Why are right-wingers like this?

Why are right-wingers like this?

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They think fox is liberal propaganda. They only watch OAN and Newsmax now.

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They're incapable of original thought. All they can do is repeat Russian scripts.

Let’s be real here. Maybe 1% of Americans are scientifically, mathematically, or civically literate. Virtually all of you rubes claiming to have “done the research” mean that you saw some other illiterate rube in expensive clothing say it on the whatever your favorite channel is on the electric Jew.

>Listen here cuckservative I've done all the research and Biden isn't racist

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>nine whole lines of words

the left can't meme.

The right can't read.

Now that's the logical excuse I was expecting to hear.

Lmao this nigger is bragging that he can't read a paragraph

centuries of jewish inbreeding

One thing I don't get about American liberals is how you guys make out Ben Shapiro to be a white supremacist or what have you (unless the pic is a bit off because, hey, it's a meme, not a treatise) when he's an Joo.


How did you come to this conclusion?

Jews can be fascists. Just look at the Israeli government for the past decade.

I mean Nasa said the data on global warming was false. Also no one really thinks the Holocaust was fake.


Do you think Jews can't be white supremacists? That their is no overlap in their desired outcomes? Who do you think are the biggest supporters of Israel? Hard to answer your question if that much is questioned.

>That their

Because life doesn't mean anything anymore and people have gravitated toward politics for entertainment and making people who care way to much get mad about stuff is really funny and entertaining.

Also as a lib myself, I like Joe Rogan even if he' fundamentally wrong on the pandemic and it makes me want to throw a fetus at him.. It's just his opinion. It's not propaganda.

Well, yes, but that's not white supremacy , like most regular fascism is - in fact that makes it kind of the opposite lol - unless he's being very naive and gullible.

He's spoken out against the alt right (sorry, the far right) several times including Milo Yumhorsepenis.

Since when do white supremacists support Israel?

>go to Canada
Europoor here. Weren't you liberals screaming all year how you will leave the country if Trump becomes the president?

Why is OP a jizz slurping retard?

1946. I am not saying they support it BECAUSE they're white supremacists; just that there is significant overlap between the groups.

But just because they may have a common goal with those Jews, doesn't mean Jews are white supremacists. That would mean advocating for the killing of non white people including black Jews as well.

>neocon kikeservatives who get offended for israel believing the holocaust was fake

>'ey, boyo, is you some kinda palooka
>implyin' that jizz slurpin' is retardededed
>implyin' it's not almos' as invigoratin' as
me spinach

>implyin' it ain't good to take both spinach and jizz an' become like a sub
>long hard an' full o' SEAMAN uuuugugugugug

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>That would mean advocating for the killing
Supremacy doesn't necessarily mean killing others. Even if someone doesn't believe a group is superior, if they advocate for the supremacy of that group there is functionally no difference. If you aren't comfortable calling Ben a white supremacist, then feel free to use 'white supremacist ally' or something. Follow?

Why is left wing like this?

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>ISRAEL believing the holocaust was fake
Sauce. I call bullshit, apart from the odd fringe loony anyone can cherry pic in a country of 15 million where of course there will be some.

I mean, it depends on how many bodies the average oven can burn per hour and exactly how much fuel they would each need.

I follow. But I don't see what makes him an ally to white supremacists just because he's a grumpy conservative fuck that will look slightly similar on the surface.

Now it'd make more sense if you called him a goblin supremacist...

What's funny, is that is just what the right is projecting onto the left when they see masks.

So no, the left isn't even like that. It's just right tards being insecure

A mixture of self-aggrandizement, self-pity and low self-esteem. Usually there's some kind of persecution complex also.

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>If you give the people something to fight for then you got an army.

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And the people who happen to say this anf will somehow prove it using math also happen to be the ones who openly hate Jews, Not likely to have been distorted at all! Very unbiased!

Also, you're reading this in my voice!

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He is. A person can be multiple things. Like I was saying it just happens that Zionism and white supremacy have a lot of overlap.

