/metal/ - better than ride the lightning edition
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I love thrash metal, but overkill has always been meh at best to me.
you forgot nigger
third for Ragnarok
that's because it's actually speed metal, shhh, issa secret
post metal for dangerous people
Feel The Fire > Horrorscope > YoD > Taking Over > I Hear Black > Under the Influence
dangerous people don't listen to metal, they listen to 80s smooth jazz and ABBA
What is the worst opinion you've heard when it comes to metal?
I Hear Black is much worse than Under the Influence.
Bolt Thrower Is Chad Metal
Statistically speaking they listen to hip hop.
that american metal is good
Why listen to influenced Motorhead bands when you can instead listen to Motorhead?
That Acid Bath is good
Nice job explaining why I'm wrong, retard.
because Lemmy's aids voice ruins it after ace of spades
Murricans gave the world thrash and death metal. We've done more for metal than 90+% of other countries.
melodeath sucks
keyword "people"
>brits, germans
>brazilians, brits, germans
that Exodus is good with Zetro on vocals
"glam is metal"
Americans were pioneering all of that stuff at the same time as well. Germans are the only other group that really deserves credit as well imo. Brits had some OK stuff, but they're better at traditional metal. You can count the amount of good extreme metal bands from Brazil on one hand.
KEA is the best Metallica album
can't wait to have this discussion again
It's widely accepted that Metallica created Thrash metal and Death created Death metal
It's not hard to argue that Venom is proto-trash desu. Death and Possessed are definitely the first death metal bands though.
This one
>It's widely accepted
Finland is the best country for black metal
>Its another boomers attribute old rock song to metal subgenre episode
>mfw Overkill is the only metal I can listen to besides Motörhead, Pagan Altar, and Sabbath
Am I cringe?
metallica is good
>Overkill is the only metal I can listen to besides Motörhead, Pagan Altar, and Sabbath
Why are you here?
>had conversation with uncle about time he was in a mental ward
>He said he was listening to a lot of Cannibal Corpse and thrash metal at that time
>He threatened suicide in his high school
Metal is confirmed suicide fuel.
Not really. The depressed emo kids might listen to some hipster black metal (which is all false metal poser shit by the way), but that's about it.
you cannot listen to Cannibal Corpse and be a happy person.
Well that's because Cannibal Corpse isn't a good band.
A guy I haven't spoken to since literally middle school is in a metalcore band and tickets are $12, do I go
they've released more bad than good albums and they refuse to kick lars out despite being shown up by literally every stand in drummer they've had
if there's nothing better to do with your time
>hurr this album that rips off the Master of Puppets riff is better than Metallica
Don't be a false
>implying it's just lars holding them back
The entire band would need to fire themselves.
>metalcore band
are they decent or complete sceneshit?
Might as well ask here, but what are some good internet radio streams for metal? preferably live streams.
I normally just check out google play and pandora, but I'm sure something is better out there for Newer death metal and classic melodic death.
imagine being this stupid
damn first 5 metallica albums are great
master of puppets is better than ride the lightning
what do you guys think of my band?
post your favorite album
fair enough
Fight Fire With Fire > Battery
Ride the Lightning > Master of Puppets
For Whom the Bell Tolls > The Thing That Should Note Be
Fade to Black > Sanitarium
Trapped Under Ice > Disposable Heroes
Escape > Leper Messiah
Creeping Death > Damage Inc.
The Call of Kthulu < Orion
So, RtL wins 7/8 match ups. It's clearly much better.
he already said they're metalcore
>Escape > Leper Messiah
>The Call of Kthulu < Orion
RtL is the better album but these are wrong
you don't love thrash metal then
You're wrong about all of those.
>no true scotsman
literally and unironically kill your brain dead
what are you doing in this thread dude
telling you to off yourself
shit >>>> vomit
Leper Messiah is literally the worst and most boring song from 80s metallica. I don't care how much you might dislike Escape, nothing comes to close to the dullness of Leper Messiah. Fuck that song. Preferring The Call of Kthulu over Orion I'm okay with though.
Metallica has more than one good album, so no
So many other bands have done it way better.
I love certain tracks from their classic albums, but there's a bunch of stuff that just sounds like thrash by numbers. Compare that to the first two Exodus albums, and I'm taking Exodus every time.
you don't belong here
imagine being so underage you don't realize the Elimination riff is basically MoP
So does Anthrax.
