Do you think the Left is making America a better or safer place?

Do you think the Left is making America a better or safer place?

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Yes, I think the right would welcome in a dictator if given the opportunity. I for one beleive in freedom even if I don't like what they do.

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I don’t think you have any sympathy towards human life. You just like to have the satisfaction of knowing that evil women can murder their own children

it's a classic troll after nance visited pope frsncis and at that time pope francis was a swiss guard like literslly protecting her separation from church and state aside (fuck you all) and the classic religion abortion politics topics avoided are blasted in the media so I'm starting to not bet my last dollar on the ignorance of the American people contrary to a popular lyric

>Left is actively trying to restrict 1st and 2nd amendment rights
>"ThEyRe GiViNg uS fReEdOm"

It's a 2 party monopoly dip shit, libs don't care about you either, faggot

I would welcome leftists, if they existed, but America is 'Rightwing: The Country' and that is sad. It would be awesome if we had more than evangelicals and their controlled opposition.

The modern left has absolutely turned into a terrorist cult in its initial stages. Luckily, they are such fags that it hasn't yet become an absolute disaster. I mean, they burn down cities a few times a year but they're not even particularly good at it.

Just wait until they're killing you for the greater good, after they've censored you (in media and online, labeled your views as destructive and counter-revolutionary), removed you from employment and outlawed any opposing political party. The lucky ones get social quarantine and are sent off to Siberia if I remember correctly.

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Absolutely not. Rampant inflation leads to higher crime rate. And on top of that they're cutting funding for the police.

Democrats are trying at every corner to make life unbearable in America for the working class

>Conservatives value human life
>Thats why I support the death penalty, mass incarceration for misdemours, and charging women who miscarry with murder
>That's why I oppose a living wage, action on climate change, and paternity leave
Right-wingers are such retards it's honestly just hilarious at this point, lmao

1) those who do evil, do evil in return
2) don’t talk to me about “living wage” these days under your boy Brandon. Don’t even fucking go there

Why do they go after people who have no power to change laws?

Fuck that commie bitch in particular. Pay for your own shit just stop murdering babies. Dont do sex if you arent ready for parenthood. Its not a difficult concept unless you're an illogical female which many of them are.

Reminder that by banning abortion, you're depriving minorities of a much-needed birth control method.
Rightoids have yet to provide an answer to this

If it was about saving lives they've give "don't shoot people" courses. They'd make a taxis home from bars free. They'd pay you not to kill other people.

btw I'm not against abortion (in africa).

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>You think that violent criminals should pay the consequences for their actions?

Minorities are not "poggers" when they are political minorities.

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>Do you think the Left is making America a better or safer place?
The left is making America the laughing stock of the entire planet.

Seems like killing a guy who killed a guy is the same as killing a baby who hasn't even had the chance to kill anyone. How is that fair?

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They're sick, morally twisted and enemies to humanity. Belong behind bars

Abortion is just population control. We need the poors to have babies so I can have minimum wage workers. The leftists want everyone to have $50 hr and a ferrari.... that's never happening. Bread cost 12$ under BIDEN, we need the real president (TRUMP) to come back and save us. I'm big truk driver and everyone I know voted TRUMP. The leftist stoled the election and I have proof. Real Navy Seal told me they infiltrated the voting boofs and stuffed them with biden votes.

Not everyone's an ethno nationalist or an eugenicist. But when you're stupid enough to use the slang term "rightoid", ofc you don't know the ropes or have the ability to see nuance. And get down from that high horse when mass genocide of kids is your position.

They're making it safer to be a leftist extremist or a commie politician and that's about it

Conservatives are just trying to defend a baby's right to be born safely!

Once it's plorped out of the bitch's vag, the little bastard's on his own, but it's about human life and dignity!

> whines about some random user's word choice
> immediately uses words incorrectly
> probably doesn't know left from right either

see , and

stop using terms you learned in history class last week kiddo.

Only liberals get abortions so I think we should streamline the process.

I'm sorry. I had no idea you were retarded. Do mommy and daddy know you're on the computer? Mash your palm on the keyboard if you need help.

Only ethno nationalists and eugenicists would be for abortion to get rid of minorities. The average conservative and right-winger opposes abortion to enforce traditional family values for all, make people prosper and save lives.

It was you who falsely suggested that all of the right should be against abortion because some outlier faction wants to purge minorities. Retarded take

Nice pasta. Where'd you get it from? Israeli Times?

You need to learn what words mean, also drop the smug cunt act, it just makes you look ridiculous when you're acting that retarded.

lol are you that illiterate?

Leftists might as well be, they're practically mindless at this point.

no it wasnt. youre talking to multiple people

You're still not allowed to kill your babies after they're born, so I fail to see the hypicrisy


Which words were used "incorrectly"?

They are destroying it from within, for their masters.

I agree with this whore. Why do babies only matter when they're inside?
>the mom should be responsible for her kid!
I agree, but if she isn't, how is that the child's fault? He should have a shitty life that will eventually lead to crime? Just because you dont want your politicians and big corporations to lose their ill gotten money? I am SUPER against abortion but I also don't have a pussy so I can't force these women to do anything. It breaks my heart to hear about babies being murdered but faggots like you people make it so that some (dumb) women feel like they have to have an abortion

We can start with genocide. Though I;m not even interested in that. I don't think you know what 'left' and 'right' mean.

