YLYL you laugh = you lose

YLYL you laugh = you lose

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Mental illness at its finest

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I am terrified

you should be

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>or put up with a meltdown about what wanting to fuck me means about their identity

or put up with a meltdown about me using the "wrong" pronoun

They've convinced themselves this is reasonable

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That was a turning point for a lot of these ladies. I wonder why


Go back to /pol/, nigger.

holy shit

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Does this person think wearing a hat makes them somehow completely different...?

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I'm not laughing at all. This is disturbing.

gotta love those amerimutt lips

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Too much of a potato to realize he was getting fucked with

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danny devito lookin ahh

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you'd think these trannies would at least try actually completley shaving their faces. evertime i see an ugly tranny they have ugly stubble and a man face like whats even the point of trooning out if you don't pass?

That's a fucking serial killer

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When you watch tv and see men who are shaven to the point of no stubble visibility at all its makeup. When you see troons with the same thing its laser hair removal. Stubble will always be there for the average person

no way bro if you actually get a razor you can definitely shave clean and have nearly invisible stubble

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No way bro I have a merkur safety razer and do 3 passes. Its make up theres not one male actor or talking head that isnt wearing concealer.

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so many of those dudes

Mental illness is still a protected disability. So they can theoretically get any job they want and participate in society. Right next to every man and woman on the planet.

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Lmao. What the fuck is that? Please define "woman". Until then a "woman" has no rights not even to abortion.

lol enoy virginity, OP

The Freak show is going strong.

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Gents, take it from an oldfag: it depends.

It's possible to shave clean, but it depends on the color and texture of your hair. Most guys are somewhere in between, i.e. it's possible to shave clean but you have to try really hard and it only lasts for a couple of hours.


You can cut steel with that jaw

>walking on air

can this nigga please not have the same name as me :(

Work at a tech company. We all wear business clothes. Even women wear suits. The only tranny there wears dresses. His big ass shoulders barely fit through door ways. He's ugly as fuck. Wouldn't even cross my mind to fuck him in his best bitch clothes while drunk and high on so much coke. There is no way he will ever look like a bitch. The higher ups sent us an email demanding we let him pretty much do whatever or else our career is over. I'm not talking about just firing, I'm talking about firing and then making sure you never get another tech job again. 3 people at the company already lost everything

lol why is this ylyl thread all just trannies i totally forgot how bad some trans ppl look thanks for reminding me ig? fuck it im not identifying with the trans community anymore im transitioning to cisgirl lol bye

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hrt doesnt magically change u into a girl u gotta work for it yk go learn some makeup buy laser or cream for ur facial hair figure out your flaws and work on em! idk why ppl think hrt just turns u into the girl u wanna be when u still keep the same habits and all. egg irl tricked them ig lol

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john money was a quack lol he accidentally proved that gender is set in stone from birth though. if what he did couldnt make david reimer think he was a girl that kinda disproves all the fear over what trans propaganda might do or that conversion therapy could cure trans ppl. john money is burning in hell though

Loved him in the new season of Barry

finally something funny lolllllll

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didnt expect it to be real lol thats depressing though

omg the filename