I'm gonna purchase a pack of cigarettes. Which kind should I buy?
I'm gonna purchase a pack of cigarettes. Which kind should I buy?
you shouldn't. It says right on the box it WILL give you cancer
don't buy any
cigarettes are stupid
and no you don't look "cool" with a cigarette in your mouth idiot
Anything non-filter, tastes better and you more nicotine for your dime. Does Pall Mall filterless still exist in the US? If they, get a pack of those.
I usually get marlboro lights
It says WILL? Nah only some smokers get cancer
Lucky Strike or American Spirit unfiltered
You're right, the rest get heart disease.
Consider vaping instead
Unfiltered Lucky Strikes. Good luck kid
Cigarettes are for women. Be a man and buy a box of good cigars. You will not regret it.
Pipes are fucking awesome too
Cigars and pipes are for old snobs, real men chew tobacco and suck each other's dicks.
Get these instead
Don't smoke nigger, don't make the same mistake as I do
is the nicotine a worthwhile addiction? i dont feel any pleasure currently. will they make me feel good for longer than a month before i get tolerance?
Tobacco companies are owned by the United Nations.
but the box is cool, and i might not even die
Don't do it user. I have been smoking for 15 years and regret it so much all the money I could have had/saved and what it's probably done to my heath I wish I never started
camel filters
Spend 100 and get a roll your own kit and a bag of tops.
Just quit bro lol
Look, a kid!
memes exist for a reason, just smoke reds or suck cock
Those killed my grandfather in 1959
“Pell Mell” is how the fag in the commercial pronounced it.
Since you’re obviously a homosexual, smoke these
I have tried several times and failed but I plan to try again but its hard I tried nicotine patches gums and vaping nothing works
all that shit is garbage. Quitting is easier than your brain and other people tell you it is. I've smoked for 10 years myself. You'll be mildly irritated for about 2 weeks and then you'll notice that you're just as chill as you were after a smoke.
camel unfiltered
i used to work at a convenience store and i sold probably $1,000 worth of cigarette packs every day. same dudes came in every few days to buy their packs. you gotta learn to be friends at least to some degree with them cause these dudes are gonna be coming in a lot. anyways, marlboro smooth always stuck out to me as a cool cig. id never smoke myself, but in terms of choice marlboro smooth, marlboro blend 72, nobody bought southern cut or blue ice or whatever the fuck those were. niggers always bought newports. niggers and newports go hand in hand, though some niggers are more classy and go for the djarum blacks ect. all zoomers who smoke weed love going to the convenience store and buying the shiny foil wrapped cigarillos so they can break them apart and fill with weed. those are tobacco leafs though so the reason they like doing that is because they are addicted to tobacco lol. anyways, marlboro reds are fine, some dudes got the lights, some dudes got the ultra lights, and cheapskates or homeless would buy the 305's, or cheyenne, the really cheap cigarettes which were only like $4.50 per pack instead of the nearly $8 per pack for marlboro and nearly $9 per pack for the more premium brands. protip if youre planning on becoming a cancer ridden smoker, buy cartons. you save like a dollar per pack on 12 packs. also, american spirit is somewhat popular, though like i said ive never smoked so i wouldnt know what any of these taste like feel like ect
girls love camel for some reason.
lucky strike red
or blue if you're a woman
its because it reminds them of camel toes, when their vaginas get fucked by the pants they wear and it looks like you can see the vagina but the pants is still on
Dunlap blacks if you could ever find them.
Otherwise american spirit organics bc cancer
1 marbloro =16 org Americans spirits in carcinogens
1 Newport menthol = 18 ""
1 Camel = 14
get a load of this tranny
ywnbaw kys tranny incel
>Smokes cigarettes that blacken the lungs and makes you smell like shit and get dirty looks when smoking in public
>Doesn't vape
Bruh switch to a low nicotine vape and wean yourself off....you can achieve the same thing by actually looking cool and the clouds are fatter. And girls like it, I let a bunch of girls hit mine when we hang out and when I don't wipe off the spit and hit it it's like we kissed. Switch to vape, live longer bro
reds are outside of the metal
i've never met a girl in my life that's smoked unfiltered cigarettes. I mean I've never met a girl in my life either tho so idk
>its actually 2022
>Being so fucking retarded you don't even know what year it is lmfao
>not realizing everything fucking gives you cancer
Sucking on things is gay.
Camel Blue.
that's a close-minded way to dwarf psychological angst that was explored in the early days of the US of A and the automobile.
I used to smoke Benson & Hedges Menthol Lights.
They were great.
I used to travel a lot of some really backwoods places around the planet - think African Congo or islands in Indonesia still run by indigenous tribes - and I never went anywhere that one of those smokes didn't bring a smile to a local chieftan, or get me some cool shit in trade.
Men are men all over the planet. Give them a good drink or a easy smoke and they're your pal.
licking things is gayer
Daily Reminder: To all the faggots posting anti-smoking crap in this thread. You are all going to die, no matter what you do.
Live like a man while you are alive.
Drink the drink.
Smoke the cig.
Eat the steak.
Fuck the girl.
No one gets out alive, so milk it for all the experiences you can. "Staying alive" just to live a little bit longer is stupid and a waste of your manhood. No one is going to know who you were 100 years from now, so who gives a fuck what you do?
Maybe when you're dead your great-great-great grandkid will find a picture of you standing on top of some mountain poised with a cigarette in your teeth. He will wonder what kind of bad ass you were, not "oh my, I wonder if he understood the health risks associated with tobacco!!!??"
You're misquoting James Dean and any you only live once snowflake gross negligence of imprudence by invoking a terminal that was a wilson in castaway
Boo Hoo.
Your post reads: "Don't do anything dangerous because being alive is so precious that any activity that might shorten it even by minutes is just not worth it!!!! REEEEEEE!!!"
Now be useful and hand me my Zippo.
based vaper. rather smell good instead of scaring all the girls away with my cig breath P.U.
I was going to say Oasis but the cheap motherfuckers don't make them anymore. If you can find them, either unfiltered Camels or unfiltered Lucky Strikes.
i prefer luck strike true red
Only ones I’ll smoke. No one smokes these so if they’re discontinued I’ll quit smoking
Get a pack of Morley’s.
I used to work for a tobacco distributer they still have Pall Mall NF in the US but it's very rarely sold.
White Winstons
F cigareetes buy WEEEEED LMAO L MAO
Marb Black 100's
Start small my guy