I think populism makes America a worse place and that involves the populist Left, the populist Right, the populist centre, yes. The point is to solve problems, not measure their ideological cocks. America is based on certain values like every nation of Mankind. We don't need their bullshit.

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You're just digging a deer retardation hole. I wish your nurse would come in from her smoke break and take her laptop back.

is it even possible to make America safe considering the police will just kill you too because you moved your hand too quickly while in their presence?

Bitch I live in America. I’ll fuck as many girls as I want and pay for as many abortions as I want. Even if they outlaw it I and millions of other people will continue to kill babies. And no one will stop us, they’ll just seethe.

Not funny. There’s a huge fucking difference asshole. Convicted murderers are people, they should spend their life in prison. Fetusi are not people so fuck them.

>The modern left has absolutely turned into a terrorist cult in its initial stages.
lmao what would you call the modern right?

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>lmao what would you call the modern right?
Haven't you heard? The phrase 'the left' is the modern way of saying center-right, while 'right' means far-right, and 'far-right' means Hitler, who was leftist!
> all so tiresome.etc

Riddle me this, conservacucks:
A) You are legally allowed to evict, even kill, anyone trespassing on your private property
B) Your body is your own private property
C) If you don't want a fetus in your property, you have the right to evict them.

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Back to mexico faggot

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Ha. Well aren't you a new level of stupid

It's because they're like the idiot's response to the trolley problem. They're fine with babies dying, as long as it's indirect. Abortion? Fuck no, let them waste away in a terrible socioeconomic situation where they'll be screwed from the start. No matter if their parents and siblings all suffer for it. Sure, the five people tied to the track will die instead of just the one, but hey at least they can feel morally superior because they weren't the ones to pull the lever.

Conservatives pissing away everything they want to get this one virtue signaling, bible thumping victory is funny af to me. And it's also fucking stupid, because all the lives they're pretending to care about wanting to save, especially minority ones that would have been aborted, once those babies are born they'll be against them from day 1 and walking around thinking their "God" is so proud of them. And motherfuckers will still be able to hit Cali and Colorado or wherever else to get an abortion. And the argument of having to "pay for it" with tax dollars is about as lame as it gets, because once the shit is outlawed in your redneck state, you better believe you won't be getting a tax break of any sort. I mean goddamn, can anyone explain what they're trying to do? lol. It's so self destructive

No one in political power is making any improvements anywhere. The left and right as they stand now are equally insufferable.

I see a lot of cops like this where I live. If a bullet proof crazy can't fully cover your torso, you do not need to be in service.

I get that this is a military larper, but his gut is wide open. Gut shot is one of the worst ways to die.

Eh, I don't care either way. I can't have kids so not an issue to me. I will say though, I strongly believe this is going to go the exact way it did 50 years ago with rich/wealthy people still having abortions and poor folks having to do it in the back alley themselves. Just be advised, there's no hiding it anymore so rich/wealthy people can't just have one and everyone looks the other way. Internet is a thing. I'd be willing to bet people are going to take it to a whole other level and then some if they find out a rich/wealthy person got an abortion, especially if they're on the right side of the spectrum. So, in short, I do believe there is some truth behind the picture OP posted.

Interesting calligraphy you got there, Shlomo.

Huh. You just gave me a thought. Do you reckon all the 'leaks' of Republican men being gay and using hookers and sex trafficking minors were actually just them "testing the waters" and/or "prepping their base" before their abortion rings come out?

I think their tactics ironically enough lead to the creation of the very thing they claim to hate.
It wasn't perfect but we were a fairly cohesive society before progressives showed up and shat the bed.

>I mean goddamn, can anyone explain what they're trying to do? lol. It's so self destructive
I can only hope it is, and here's what I think is going on under the hood:
The overarching goal is to maintain reliable access to pussy for the fat retard Evangelical goatee'd men who comprise their voting base. Not necessarily good pussy from attractive women - they know that, with their beer gunts and bald pates, that ship has fully sailed. Just /any/ pussy is adequate.
So when one of the men manages to take home some poor 4/10 from the bar, their ideal scenario is to get her pregnant as soon as possible, before she has time to figure out what a dipshit loser he is. Banning contraception and abortion makes this more likely, so all he has to do is """forget""" a condom or to pull out. Because once pregnant, she's basically stuck with him, either financially, socially, or emotionally, and he can pressure her into marriage. Then he's got a Domestic Housework Unit who he can also use for sex - a washing machine he can fuck - kept indentured by the need to take care of the guy's repulsive children. At this point, he's set for life; he can get even more obese and repulsive and useless, push all the housework and childcare onto her, and she'll probably never leave.
That's the goal; entrapping women for their sexual use. They know that on a level playing field, they can't hook up with any reliable regularity, being so repulsive as they are. They can't keep a woman around through being attractive or valuable. So they're trying to take away all the other options women have, and make them reliant. They don't give a fuck about children, or women, or the unborn, it's all a facade to make the above happen.

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Meds, take em.