*virtue signals in your path*
*virtue signals in your path*
We´re Coming Out is the best track
t. tranny
wtf are you talking about
being a tranny is totally just self expression bro not a mental illness that results in suicide 50% of the time
pretty sure op has been triggered by androgynous
I'm not you schizo
omg I am so mad right now fite me irl faggot
Husker Du is better.
I don't even disagree, just don't see why this is relevant.
Oh, fuck off. Let It Be and The Replacements are GOAT-Tier.
why does pleased to meet me get so much acclaim? the production makes it near unlistenable
all the replacements albums sound kinda shit production-wise but PTMM is probably the worst of them all. i like it quite a bit because i love the band in general but i have to say it's probably my least favorite of theirs.
Androgynous would straight up get you cancelled today. Are you fucking kidding me? "Something meets boy, and Something meets girl?" People would fucking riot over that today. The point of the song is "who fucking cares?" Mentally ill or not, it's not your problem you OCD fuck.
Androgynous is about cross-dressing not transgenderism you fucking retards
Alex Chilton, Can't Hardly Wait, Skyway; the album is chock full of really good songs and I know the production is way maxed out, but I still like it despite that. Tim is still GOAT though.
i dont think people would take offense to that lyric today. the end of answering machine "try to free a slave from ignorance/try to teach a whore about romance" is pretty iffy though
Do americans really, actually, seriously, literally, unironically, indeed do this?
>this meme
it's been a long time indeed
me this this thread had all the chances to get archived and i bumped it and now it´s really a shitty thread. i hate mys