Leper Messiah is a fucking corker, you don't know what you speak of.
That's your opinion.
>Hey guys original question, uhh something something metallica haha give me yous plz.
you are unironically braindead
overkill sucks
seen these guys live a few times. always seem to phone it in. suck live. nothing exciting. shame, cause the music is good.
>tfw this album was supposed to be delivered to me today but I missed the delivery and now have to wait until saturday to pick it up from the post office
Master of Puppets has slightly better songs than RtL, I dunno what genius decided to make the guitar tone about half as heavy as the previous album though.
RtL ends up winning because it crushes you if you crank the volume. MoP sounds "big" but fizzy and soft.
Overkill is an absolutely mediocre speed metal borefest who couldn't even come up with a decent name and logo
you're embarrassing yourself
overkill is second rate. it's OK to like second rate stuff, but let's not pretend it's better than it is
>decent name and logo
fucking tell me about it, "hey let's steal iron maiden's font and name ourselves after the album we ripped off the most"
This is still a killer track tho
That sludge metal is inherently shit.
>inb4 this post is the worst opinion
Not my fault you werent born with the gift of autism, normie.
dude go away, this isn't the right place for you
killer of good taste
been here in all probability longer than you, and will outlive you and your mediocre third rate "other great 4" almost-thrash obsession
It’s true tho
You're wrong about all of those.
tourist please go
This Overkill hate is kind of dumb, they're a fucking great live band. Some weak tracks on the studio albums but a lot of real quality shit as well.
Stop being mean to Overkill. It's bumming me out.
>g-g-o back, t-touerist! ;_;
fuck off, develop some taste
But Yea Forums and Yea Forums are full of /pol/fags what the fuck is he talking about?
>yeah develop some taste and listen to metallica like me \m/
boomer hours
tourist not welcome
>I discovered there are faster bands than metallica and slayer the other month so now I think metallica and slayer are the worst bands ever. this is definitely not a genre neophyte phase
that's how generals work
metallica's marginally better, but that's not saying much
i never said metallica was bad
The amount of tears the Overkilletantes are shedding are going to short-circuit the site's servers
The amount of tears the Metallitantes are shedding are going to short-circuit the site's servers
>i am le original
who's crying over shittallica, though?
All the people arguing with the Overkill fags.
Overkill and Dark Angel attract the worst kind of entry level pseudo-elists. They could at least rep something great, like Pleasure to Kill (not that that's as good at RtL, but it comes closer). But no. they choose a more or less riffless band with no qualities other than have LE FAST DRUMMER, and a band with elmo on crack singing who pretty much spent the 80s chasing Metallica's success.
not really
suck a dick
you're still here? just go don't waste your time
>Pleasure to Kill (not that that's as good at RtL
Of course it's not as good, it's leagues better
go to bed rifflet
Whatever you say, pal.
kreator is pretty shit desu
>just go don't waste your time
heed your own advise, sad sack of shit
go away man, this isn't your place
who was the joker who put albums above the "shit" tier
Ok, buddy.
Melodeath does not suck
the correct answer
Fight Fire With Fire = Battery
Ride the Lightning < Master of Puppets
For Whom the Bell Tolls > The Thing That Should Not Be
Fade to Black < Sanitarium
Trapped Under Ice < Disposable Heroes
Escape < Leper Messiah
Creeping Death > Damage Inc.
The Call of Kthulu < Orion
ha! good one!
It's better than overkill
>;_; meanie go!
Whatever floats your boat, friendo.
Master is *not* better than Ride, no way, no how
you will feel more comfortable in other site dude, this just isn't the right place
Is this one of the greatest death metal tunes of all time?
are the overkill fanbois
why are you so mad that some people like a band you don't like
closer, but the real correct answer is
Fight Fire With Fire = Battery
Ride the Lightning > Master of Puppets
For Whom the Bell Tolls > The Thing That Should Not Be
Fade to Black > Sanitarium
Trapped Under Ice < Disposable Heroes
Escape < Leper Messiah
Creeping Death > Damage Inc.
