What is the worst U.S. state?

What is the worst U.S. state?

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south dakota



Anywhere in the south. You’ll be surrounded by undereducated hicks.

Each state is uniquely shit in its own secret special way.

Hard mode no California

you're just mad you don't live here.

why in God's name would anyone who isn't black jewish mexican chinese arab or indian want to live in California?

new jersey, new york, louisiana, oklahoma,mississippi, illinois,kansas,wyoming

Either New Jersey, Iowa, or North Dakota.

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It’s objectively West Virginia. Literally nothing good going on there. I genuinely feel for any poor soul who has to live there.

Anywhere up north is crowded by retards that unironically call themselves smart.

oh I get it, you're too poor to own land.


Whole state's filled with faggoty oil execs pretending to be rugged cowboy laborers on their luxury farm estates. Shitty power infrastructure because "WE AIN'T TAKIN NO POWER FROM NO DEM-O-CRATS", Everything is superficial and expensive, just like California, but they still act like they have this working man's superiority over 'dem coastal elites.

Bunch of retarded bull-headed fucks who cosplay as cigarette mascots, contribute nothing and act like they carry the country on their backs.

You're on thin ice too, Wyoming.

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North Dakota is pretty shitty. Even the “nice parts” are not worth the fucking cold

Easily a southern state
I would say Mississippi since that state has literally nothing to offer

California, and it's not even close
The air quality out there is terrible, everything smells like a truck on fire (this is during non-wildfire periods)


this. I drove through the state on the way from Ohio to Virginia and it was legit depressing. So many burned out meth houses and dirty abandoned mining edifices. Even the capital feels worn down.

Other than high cost of living and a large homeless population, its ok

Just so you all know.....

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>owning land
>in California
tell me you're retarded without telling me you're retarded

>The air quality out there is terrible
This is only in Los Angeles

Illinois. Every politician, no matter what party affiliation, is corrupt as hell. Taxes in Cook County are through the damn roof.

I would say a purely urban hellscape like new jersey would be the worst. The best would be montana or alaska or Maine. I hope to retire to one of those places, if I can ever afford to retire.

It literally looks like a state that was abandoned by the country (and I reckon it pretty much was). I imagine everyone else’s response is gonna be politically influenced, but regardless of your affiliations, West Virginia is a sore sight to see.

Think before you speak

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For all the fools in the thread saying California, riddle me this: Why do we constantly have an influx of people coming from other shittier states? The only reason people bitch about California and leave it is because they haven't figured out how to make enough money to live here.

Also, I am from Sonoma County, which is one of the best places to live in California. Great wine, food, scenery. You can't beat it.

I think everyone forgot it exists, or pretend it doesn't. But then again, the people living there ain't all too fond of medling strangers and the federal government anyway.

Mississippi. Alabama and Kentucky and other shithole states have the motto, Thank God for Mississippi.

Alabama is perfectly fine as long as you stay out of atlanta.

I have family in Ohio right on the border to WV and it's the same way there. Used to be a nice rural area, but now the place is filled with broken down houses and meth heads everywhere.

I don't even blame the meth heads. There is NO opportunity there. It's fucking soul-crippling to visit.

I've never been to LA
Check out all of the California cities at the tops of these lists... surely "it's a mistake"

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checks out

>the people living there ain't all too fond of medling strangers and the federal government anyway.
Shit, if I lived there, neither would I. All you got is Jesus and your gun when living in a wasteland.

They bitch about California because they binge watch conservative propaganda. Republicans like to shit on California because its viewed as the epitome of liberalism. (which in actuality is Washington and Oregon) Its to the point where they make up shit like about California to justify the republican party and the teenagers on the internet eat this shit up. A recent one is the belief that California decriminalized theft, which is incorrect. Every state has petty theft laws, stop getting your news from tik tok

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i'm drunk alright

but georgia really is cool if you avoid atlanta

alabama is cool in general, just stay away from the university of auburn

Whatever ones have blacks


>Ozone = Air quality
Tell me you are not old enough to vote, without telling me you are not old enough to vote


Funny to see all of these WV comments. I'm from there, but ended up buying a house in Marietta last year. Still commute into WV for my job.

>10 Worst States
1. California
2. South Dakota
3. North Dakota
4. New Jersey
5. New York
6. Mississippi
7. Arkansas
8. Texas
9. Kentucky
10. Nebraska
>Dishonorable Mentions
1. Kansas
2. Ohio
3. New Mexico

>10 Best States
1. Florida
2. Washington
3. North Carolina
4. Arizona
5. Oregon
6. Michigan
7. Montana
8. Wyoming
9. Vermont
10. Tennessee

>Honorable Mentions
1. West Virginia
2. New Hampshire
3. Massachusetts

You have never been to Florida, have you?

new mexico is an amazing state to live in, fuck off.

Thankfully I’ve been blessed with living in the Sunshine State. Call it bias.

New Mexico is just a generic brand Arizona

ok rabbi

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I refuse to think.

the south part, maybe. But I lived in Los Alamos for a few years and it was the most pleasant place i ever lived/worked.

I'm sure your California education covered "modern dilation techniques", but not "ground level ozone pollution".

It's one of the things that most affects CA crop yields, apart from not having any water lol

I see this halfwit user does not understand nuance. Is theft decriminalized? No. But theft can only be charged as a felony when the total is $950 or more. This has greatly increased crime as the only punishment is a slap on the wrist, if any punishment at all.

You need to travel more than my friend. No offense to your home state, but it just is what it is. Not everyone can be blessed with living in a great state.

It’s more convenient for them to ignore that fact.


I went to uni in Sanfa Fe, and I liked it a lot.
I grew up in Ohio, and hadn't wandered around much. The change of scenery was awesome.

what's like growing up there? in the heart of Appalachia?

Worse than Alabama, Mississippi or Oklahoma?

This Calf sucks so bad right now

i've lived in 7 different states and 4 different european countries. Los Alamos is a really nice place to live.

Oilfield cash


People leaving California in droves replaced by illegals

Minnesota hands down.
>shitty climate (down to -50 in the winters, up to 100 and humid af from all the lakes during summers)
>retarded government (bring in rapefugees, have every backwards lefty policy EXCEPT legal weed because we're that fucking retarded)
>niggers from Chicago and Somalia everywhere and all of them are entitled af for not having any god damned work ethic
>only white people are either fucktarded leftoid dribble that cant think without beinf hamfisted a narrative by some MSM outlet, or bible thumping hicks that cant think outside a bible study
>only welfare state with zero time limit on welfare so niggers can live for free and if you try to work you need to put in 70 hour work weeks just to make more than if you didnt work to begin with
>pussified police that only go after whites now, if they know a nigger did something they will NOT act because they know what happened to Chauven when he did his job against a nigger

illinois. fucking boring, no beauty, everyone's an insufferable cock sucker that drives like shit

Somebody just got back from their OAN viewing.

Looooool California is definitely on the wrong list

Can’t speak for Mississippi but definitely worse than Oklahoma and Alabama. The whole state looks like Gummo.

Overall the worst state is Luisiana
It has a bad economy, bad healthcare and bad education options

Then again it all depends what you look for but those are some measurable indexes

All true. But.. it has gumbo.

>10 Worst States
1. Florida
2. North Dakota
3. Ohio
4. South Dakota
5. Indiana
6. New Jersey
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. Arizona
10. Iowa

>10 Best States
1. Hawaii
2. Alaska
3. California
4. New Mexico
5. Washington
6. New York
7. Colorado
8. Texas
9. Minnesota
10. Vermont

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there, as easy as that

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