Women are deleting tinder in droves

Women are deleting tinder in droves

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nobody here will be affected, 0 match having losers.

dont care lmao

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Use. Fucking. Birth. Control. Stupid fucking bitches.

They're admitting they get abortions because it's convenient, not because they were raped in a dark alley

OP is a master baitsman

I dont care

isnt this exactly what anti-abortion people want? They want women to not have so much premarital sex because then the possible baby would be aborted, right? So taking away abortion rights in the USA would discourage whoring. Exactly what they want.

Social conservatives be like “oh noooo not hookup culture no, what’s next?” Lmao.

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Good tinder is a cancer on society

I fucking hate women so much.

Everyone on tbis board has a breeding fetish so who cares

>implying this is a bad thing

Fuckin whores man.

>ban abortions
>society instantly improving
Why didn't we do this earlier?

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Women can either start suckin dick and taking it in the ass, or properly screen/date guys before letting their dicks in them. Their bodies, their choice.

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As a woman, I wouldn't want to date any of these raging lunatics promoting/condoning the murder of recently-born children, OR the unborn, either.
If they're too damned lazy to use proper birth control, they shouldn't be out f*cking in the first place, so removing themselves from the dating/gene pool is a good tactic, IMHO!

If they were capable of not having promiscuous sex they wouldnt need abortions.

That's the real reason conservatives push this. They're just trying to cancel recreational sex, primarily because a lot of them were denied the opportunity to ever have any because all the "whores" out there were interested in hotter more charismatic men that didn't bore them to death. By this time next year the headline will be "X Governor signs birth control ban into law" and the inevitable will become undeniable.

Sluts are good and retards are retards. Big shock.

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I wouldn't date a woman who has a tinder or dating account anyway. Never have, never will. It's a really good way to screen out 95% of retards you don't want to go on a date with anyway. Trust me, it will improve your life

Right wing men are far more attractive/desirable than any left leaning "male" lol. What kind of fantasy world are you living in?

Based conservatives. Whores should have put out for them lmao.

They can't even use their own words, so transparent

The point is that conservatives don't care cause they're not sleeping around, or interested in people who sleep around. They're preaching to the choir. The only people loosing sleep over this are lefties.

If only, tinder/swipe culture is toxic as fuck.
I'd love to see women boycot dating apps

All anti abortion arguments boil down to misogyny

They don't care because 30% of men are still virgins at 30 in 2022 and they almost entirely make up this group and blame women for it. They're losers lmfao

I don't know why they do this to themselves. They're all just fighting over the same 25-30% of men and then complaining that they get no attention.

Pretty much yeah, all tinder does is inflate their expectations while deflating 90% of the male populations self esteem

Don't be confused, an incel ("involuntary celibate") is not a conservative. It's a wanna be promiscuous person who just can't get laid. Like I said, conservatives aren't sweating this.

The main reason the conservatives want abortion to be illegal is because they believe it's murdering a living child, period.
That aside, turning over Roe V. Wade, isn't making abortion illegal, nation wide. It's just pushing that ruling off to the individual states.

show titties

good. its degen. but its not true. the cunt is the womans main path to social acceptance. they want the boys to like them so they will put out. its robbing a woman of her main tool. thats why they are really mad.

yea, women will all of a sudden stop being whores.

Casual sex is fun, sure
But it’s having a really negative effects on the nuclear family, which is what conservatives actually don’t like. Over 50% of abortions are repeat offenders. So please tell me why expecting people to take preventative measures, for which there are numerous options, including plan b is more evil than using some sort of protection. You can’t. It’s all wan wah wah you can hold me accountable for my actions. Yes I can and I do. Stop being a shit human being.


lol imagine raw dogging a tinder thought

>I fuck men who run on hot pockets and juul pods and now I won’t anymore.

Lmao thinking this is a flex


what kind of man supports women's rights?

OH NO!!!! all of these FINE women !!!

WHAT WILL I DO NOW !!!!!?????



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I actually know ppl like this.

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oh no, women might have to take some responsibility for their actions, The Horror!

Well, they wanted equality.

Yeah I actually lived in the south. Laughably untrue.

Well im not losing sleep over shit. Ive been married for years and im utterly disinterested in other women myself. I'm thrilled you people are finally revealing your true nature to the world. Its about time people understand what needs to be to stop you. Its never going to stop at abortion, there will always be another axe to grind and more fury and rage at the thought of anyone living happily without their "traditional values" to tap. When you're living in decency ordinance and getting fined your public dress code maybe you'll realize empowering obsessive control freaks to take your rights away juse to trigger troons was a bad call. It me that will never be affected by this shit. I don't even have to live in America. I have options. You're probably stuck here.

The first thing the evangelicals you have empowered to control you are going to do is take away the birth control after the abortion are set, and the fact that someone don't see this obvious progression of their plan is hilarious.

>Well im not losing sleep over shit.
>Proceeds to write a blog about how conservatives will end the planet
That's a whole lotta crazy you wrote.

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I don't have any expectations that you'll admit that Im right. Your entire self perception is a lie, you aren't going to let a little thing like me penetrate it.

Anyone not seeing this as selfish sluts being upset only because they must take personal responsibility for their actions is s deluded moron

>I don't have any expectations that you'll admit that Im right.
I admit that you are batshit crazy, and this is the last (You) you're getting from me. Please take you meds or whatever it is you do to cope with your severe mental illness and delusions.

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Burger problem. Doesn't affect me.

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Oh no now they won't be able to chase Chad dick on tinder, whatever shall we do. Oh, women are going to go back to looking for a monogamous relationship? MY DREAM HAS FINALLY COME TO PASS

Women are only good as breeding stock. Can't trust a ho and 9/10 girls are trashy garbage


The nuclear family is a cancer on society. We need to return to the traditional model of extended multi generational families and large supportive communities.

Women proving how stupid they are, once again. The truth is that even if Roe v. Wade gets overturned, NOTHING WILL COME OF IT. It'll be up to the states, just like it always was:
>America With Roe v. Wade:
Abortion allowed federally, but individual states ban it. Just like guns.
>America Without Roe v. Wade:
Abortion banned federally, but individual states allow it. Just like weed.

Learn some civics, you absolute retards. I don't even live there and I know more about how your government works than you do. Burger education is the worst.

A number of states have already passed legislation that would automatically make abortion illegal if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

Redstates keep trying to restrict it motherfucker. They cut access to birth control, outlaw abortions, cut childcare funding, and then they ignore the crisis they created.

>The point is that conservatives don't care cause they're not sleeping around

If you believe that, I got a great deal for ya on a beach house in beautiful Omaha Nebraska...

The 14th Amendment is now nullified and and conservative state government is now empowerd to take a compelling interest in your personal affairs. Absolutely everything is fair game now. They can ban anything, birth control, condoms, whatever they want to label as "pornograhy" or otherwise indecent to their sensibilities. You have absolutely no idea how obsessed American conservatives are with other peoples private behavior. Its the only thing they care about, and they will use this newfound authority to crack down on absolutely anyone and anything they see fit. You're a fool to think otherwise.

Having to choose between left-wing control freaks regulating my life down to the last detail and right-wing control freaks doing so, I choose the latter. There is nowhere on Earth you could move to escape this.

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Just don't have sex then, you fucking degenerate. It's not that difficult.