Why are there no recordings of music made f.e. a thousands years ago?

Why are there no recordings of music made f.e. a thousands years ago?

Attached: ni1auovplup21.jpg (478x484, 23K)

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Because audio recording technology is less than 2 centuries old you colossal retard.

If you mean modern recordings of music from a thousand years ago, try this youtube.com/watch?v=QpxN2VXPMLc

GIWTWM (God I wish that were me)

Hurrian Hymn to Nikkal is from 1400BC

lmao white people are so trash

holy shit this has richer harmonies than anything I have heard on the radio in the last couple of months
did anyone ever sample this and turn it into a beat?

there are types of musical notation and descriptions from ancient civilizations-- for example roman, egyptian, etc all have accounts of music but for the most part it is uninterperetable how it really sounded. there are ancient music musicians who study these musics and learn to play ancient instruments how they may have been played but it is largely speculative.

any ancient folk tradition has inevitably been distorted through time as well

that's really amazing, it actually sounds a lot like the stuff john fahey was doing in the 90's. Anyone know any more of this kind of thing?

keep in mind its largely speculative. no one knows exactly how it sounded or would have been performed

there are a number of people who study ancient musics today. that recording was made by michael levy who has several albums that feature interperetations of ancient musics from various civilizations...

That pic would make good album artwork

there's this, although like user said it's mostly speculative (including the pronunciation of Sumerian)

I will not weep for humanity when Yosemite blows.

>did anyone ever sample this and turn it into a beat?
you want someone to n****gger up this music? why?

It's just a basic scale, and any harmony is 3rds, 4ths or 5ths.

Haha yeah white people acting black is the worst

what is it based off? some sort of ancient music notation? or by using found old instruments in archeological sites and investigating into its structure?

>did anyone ever sample this and turn it into a beat?
I've never once uttered this word seriously before, but that's gonna be a YIKES from me.

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in some cases there are forms of written notation that exists. rome had written musical scores-- just no one fully understands them. other cases there are written accounts of what it sounded like or how the events proceeded with the music etc... and of course pictoral depictions and capabilities of the instruments themselves.

>did anyone ever sample this and turn it into a beat?

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fair enough, thanks