New Socials

New Socials

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girl i went to high school with

she was always a huge slut, but i see now that goes to college in nyc, shes an even bigger slut online

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How will you use her?

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Share ella insta?

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very flirty

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got more?

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Yes of course

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go, im gonna cum for her

gonna repeat a little of what i said in the last thread

what type of content should i post? sorority/party? bombshells i somehow know irl? snapchat screenshots? girls im really close with?

i got a whole bunch of pictures to dump

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Cum IN her

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this girl goes to my college and we actually lived in the same dorm last year. shes pretty smart and normal during the day, but turns into a huge slut at night

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keep posting left and im cool

post best asses you got

ill try to last as long as i can

What do you like about nikki?

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that tight midriff

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Any love for some rowers?

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i got no idea who the left girl is unfortunately, but i went to highschool with girl on the right, we even were group partners in multiple classes, and now she goes to my college and lives in my dorm. small world. anyway shes hot af but unfortunately is a bit of a rich asshole. she never really liked me bc i wasnt up to play her shitty games.

Attached: stel ass & friend.png (771x771, 1.22M)

She's in her prime

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awesome, keep going. love your posts

Thoughts? Wwyd?

Attached: 15250719_10207813642233114_6372435938723491307_o.jpg (800x1440, 156.84K)

god im hooked

OH and i forgot to mention the best thing about this girl

she has a twin who is just as smoking hot as she is

i had high school classes with both of them. unfortunately only the first one goes to the same college as me now, but at least i get to see one of them at least once a week in passing

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Love the short-haired one on the right. Would love to nut inside her ass.

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good shit user

throbbing fuck

You're not the only one

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hngg that tongue

Cute, keep going

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no just here

Attached: EL (65).jpg (1440x1578, 256.24K)

Nice trips, user!
I have a thing for short-haired girls and tomboys in general so yeah..

Ok np

Attached: Screenshot_20220508-002438_Kik.jpg (1080x1582, 262K)

Wow she has a great body

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would love to see her ass

thanks man. always love how Yea Forums may seem like the least likely place for compliments, yet it happens often! always nice to have a pleasant interaction mr anons

not even sure wtf shes wearing here, looks like a fuckin leotard, but goddamn it shows off a LOT

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those thighs too fuck

yes she has

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Check filename

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love middle too

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likewise user friend! She looks great jesus

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almost fucking lost it

shes cute

Man, I bet she's a freak in the sheets. How tall is she?


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Masha, Ukrainian slut I know living in Dubaï

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I would all four of these ladies for diff reasons. More left?

Like 5 ft 8

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andy sixx moar liek andy SUXX amirite

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love 1

cuz that slut has me dripping

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She's an absolute whore for cum

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She is

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Swedish chicks?

she's going to milk me dry


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Glad you like nikkis lil body

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oof, more user



so hot, post whatever you have of her thats hot


Attached: emily (26).jpg (1080x1350, 170.67K)

jerking like an animal keep going

Maybe #1 cuz tits

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before you click on that girl, she as a beard

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Give her face your hot load

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mm, perfect size for a tomboy. Got any more pics of her not wearing a dress?

keep going, name?

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I’d love to feel her bouncing

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yeah shes suoper cute, thanks user

Keep going here tits are awesome


Good. You saw her name right?

Attached: Screenshot_20220508-004623_Kik.jpg (1080x1649, 254.93K)

Would make her do my laundry and dishes and violently beat her randomly till she flinches at the slightest thing.

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Moar of those tits?

gonna cum for nikki, post best

give me the best one you have to finish

go on

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fuck cumming


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Nikki Woods I'd perfect. Her tiktok is great

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That's a perfect example of a tomboy. Man, the things I'd do to her in bed...

Are you into her, user?

want this girl way more than I should

Bet she loves to be pounded

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Oh fuck yes, who wouldn't be?

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came to that great ass