What exactly is wrong about this...

What exactly is wrong about this? Why are liberals so triggered over Trump wanting to stop drug labs in Mexico when their own government refuses to do it?

Attached: based.png (1171x279, 233.19K)

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I'm so glad I cant identify or relate with people who are still obsessed with Trump. They all have dark faggot groomer satanic minds and spirits, they'd be happier if we were dead and our children sodomized

That doesn't answer the question retard

Launching missiles at another sovereign nation is literally an act of war, dumbass. You are absolutely braindead if you can't figure that out.

We're not attacking the Mexican government though. Unless you're suggesting that the cartels are the real Mexican government? Is that what you're hinting at?

Some guy who trump hired wrote a book. No need to be so triggered because you perceive he slighted your orange god, or if you have to be, stay on reddit next time

If you dont want drugs in your country then stop to use it you stupid gringo. all the fucking time you complain "oh drug cartels in are awful why mexicans dont stop it?", but ay the same time your entre culture encourages and apologizes its use, so your white, rich, hollywood stars and politicians can sniff cocaine and fuck minors, and destroy latin american economies ay the same time, then they full your country with cheap wageslave beaners to become even more rich.

oh but we mexicans are guilty not your american whitoid hypocrite hedonistic nigger culture.

chinga tu madre pinche gringo puto

Well, the cartels work for the CIA after all.

Attached: gary webb.jpg (640x738, 85.05K)

How did he slight him? If anything he confirmed trump is based

How did we ruin their economies? Its not our fault you dumbass spics refuse to fix your crappy countries and insist on moving here, only to recreate the same shithole you just crawled your monkey asses from

They're the ones providing Mexicans with the drugs. Do you think Mexicans are the ones behind all this? Mexicans can't even stop their cities from smelling like shit. You think they're going to come up with an elaborate drug scheme that dismantles the United States from the inside out? You probably think Chinese got all the technology because they're "smart" right?