The Call of Kthulu > Orion
I love Overkill but it's retarded to suggest otherwise. Don't forget how similar Damage, Inc. and Evil Never Dies are.
stop talking about metallica holy shit
every fucking thread
Disposable heroes is a bloated mound of incoherent fuck. How did they stretch that song out to almost nine minutes?
why are you so mad your shit band is getting called out as it should
I'm just memeing dude don't take anything I say seriously. If I posted my favorite bands here I would get shit on harder than overkill is getting shit on right now
i'm not mad. i don't even like overkill.
ok, you DO need to go, though
stop. you're being autistic at this point. i'm on the same side as you, but you need to knock it off, you look like a retard right now.
no u
It could have been cut down by a couple minutes, but it has a very cool call and response type of riffing from the vocals that you don't hear much in metal.
it wasn't me
no u
well it was fookin one a yas
how deaf do you have to be to not hear the riffs in darkness descends
it's the greatest thrash metal album of all time
>it's the greatest thrash metal album of all time
im serious
>Ride the Lightning > Master of Puppets
Absolutely wrong
I know you're being serious, that's what makes it so funny
was varg cut by euronymous? what is that on his chin?
are you being serious, that's been answered a million times, even by the absolute madman himself
What do you think is the best thrash metal album of all time?
Funny thing is that you guys just should realize that thrash metal is a trash sub-genre of metal so arguing about what band is better is just pointless.
I actually don’t know where he got that cut but then again I don’t like to hang out that music with people that listen to metal
>Overkill and Dark Angel attract the worst kind of entry level pseudo-elists
This is 100% correct. These are great bands but that kind of faggots always focus more on disliking metallica than actually saying why they like these bands.
Anything by Municipal Waste or Vektor
Sodom - Witching Metal, 1982
how do you not lose yourself in the manic chorus of the title track or the rhythmic propulsions of black prophecies
it is the perfect metal record
i don't dislike metallica. i just like overkill better.
just say sacred Reich, enforcer and iron reagan
the only thing worse than overkill is pizza thrash and voivod ripoffs
>Sodom - Witching Metal
german big four > american big four
does anyone really think otherwise and isn't a faggot?
gimme your top over kill tunes
Not him but Vektor doesn't sound anything like Voivod.
how was the pit
surprisingly good except one kid kept spazzing out obnoxiously and some art hoes got hurt but overall successful
Coma, Rotten to the Core, Skullcrusher, Overkill
thats a motorhead tune idiot
Overkill also has a song called Overkill.
Yea Forums really is in a state of chaos right now. Their jannies are unironically catering to redditors and tumblrinas. Everybody who disagrees with this unholy trinity gets automatically called /pol/ doesn't even matter if the user leans left or not. On somewhat brighter news, there are people who still defend what I like to call the old guard.TL;DR Yea Forums is definitely on the brink of collapse.
thx, over kill's one of those bands i wanna get into I just need a place to start,
I'd just start from their first album and move forward from there.
>TL;DR Yea Forums is definitely on the brink of collapse.
to quote an old adage:
>german big four
No such thing
god I loved that album,
didn't they kind of fall off for the 90s?
It gets a lot rougher after Horrorscope, but there's some great tracks mixed in the later stuff.
sodom destruction kreator...uh uh death?
It's the Unholy Teutonic Trio, you latecomer shit
tankard, normally
you're the one making shit up, it's always been 4
yes that or tankard
>you latecomer shit
>Teutonic Trio
sounds catchier
I bet you like melodeath
Nice "source"
Tankard is considered as big or as important as the Three only by people who own Municipal Waste shirts. They didn't do anything of note or influence anyone.
>Nice "source"
goddamned imbecile
waaaahhhh wikipedia is a good source i swear
>the teutonic big four? you mean Helloween, Running Wild, Blind Guardian and Gamma Ray?
power metal is for homos
no u
Why is she so beautiful bros
They figured out how to make a female vocalist good, just get one that sounds like a guy
have u never heard of sacrilege homo
Based and Powerpilled
Rust in Peace
How much of a faggot do you need to be to fuck up the OP for this general? You literally copy and paste half of it and you couldn't even do that right.
would you guys join if i made a cytube
I'd join a discord
why are you a gamer
I'm not. I use it for having a server to discuss literature, philosophy, music and comfy shitposting.
That without Pantera, metal would not be what it is today.
oh that sounds nice
is there really a good place for literature?
Well I run a small server in which I only let people who read and who I like/get recommend by others. Around 15 very active posters and 15 semi active so it's easy to manage.
that sounds good but i'm not a frequent reader
Are they filled with commie dogshit?
What are some memes in metal you regret falling for?
