what are some of the worst live fails? I want to cringe like I never cringed before
What are some of the worst live fails? I want to cringe like I never cringed before
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That does not look healthy, whatever that is.
Prepare yourself
i believe the filename implies it’s a tranny’s post-op “vagina@“
Not even rising to this, not this time
Oh, okay, so this is OP expressing his disdain for trannies by grossing people out with the details of the reassignment surgery. I don't see what that proves; the insides of people's bodies look fleshy and gross regardless of which part it is.
As far as I'm concerned, people can alter themselves like that if they'd like. It's a free country. People can live and die on their own terms.
I'm glad this has been such an enduring meme on here. Genuinely one of my favorite live performances. I'm still amazed these kids wrote this Mars Volta-esque math rock song and performed the whole thing flawlessly to rapturous applause.
I'm still not sure what the singer meant when he mentioned that other bands already played the song they played. Were there other math-psych bands at that show? Monrovia high must be the most patrician high school in the world.
>people can alter themselves like that if they'd like. It's a free country
but they shouldnt
>As far as I'm concerned, people can alter themselves like that if they'd like. It's a free country. People can live and die on their own terms.
Helping mentally disabled people to achieve their crazy plan is morally wrong. These people needs help.
It's a joke, really. No one else would've played that song.
I think he's trying to say that it's an open wound and not actually a vagina that's why it's festering
how is this a live fail, this shit was amazing
what a looser
>It's a free country.
It won't if we give in into their BS.
Is this your YouTube channel?
Yeah except that's not what it looks like for the most part and this person probably has some kind of virus or infection, meaning you're using a physically sick person to make all trans people look bad. Kill yourself.
>people can alter themselves like that if they'd like
They should be shot before given the chance.
every person who underwent gender reassignment surgery is "physically sick," because part of the post-operative procedure is preventing an open wound from healing.
>I don't know fuckall about how any medical procedure works but I will say retarded things about it anyway because I am mentally ill and it's Yea Forums so who cares
Based borderline personality disorder poster.
but it's actually true.
without regular dilation, the """vagina""" with close (heal) because it's an actual open wound. they're very prone to infection.
i dunno man, the lower pic looks like cysts
Those middle school kids playing that weezer song makes me cringe hard desu
>people can alter themselves like that if they'd like.
as long as they pay for it and dont expect the health care system to pay for them
I'll post it then.
Metallica covering Prince was pretty bad.
Again, you're wrong, and nothing you said there is mentioned on the website you have linked, nor does it say anything about infections. Nowhere on that page does it say it will "close", but the vaginal canal could narrow if dilation is not done for a period of time after surgery. This is common with many surgical procedures to aid in proper healing of different parts of the body. So ultimately, you still don't know fuckall about any medical procedure, and I hope you don't go to med school because you'll be wasting your money.
Did you even read your own link? God you people are so fucking insufferable. And relentlessly stupid.
are you baiting or are you really this hellbent on gaslighting anons?
it's a small article promoting the surgery. obviously it won't mention every side-effect. But it does say you require a lifetime of dilation if you want to prevent your "neovagina" from narrowing (read: slowly closing).
it's an open wound.
more pls
G'n'R circa 2011 were total cringe material
Discussion about artificial vaginas and cringe live presentations, there you have a master b8r.
>posting a NSFW image, thinly veiled as a music-related topic, on a blue board, famously known for its trans mods
bold move cotton
There's a lot of trannies in here who are trying to convince themselves they didn't make a big mistake.
>Yea Forums surgical practice discussions
There's a lot of incels in here who are trying to convince themselves they are not a big mistake.
I don't know man I think incels are winning this "fight". At least they still have their dick and aren't pretending to be women.
pretty good, not cringe at all
who is happier
>incels are winning this "fight".
incels can win anything only in their imagination.
where's that Led Zeppelin Phil Collins performance?
probably the one who didn't get castrated
Not the 40% that's for sure.
t. le happy user
What you guys think about linkin park? they were pretty cringe desu
Google points back to a medical paper on someone with an STD. Just for funsies you can google "severe genital warts" to see how that looks on people without neovaginas
what the fuck
The suicide rate decreases post-transition.
god i wish that were me...
>i dont have any counterargument left and cant face the fact that ive lost so ill just reply with "lmao"