Why are women so fucking boring?

Why are women so fucking boring?

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>this guy doesn't watch Youtube

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If your hobby is watching YouTube you should probably become an hero

sometimes it's preferred to sound boring than to tell the actual truth

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Because it’s easier to get by on your looks and sex than actually have a personality

Because she doesn’t want to talk to you OP

How is this boring, exactly?

Better use of my time than whatever dumb bullshit you do.

Not all are like this

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Because there are too many retarded men giving boring women attention. Women are used to putting as little effort as possible into life because they know there are desperate men who will jump at them. They don't even need to try

nigga i'd at least keep the pizza

You need to find better women. THAT one has no personality. Watch YouTube, read and shop what the fuck. I don't know how she lives without jumping off the window

Your questions are dead, you need to be chatting more instead of questioning her. Healthy questions and then break down her answers with her in a jokey way. It leads into less trad questions so you can actually have fun with the convo. Try saying something about that last thing which isn’t another question - make a joke about her retail therapy or tell her ‘huh I always wanted to date a girl who knew how to read’

Depends what type of youtube videos and books she reads. She might be half intelligent.

Did she order a spaghetti pizza? Holy fuck lol

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That should be the next text to her.

this is why i cant stand dating apps. too many basic bitches with 0 emotional range or conversation skils. if her hobbies are shit like "hanging out with friends", "partying", "shopping" i just end it. Those aren't fucking hobbies

She's not interested in you or you're not doing anything to spark her interest. You think she's acting that way to a guy thats getting her wet? kek

>she reads and has friends
>OP assumes girls play video games
She's out of your league, user.

if you know how to search, youtube will teach you more than a mediocre college.
books are unironic education. better than a university itself. In fact, most of the time spent studying is reading and searching for info in general.
well, it is a woman, user. have you never met one of them?
> I don't know how she lives without jumping off the window
she's probably way smarter and satisfied with her life than you are.

Granted, it does depend on what she is actually watching and reading, plus it is a woman. But at least she is gathering info (perhaps useful) and you do not, you fucking imbecile.

Ask her what that mouth do

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This nigger felt attacked

This. You’re the boring one, not her.


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They seem boring but have to tell you each and every detail about any event down to whose cousin was related to whoever they were talking to.
Most have to pause for several seconds and recall the date on what was said and to whom.
Guys cut to the chase without all the BS.

Not him but you’re dumb for this response. She’s not clever for using social media (read between the lines that’s what she’s saying she does) and sitting around all day. She’s every basic bitch imagineable. If your point is just that she’s smarter than that user then… Well maybe

Shit user, why didn’t you go with my response


Good job!

Cringe, not funny basic joke.

This guy here knows what he’s talking about

I don't care about this bitch to be honest. I have 3 others that I'm talking to anyhow

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As I was getting an IT education, lots of videos form youtube have helped me way more than whatever bullshit the so called profs. were spouting. Plenty of vids with tricks n shit and real tutorials...
Plus, if you have a hobby, let's say car lover, watching great videos long enough, will teach you how to build a fucking car out of spare parts.

OP, what is it that you do that makes you (at a personal level) more interesting than the average chick?





3 others who are equally as uninterested


I have a dozen interesting hobbies, I work out, I make a good amount of money for my age, I have 2 degrees, I have 0 debt, and I have a strong close knit group of friends that I do things with.
I am not perfect but I do not have time to trifle with these retard femoids

I'm not interested in fornication
Suck a nigger off , why don't you?

But you have time to shitpost on Yea Forums about 'retard femoids'? You have no friends. In fact, you don't exist at all.

There is literally nothing interesting on youtube

based spaghetti girl

>I have a dozen interesting hobbies
name them
>I work out
not a hobby
>I make a good amount of money for my age,
not a hobby
>I have 2 degrees
not a hobby
>I have 0 debt
not a hobby
>and I have a strong close knit group of friends that I do things with.
not a hobby.
Try again, retarded mongoloid.

You're right, I'm an AI gaining information about the posting patterns of retards so that I can jerk off

>I'm not interested in fornication


Wood carving
Working on dirtbikes
Flying planes
Rock climbing
Amateur radio

Neck yourself

Imagine wanting to have sex with someone you aren't going to marry

holy masculinity batman, buck break me daddy!

You have the personality of a diet soda.

