M)

Attached: Twins in Bedroom .png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

Attached: a5b3fd4998daba33c70801bd2449b9ad6c81fc45283991d38e0c9caabc5f82de.jpg (1012x1012, 145.52K)

Attached: Two shota bros showering at the beach .png (1135x1443, 1.35M)

cute boy, I wonder who will be his canonical boyfriend?

Attached: 8ec5fce8-0863-4724-9c3a-8bf8ab374777.png (729x1032, 631.79K)


Attached: dakimakura_hunter_back_4_1.jpg (1280x2844, 213.7K)

Attached: 1554584419090.jpg (1000x816, 638K)

How to get the last scene again? The one that's in Hunter's apartment.
Also do you have any good torrents? I still have the 1.1 version installed

Black hair blue eyes is such a pretty combo

Attached: dakimakura_hunter_front_4_1.jpg (1280x2844, 201.21K)

Attached: 1586604752694.jpg (1148x953, 748.84K)

2 cents for Natsumi.

He was rather small, so I think he would like someone around the same size.
aybe the one with whitish hair near the middle

> pic related

Attached: Choose your naked Boy Scout .jpg (1280x1816, 358.7K)

5 cents for Archer

Attached: 4436703 - Archer_Springfield Hunter_Springfield Naoto_Hamasaki Natsumi_Hamasaki Nyo camp_buddy.jpg (2048x1152, 332.03K)

>whitish hair

Attached: p40_felix_1_1.jpg (1280x1760, 213.73K)

He looks like he's ready for a shota boyfriend.

He told me once that I was a really good friend(he was tipsy back then) but I was staring at him and thinking to myself like:"I wish you could really knew what I think about you"

anyone session?

Attached: f11056bd6a53f2fc28269e6d83f87f7f.png (372x559, 346.98K)

With Seto and Hunter.

Attached: p19_setoxfelix_1_1.jpg (1280x1810, 394.99K)

> " How to get the last scene again? ..." ;
I don't know what that last scene might be
and this:
> " The one that's in Hunter's apartment. " ;
doesn't really help me, sorry.
> "... Also do you have any good torrents? I still have the 1.1 version installed " ;
No, sorry - I don't use them - they are more hassle than they're worth.


Attached: Camp Buddies .jpg (540x526, 78.11K)

Attached: p11_setoxfelix_1_4.jpg (1280x905, 226.29K)


Attached: p11_hunterxfelix_1_1.jpg (1280x1810, 421.11K)

What happened to that guy anyways? He hasn't posted anything for awhile.

Attached: 13.jpg (1275x1800, 238.09K)

>doesn't really help me, sorry
Hunter finally convinces his parents to allow him to enroll Art School. He rents a small apartment/dorm, Keitaro then help him to move in. iirc if you have enough affection there'll be sex scene.

I found a walkthrough for Camp Buddy in an Excel file long time ago.
Haven't played the game, though.

let's settle this
Hunter was build for his dad's cock
Natsumi was build to be Naoto's husband from the beggining

Best couple in the game

Based incestCHAD

> " "
= archived.moe/b/thread/877785801/#877839650
> pic related = screenshot

Attached: Screenshot .png (1920x1080, 438.28K)

Weird, can't find any except some CGs in sukebei.
Wise user.

(It does't seem to update votes )

Go on….

Attached: 3279005 - DeadlySwallows Rex Xenoblade_Chronicles Xenoblade_Chronicles_2 Zeke_von_Genbu.jpg (1500x1250, 769.36K)

... cont.
[ in reply to ]
yeah - I think, maybe, you should try to meet up again at that "reunion".
Have a few drinks together and you can all get "tipsy"

> pic not related [ except don't forget to clean your teeth before going ]

Attached: 1651052393012.jpg (1254x1771, 182.02K)

lol you bitches do know that all your data is auto mined and sent straight to your own personal pedo file, don't you?

When we eventually makes this shit a felony y'all are fucked kek.

You should kill yourself now and save your family the embarrassment of having a child abusing pedo scum connected to them.


>Seething over 2D pixels
You should be more concerned about fucking globohomo are on the way the legalizing pedophilia via LGBT indoctrination classes for elementary school. It's clown world out there.

: nice, but undeserved, dubs ;

...and all the art galleries and their staff and visitors get sent to prison for looking at paintings of naked kids by Rubens, Caravaggio, Raphael, etc

Attached: Frederic - Lord Leighton -The Hit .png (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Attached: g1.jpg (1280x720, 122.46K)

Worst boy

Attached: '' Camp Buddies ː by the left ; quick ; march '' .png (1920x1080, 455.55K)

Where do i find good /ss/ art or doujins?

Best Boy

Attached: Alfred E Neuman [best boy] .jpg (315x215, 12.38K)

Why you asking me?

Tell that to the feds when you see them kek

Pillows with strap-ons are a component of my fantasies.

I blame my best friend at the time when we were younger. He liked to 'lean on' me enery time I tied my shoes.

Sadpanda, also Agato does some good shit. There should be /ss/ anthlogy book with crossdressing blonde shota and his mother on the cover.

Maybe you're right and maybe I should write him a short message.

Please seek help you sick faggots.


Shower shotas are the best

Shoulders looks weird.

Attached: p2_hunter_1_1.jpg (1280x1810, 253.6K)

Attached: da788f6736670adabad92596193366c293500d23fd1eba9f6e40911d2d55c082.jpg (800x564, 41.02K)

Water/Shower/Beach/Pool makes things sexy in general.

I want to cuddle Hunter

More hunter for you.
Gay boy scouts.

Attached: cg_hunter_3_8.jpg (1280x720, 97.32K)

"Pillows"? Is that like a slang term for hard shotas with a feminine side or something?


Attached: cg7_shower_16.jpg (1280x720, 152.05K)

Attached: p5_hunter_2_1.jpg (1280x1810, 392.89K)