Is 9mm enough for safe suicide? .45? 10mm?
Also, through the palate of the mouth or straight to the temple for best results?
I remember stories of soldiers saying a bullet to the mouth filled with water works like a charm.
What’s up with that?
Is 9mm enough for safe suicide? .45? 10mm?
9mm is definitely enough. just like in any other situation, it's about shot placement. have to make sure you're shooting up into the brain and not out the back of your neck. also I imagine the water would displace and fuck you up even more
I think so too about the water. Will probably cause a lot of pressure and make sure you’re dead and gone
yeah I've honestly never heard of that before but it makes a lot of sense. you gonna murk yourself or?
As soon as I can get my hands on a fitting gun, yes. Sadly I’m in Germany and it’s difficult to get a gun over here.
Honestly I would prefer a 12g slug but I doubt I can find anyone selling a shotgun
Lass die Waffen aus dem Spiel. Ist so schon schlimm genug mit den ganzen Vollidioten in diesem Land.Außerdem gibt es gerade in DE keinerlei Gründe sich zu beenden, es sei den man hat chronische Superschmerzen oder bekommt schlimmen alzheimer oder so. Also sei nicht so eine Memme und zieh es durch, leben ist so oder so kurz genug.
Be a man and hang yourself. It's the best way to ensure you dont end up a carrot. Bullets do whacky stuff, shotguns arent always effective. You want to die? Hang by your neck for 15 minutes. Death is never painless.
well if that's what you truly want to do then I wish you luck on your journey fren
Lass das mal meine Sorge sein. Ich bin auch schon was älter, ich mache das nicht aus jugendlichem Leichtsinn.
Nah just take a boat out on a lake with some bricks in your pockets. If the shot doesn’t get you the drowning will.
>shotguns aren’t always effective
a 12g slug will literally decapitate you dude
Just go to a shooting range, have some fun and then off yourself. Or pull the gun from a cop's holster.
That would work. Or go on vacation to the states, buy shotgun, have some fun and then off myself
If you can't get your hands on a gun just look for another safe option. Preferably one where you don't fuck other people's day up like jumping off a building or get run over by a train. What's wrong with the good old exit bag? Every toy store sells helium bottles. Just make sure to use a cpap mask and put up signs for emergency services so you won't endanger them. You can supplement it with a shitton of medication or even heroin.
Other than that I never understood why people come to Yea Forums all like: I wanna off myself how does a trigger work? Can I shoot myself with a stapler?
Literally rob a bank. If failed then die. If success then loadsamone and off yourself later if they catch up or escape bro ESCAPE
If you’re in Germanistan and you want a quick death, just stand on any street corner and shout “fuck Muhammad and fuck Muslims”. You’ll be dead within minutes.
Maybe it will. Do you really want to take the chance that it just blows your face apart and you dont have the wherewithal to try again?
temple, any bullet.
honestly dude the rope guy is right, just calculate your weight and hanging is a sure thing.
forgot to add you can also have an open funeral after as they will only have to cover your neck.
A .22 would suffice. But don't kys.
The water would take some of the energy, and while explosive energy travels more efficiently in water. It might cause the bullet to slow down as well.
Back of the throat aim for the brain stem
if he never held a gun before, temple is easier
That’s highly unsafe. you can end up bleeding out like a retard
Remember to prepare all the paperwork needed for organ donation.
then warn the nearest hospital in advance so they can harvest your organs before they go bad
Get fucked. Do that outside the USA and that range is closed permanently. Euro-shooters love ballistic sports. Do not ruin it for everyone else by being an arse.
Use a plastic bag and balloon helium drama queen.
There’s no way a 12/76 will fail to obliterate your skull
stfu faggot no one cares about eurofags that like to shoot, he'll be dead and nothing will matter anymore.
Doesn't work this way nigga. You gotta be alive for organ harvest.
lol, no
The Heart: 4-6 hours
The Lungs: 4-6 hours
The Liver: 8-12 hours
The Kidneys: 24-36 hours
Well people from the united states of dindunuffin might think this way but 13% of your population is responsible for 50% of all murder cases. So yeah.
How old are you and why do you want to end it?
Which means everywhere that the other 50% of the population lives is virtually crime free; works out okay as long as you avoid the south side in my town
that’s non of your business, nigger
Any bullet will do, but also a hose from your car exhaust will work. Just remember your last thoughts are going to be complete dogshit like all other selfenders
>Makes a whole thread attention seeking on how you're gonna off yourself.
>Gets mad when asked why.
>Death is never painless.
It is if you do it right.
Look up 'helium exit bag'.
Don’t do it. Might as well experience life, good and bad, for the short time you have. In 100 years it will be like you never existed anyways.
>but also a hose from your car exhaust will work
No it won't retard. Cars are designed now so their emissions can't kill you. You'd need an old car to do it.
I’m pretty sure that’s not true.
>I’m pretty sure that’s not true.
Well it is, retard. Why wouldn't you just look it up instead of showing your ignorance?
You can miss with a shot to the head. Aim for the heart.
Not op but I just wanted to say, I actually find a lot of comfort in that photo for whatever reason, thank you
fuck off nigger. he's right.
You're a fucking loser dude. You don't belong here.
This guy gets it.
That way you can end your life while also giving love a bad name.
Egoistic POV. Someone always feel the pain of death.
you have to be careful using the helium tank method because kids do this to themselves accidentally with balloons so they have begun adding oxygen to helium. i would recommend going to the welding supply company and getting nitrogen.
Yes, a shot through the head might lead to somebody being forced to look from where they're standing and wonder if he's dead.
Man suddenly I feel less assured about living near a hospital
Hey...bin Ende 30 und mir gehts seit Jahren genauso. War 3J. ambulante, halbes Jahr stationäre Therapie. Immer wieder aufgestanden, immer wieder gekämpft..zermürbend, will nicht mehr.
Lebe im sh*thole Berlin, mir fehlt eine Waffe, 3 Schuss, nur für mich.
Würde dir gern Mut zusprechen, kann es aber leider hart nachvollziehen. Ich hoffe nur, du hast es für dich gut durchdacht und irgendwie hast du einen Glücksmoment im Leben, der dir wieder Lebensflackern einhaucht..würde es dir gönnen, auch wenn ich dich nicht kenne.
Würde es mir selbst, für mich, wünschen. Aber habe lange genug gewartet. Lass dich nicht von anderen als "Memme" etc. betiteln. Nur du weißt, was du durchgemacht und erlitten hast. Trotzdem, fühle dich (#nohomo) umarmt. Wünsche dir viel Kraft und ein Wunder, dass du trotzdem die Kurve bekommst.
.22 to the belly button. Go to the woods, only bring one bullet, no cell phone, swallow your car key beforehand. RIP.
He's trying to kill himself you mong. Safety is hardly an issue here
I’m suffering from chronic diseases. There’s no enjoyment left at this point
good luck in the next life fren, godspeed soldier
How can white bois even compete?
In Berlin gibt’s doch bestimmt irgendwo zwielichtige Typen, die dir eine Kanone besorgen können, oder?
Das einfachste wäre einen freundlichen Ösi zu finden, der dir eine Schrotflinte kauft oder verkauft. Dafür braucht man dort nicht mal eine WBK und der Verkäufer muss auch nichts der Behörde melden.
“Memme” lässt mich kalt. Die meisten Jungs hier wollen nur ein bisschen edgy sein.
Lol “safe suicide”
In Berlin leben ist doch geil