Chad mofo. Have kids unless you're effed in the head and/or she is

>I have a dozen interesting hobbies
>I make a good amount of money for my age
meh. Broke chads get pussy all the time
>I have 2 degrees
kinda "who cares" but on what?
>I have 0 debt
You're not bringing this up when talking to chicks, right?
>I have a strong close knit group of friends that I do things with.
Is it a sausage party of a friends group?

Okay OP, you sound like the male version of the entitled bitch. None of this guarantees you pussy or good female companionship. You come off as petty, high maintenance and autistic. Cool it a bit with your expectations and understand that not every person out there is gonna be as accomplished and "interesting" as you claim to be.

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You clearly don’t know how girls use YouTube. Sorry bro but turn away from the useful how to vids and watch a James Charles/jeffrey star/someone else vid.

Hugely gay.

Yes, that's the plan

That's literally all the things that happen in tampon ads.

>thinks op might be a spaghettitard
>she was right
dodged a bullet here

bruh. you, as described, were put on this world to pound male butt. embrace it.

bro get some hobbies wtf is this cope/simp post lmao

>Why are women so fucking boring?
I think you simply have met the wrong women.
my gf is weird as fuck.
they say don't stick it in the crazy - I say give me all that crazy.
>she loves to be treated as a queen (duh)
>at the same time she also loves getting drunk and toking and hiking in wildlife with a dirty ass hoodie on
>loves sleeping outside in nature, watching stars
>makes fun family thingies, like preparing special dinner for two of us, with candles and all
>loves wrestling for fun. Is strong as fuck too
>watches female romance movies
>also watches hardcore thrillers
>loves car racing
>also loves to be carried on hands and kissed lovingly at romantic places and all that stuff
Find a girl who does not fear being her.

>Wood carving
>Working on dirtbikes
>Flying planes
>Rock climbing
>Amateur radio

That's a whole lot of dabbling OP. But, really

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what a massive fucking faggot.
Obviously I don't know what girls use the youtube for. I also don't judge every individual based on the group, right off the bat anyway. There are plenty of fucking faggots here, who watch gay makeup vids on youtube and pretend to be whamen, while polishing their tiny cucumbers.

she just doesn't give a fuck about you or your opinion of her, tard ass

it's so easy to do fun things, guys, you should really try it, go somewhere, try something new, it's easy

>I have a dozen interesting hobbies, I work out, I make a good amount of money for my age, I have 2 degrees, I have 0 debt, and I have a strong close knit group of friends that I do things with.
>I am not perfect but I do not have time to trifle with these retard femoids
yet you talk nothing about it with these chicks... kek, why? you walk about bizzare topics like industrial revolutions lmao.
Ask her is he likes 50 shades of grey, and if she could handle at least 50% of yey(you)

>Having hobbies makes you a faggot

>>Having *those hobbies makes YOU a faggot
no cap fr fr

u for sure getting cheated on LMAO

I do have hobbies plenty of hobbies. Like Music (Drums/Piano), Science, Technology, Learning new interesting shit constantly. And so on. I wouldn't call movies my hobby, but I have seen plenty of them and am more than capable on holding more than an hour long conversation about them. Well, you get the idea.

why do you think that?

okay, cool

that's rude

I'd wife her

so obvious

A woman will have hobbies that include nothing but driving to starbucks, going out dancing and out to music concerts and going out scented soap shopping: every weekend, forever. And then turn her nose up at a guy who has totally normal interests like hanging out with his friends and playing video games with them online.

Women want you to have some gay, feminine, social climber hobby that would make people think you are interesting if you told them that at a party. They literally act like hiring managers who are looking for some gay "leadership" activity on your resume. They want to hear you have some faggy feminine interest that is exotic that no heterosexual male (who is still single) would ever have. Like you go out ballroom dancing, or that you play in a band, or that you play ultimate frisbee or some other gay retarded nonsense.

Dude, that looks like a list of manly "to-do" things. After 3 hobbies, you're a dabbler, and after 6 (lol) you're straight up posing. You buy random "manly" items, strew them about your apartment and say "Oh yeah, I do X thing!" when ppl come visit lol. Smart chicks see thru your bullshit my dude.

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>I believe everything I see online

uh, no...?

How does one dabble in flying planes? Assuming he's truthful.