>Krieg is shit
I fell for this meme for years until fairly recently. Maybe it's because they're a USBM band and admittedly most USBM bands are shit or because Imperial is fat or because their particular brand of black metal wasn't just a shitty ripoff of Norgay black metal and was something truly unique and day I say American? Maybe all of the above. Either way I regret not giving this band more of a chance when I was younger because Krieg at their best truly sound like some chaotic and miasmic black metal. There's no fruity trysts through a forest full of butt-fucking trolls while you cosplay as a hobbit in this music.
I read maybe 70-80 books/year, some guys do more. I got into black metal because it's ambient while reading in public to drown the voices of the normies.
I fell for 1914 for a while. Was interested in NSBM as a concept for a while, but only liked Nokturnal Mortum.
Why do all the usual metal faggots I meet end up being carbon copies of each other? Just once I'd like to meet someone who's at least heard the name Emperor.
I fell for the “The black dahlia murder is scene and therefore shit” meme refused to listen to them for years. It wasn’t unti they released their album “ritual” that I gave them a try and I’m so glad I did
emperor sucks ass
How is it posible for you to not meet Metal fans that are into basic bm? You probably just hang out with boomers
Because black metal sucks hard
How? Fucking poser.
"raw" black metal, but then I realized it's all trash that sounds exactly the same and went back to true metal
Of course not. The worst we have is a kantian.
>basic bitch blacked metal fan think he is hot shit
Profanatica is another band I steered clear of for years because they took a picture(s) of themselves together naked in their corpse paint and everyone made fun of that shit. Just looked so ridiculous I didn't want to be associated with anything so gay that everyone was making fun of. But then a couple of years ago I read a review for their album Thy Kingdom Cum, decided to check it out, and was blown away. Grabbed all their other material and it was also great. They still shouldn't have taken such a homo picture even though now I understand why they did it.
If you don't know every Maiden album and don't like the black album you're either a tryhard numale or a zoomer.
If you don't think the Gibson Flying V is the best guitar for metal you're a homo.
>I'd like to meet someone who's at least heard the name Emperor
So you're a zoomer who only hangs around zoomers then.
It's not gay, it's kvlt as fuck
Just like that one album where the keyboards player has her tits out everyone used to make fun of
Will he do it?
>being such a casual pagan you don't know odin hung upside down
>being such a casual pagan you think the elderly and sickly were cast aside
this guy's an overdramatic sumbitch who just needs to eat a shotgun
He has the brain of a small bird. Det Som Engang Var is a goat album, though.
hey baby
only good post in the thread
Same here
thinking Obscura was good and even Gorguts' best
It isn't good but it definitely is their best
Agreed, I kept trying to understand what is supposed to be making it good while I was still exploring basic /m/ charts.
That tone is one of the reasons RtL is better.
You feel the same about altars
be honest
>What is the worst opinion you've heard when it comes to metal?
Atmosphere > riffs
God damn they look fucking old
I wonder why
I have a new hobby, watching overly excitable black people react to metal
welcome to fuckin 6 months ago when youtube tried forcing niggers watch rock/metal/ non white music into your recs over and over
>6 months ago
try for the past 5 years
then keep it for yourself and never post here again
this OP is disgusting. get the format right, faggot.
Any bands that sound similar to Nothingface Voivod?
too late now crybabby
lmao I never seen someone put the edition in the subject.
has your world view changed along with this revelation
You know they're only pretending right?
This thread is AIDS, thanks a lot faggots
and now that you've contributed to it, it's much better.
It's definitely not any worse.
A little late to save it now desu
Face it, faggots. RtL is the best Metallica album. Deal with it.
Yeah agreed overkill is maybe the only classic thrash band I don't like at all.
I hate the vocals, I find the riffs generic and boring... it just sounds so fucking unoriginal to me.
>not liking overkill riffs
>not liking overkill vocals
I even like clean vocals more than harsh, Bobby just sucks. I'd rather listen to Vio-lence, and that says something
if it makes you feel better, pleb
Post riffs you faggots
Yeah cause making yourself like a mediocre band like overkill makes you have better taste lmao
Is this shit actually good, or am I just a retard with shit taste?
mediocre in your opinion. i'm not forcing myself to like anything.
the internet ruined my life
What's the album?
Do you know where I should start with Arcturus?
It's time to redeem this thread
Everything in your greentext is 100% correct. They only sound like carbon copies of each other because those are objective facts retard. You are not a metalhead and are a poser.
Onyx by Nocternity