So insecure that they openly oppose the mask mandates, vaccines, the “current thing” in the face of overwhelming criticism and derision. What cowards.

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The short answer is they're stupid and or out of touch

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Lefty libs are fucking idiots. Seriously.

They are cowards. Scared to take a shot. Scared to wear a mask. Scared of their "creator". Scared their corporate backers will change sides. Not a hero amongst the lot

This thread is full of bots and redditors

good goy

yes, they are. however the Righto fascists are batshit insane. how you boot lickers dont see you are being used like dumbest fucks on the planet is insane.

By reading. Good luck learning now, faggot

left simply cannot meme

it's just a run on sentence. cope tranny sympathizer

as usual

inbreeding, alcoholism, child abuse and sociopathy. they dont really count as people anymore, you can fuck em up in so many ways, you can actually trick them into fucking themselves up without much effort.

You "fuck up" conservatives? How so? Facts and logic?

i'd rather be a useful tool than a worthless obstacle.

>you can actually trick them into fucking themselves up
This is the sad truth

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i have a little hobby. i throw on a nice button up shirt and hangout at some real born again yeehaw church and make friends with the retards with the most money, i tell them about how im part of a grass roots movement to overturn the election/take down 5g wireless/prove the earth flat, whatever they need to hear. and then i talk about financial stresses a lot. its only a matter of time before one of them opens their wallet to help "support the cause" and then i dip and do it again in another church in another city.

its fucking great. i havent had to work for 5 years now.

I just want low taxes and to be left the fuck aline.

yeah but what about all the rich people making money by fucking with you? have you thought about their wants? their needs? dont be so selfish

Nobody is fucking me besides the government trying to tax me out of existence.

thats right. its just the government.

way to prove her point you sheboone

roflol i dont know about sad. this is better than porno

Idiots love denial that makes them feel good.

they are dumb as the people on the left, divided and conquered

2 parties are 2 sides of the same shit coin kid

The left doesn’t watch this content.

Somebody accuses someone of being alt right and then they circle jerk about it until the end of time considering it to be true

This is why your average leftist thinks tulsi gabbard is a republican for one example. Lifelong democrat who was pro choice lol. Remember, misinformation is only the thing the evil right does.

Want some more proof? Joe Rogan is unbiased, the WSJ ranges from neutral to slightly left according to most polls, and billOReilly hasn’t even had a show for years.

Imagine being so prison misinformed while berating others for misinformation. It’s a fucking joke.

Praise Science we're logical humans and not evil spirit gun colonists who are so stupid yet ran everything for a really long time

they thought that being contrarian was a good way to mask over the fact they don't know what they're talking about. it worked for a few years, which doesn't surprise me, but it's dead now.

holy science im euphoric in my enlightenment

The WSJ is pro-Kyle Rittenhouse, pro-Trump, and pro-Confederates.

Literally all the time as they hate Muslims more. Ffs go outside nerd.

A human would have read the thread first so they wouldn't post things contradicted in the thread. You are a bot. Redditpasta, no less.


Roe v Wade is being overturned and the left are saying they won't breed in protest
Your kind will die out soon and the right will return america to what it was in 2011, peaceful

Why did the right believe all of those outlets when it came to WMD’s in Iraq??

go back to /pol/
so tired of these tribal niggers you fucking political faggots are worse than pedophiles.

REEEEEEEEE harder in the capitol building faggot again and prove how dumb the left are.

you underestimate how viciously retarded most people are

You don't even know what a run-on sentence is, trumperina

based lol


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Not always faggot

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>calls people faggots
>weak ass facebook meme
not sending their best today


That's fucking right, You Tranny Faggot ---> move to Canada

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seriously. these freaks are so broken that you can use them to go after whoever you want. you can even get them to go after themselves. check this out.

hey, why do you allow italians, irish and slavs into your circle? you really want a race cucked by mudslimes, albino niggers, and "ex" slaves into your circles? doesn't seem all that pure.

I love when mutts try to expound racial knowledge like who taught you that your busted white single mother or your nigger daddy who went out to buy smokes