Is it because critics are opposed the the biz' and their unapologetic whiteness?
Why isn't this widely acclaimed as a modern classic?
It's not as good at being angsty nu metal as Korn and it's not as good at being whiteboy rap as Eminem, it really doesn't serve a purpose
because chocolate starfish is the much superior album
It's a great album. Wes Borland's guitar on this thing is still one of the heaviest sounds the genre has produced.
For some people it is a classic. A lot of people died in the trenches during the Great War so they didn't get to hear it.
>the most wigger band in the most wigger genre
u wot
Modern classic is AnCo.
Shitty nu-metal for kids is on your pic.
Daily reminder
>implying wiggers are white
ZOG fears the whigger, suburban racist teens, should join with redpill blacks and hoteps, like Farrakhan and the NOI to defeat the ZOG machine. Rastafarianism for white people seems like a good thing to aim for.
Read Chuck Palahniuk if you want novels, Nick Land if you are into ''theory''. Y2K/fin de siecle, muh toxic masculinity gen x mom will freak abjection(mistakenly associated with ''boomers'' by clueless zoomers, ''30 year old boomers'' are in fact spiritual survivors from gen x). If you want to figure out ''what's been going on'' over the last 30 years (history ended in 1989) Pop cultural ephemera the trash that's judged unfit for seriousness, is a better guide than official simulacrum of obsolete bourgeoisie subjectivity. Nu Metal was not simply metal+rap but an organic convergence of industrial music, funk, hip hop, groove metal, punk, grunge, mtv, NAFTA, accelerating cultural proletarisation(white suburban kids riot in NWA concerts), secularisation(ie. we forget what made south park's and seth mcfarlane's blasphemy so marketable in the first place). School shooters.Waco and Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City, the LA riots, Cobain's suicide. The Matrix. Fight Club. hot topic, the cultural history of the shopping mall, its rise and downfall, . Mid 00s internet culture, Something awful and its offshoots. the make believe apocalypse of y2k and the real one of 9/11, or is it the other way around? the rise of facebook as human terrain management, importing to the imperial core tactics first used in the iraq war.
this feels positively sumerian removed as it is from the current zeitgeist. the same basic forms survive, yet they have recombined into unexpected combinations. it has been erased and simultaneously intensified.
Korn is gr8
Not Nu metal but partakes in it post club euro fashion
It was too loved when it came out, so when the next big thing happened, everyone railed against this and it never crept back up again after time
it's not 2012 anymore, gramps, millenials are boomers to us, squares, , the revolutionary counterculture youth of america is jamming it to limp bizkit
this is one of the great posts
the essence of whiteness is whiggerhood.
How many non whites like biz?
>being a race traitor is the essence of said race
yeah I wonder who could possibly benefit from this kind of thinking...
>hip hop culture belongs to the black man goy! stay in your lane!
>hip hop
of course an amerimutt jewtoy wouldn't know what culture is like, hence why they would want to take influence from the nigger's shouts
I saw myself before an infuriated mob, facing the firing squad, weeping out of pity for the evil they could not understand, and forgiving!-Like Jeanne d'Arc!-'Priests, professors, masters, you are making a mistake in turning me over to the law. I have never belonged to this people; I have never been a Christian; I am of the race that sang under torture; laws I have never understood; I have no moral sense, I am a brute: you are making a mistake.'
Yes, my eyes are closed to your light. I am a beast, a nigger. But I can be saved. You are sham niggers, you, maniacs, fiends, misers. Merchant, you are a nigger; Judge, you are a nigger; General, you are a nigger; Emperor, old itch, you are a nigger: you have drunk of the untaxed liquor of Satan's still.-Fever and cancer inspire this people. Cripples and old men are so respectable they are fit to be boiled.-The smartest thing would be to leave this continent where madness stalks to provide hostages for these wretches. I enter the true kingdom of the children of Ham.
lose weight
have I not made it clear enough that I am not an american
You can still lose some weight
we are all americans, unless you are counting those rare few of us accessing Yea Forums from uncontacted tribal hamlets in the amazon
Don't like their music, but I love that album cover an that artstyle.
You can still be a fat gluttonous retard without stepping foot in the us.
I feel like I'm having a stroke while trying to read Douglas Coupland
Because its fucking awful
I don't think it's "great" but it is nice to see a short summary like that. More, please. 1989 wasn't the end of history. Such a concept is bullshit but mentally that would draw such a conclusion would be interesting to explore within the context of the zeitgeist of that time. We're in decline and and I can't wait to leave the shithole that is Western Europe. Things are getting worse.
>Jack in
Yeah, man. Too bad that I was too dumb and lazy to belong to the hacker kids of my time.
>I can't wait to leave the shithole that is Western Europe. Things are getting worse.
there is nowhere to run lol.
loved this as a teen, but listening back the mixing is absolutely shot, bass low end drops out constantly for little reason (see Nookie chorus), drum sound is atrocious.
Shit lyrics
Good instrument work
Rap metal is also almost always terrible
>official simulacrum of obsolete bourgeoisie subjectivity
Great way of saying "music critics"
the pinnacle of the genre
nu metal's Loveless
loveless is shoegaze's significant other
based scaruffi drone
Yes, you're right. Globalist agenda ftw.