Can I get a honest rating 0-10? 24yo hugless, handhold-less and kissless virgin on the verge of ending it

Can I get a honest rating 0-10? 24yo hugless, handhold-less and kissless virgin on the verge of ending it.

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You look kinda like the grinch but i love you hair

dr seuss looking ass


Happy birthday.

Your face looks 12 and 40 at the same time.

Mi dispiace non raggiungi il 3, finitissima amico

shave your head, diet and exercise

3 weeks you'll feel better. 6 weeks you'll feel incredible 12 weeks you'll lose your virginity

Same energy

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I'm not gay so my judgement isn't that great but 5/10
Not saying you look average just that alot of people have some odd features.

evolve already monkey looking ass

wheres that weird bug alien man face photo

Yes, that IS what you look like. Bro, this is what you look like with some sort of filter on this photo. Give me (us) the real you with decent lighting and no catfish filter trickery.

Please post a pic with better resolution

you look like the grinch

Thanks man! Are there any legit workout schedules out there? I'm a scrawny fuk. It will take years and not months


Get that hair sorted - I'd recommend something that leaves a lot on the sides because you have a rectangular face. Get a better background and lighting in your images (trust me, it's the reason a lot of people look so good), and then wear something a bit nicer and step away from the camera. You have the potential to reach an 8 if you do.
Also, if you can grow facial hair that's always a good thing but only if you look after it, otherwise don't bother if you're able to.
That's my honest rating.
One more thing - don't call yourself "hugless, handhold-less and kissless virgin". It sounds desperate and that makes you look uglier just by your language. Call yourself someone who hasn't been successful romantically and that's much more honest.
Plus, don't end yourself OP. You can do this. If I knew you IRL we'd be drinking buddies and I'd get you chicks man.

The loathsome dung eater

How do you breath out of that cute itty bitty nose?

Not just about bulk its about confidence and mental health. Load up on protein heavy foods before 2 PM, light dinner. Exercise 3 to 4 mornings a week. Start easy.

Personal trainer here. It doesn’t take years. If you train and eat right with singular focus it take months not years. You won’t look like the rock but you will see a vast improvement. Go all in. Make this your life for a few months. Walk everday, lift weights, eat healthy. Get past the first month which wil be hell and you won’t believe how much better you feel. Research on line hiit workouts a couple times a week. And full body another 2-3. Walk on the sixth day rest the 7th

Relax the area between your nose and mouth and you'll be ok. Flexing too hard. If you get some jungle tatoos and dress like a shaman you'd look pretty cool.

Young moe from the Simpson's.

homie said

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Thanks man, appreciate that a lot. I'm trying to grow a moustache + some goatee but it's not enough and I look like a tryhard. I need either plastic surgery or expensive clothes to cope.
Thanks man. Whats your opinion on roids?

Heard that before.

Better resolution

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People over complicate working out. Keep it simple and effective.
Bench press
Shoulder press
Do one of those workouts a day. Workout 3 days on then 2 days of rest and repeat. Start with light weight and work your way up. If you need help as a gym bro. 99% of gym bros are more than happy to help people. You will gain strength fast. Also eat high protein meals.

this is a salvageable appearance op. DON'T off yourself. Great hair by the way

No worries, man.
For the record, don't try to change yourself at your core. You know what is the sexiest trait in a man? It's confidence. I agree with the lifters on this board. I do lifting myself and the first month sucks ass but it does get better.
Also, your first time in the gym you may have a real spike in confidence and feel like you don't belong there; we all get that. Do not turn around. Get to your lifts and put some music on and you've got this, king. You can make it. Trust me, you can do this OP.

Read some Jordan Peterson.
Don’t focus on your face, focus on your personality.
Not gonna rate you cause I’m not gay

Now do a pic with a nice little smile, not a staring into the abyss one.
I bet you'll look.

you can speed it up by eating like a baer, you will gain some fat but your muscles will grow fast, get 4-5000 calories in you on a dayi basis, alot og protein, dont get to technical about what or when for that matter, just make sure you pretty much all the time chew, have chewed or is on your way to chew food. then it wont take more than months to get visible noticeable results

They work. But should not even be considered taken before you have a solid year or two under your belt working out. You need to learn how to work out consistently with decent form before you even consider doing that. Also you need to meet people that will teach about what to take how to cycle on and off. Steroids are not for beginners.

Trainer here again. These movements are all good ideas. But form is important on all of these compound movements.also you probably won’t be able to just do pull ups if you have never worked out so find a way to do assisted at first. Also incline is far more effective then flat bench just FYI. But decent advice from this guy all around.

Ok. I've lifted before but couldn't put on any mass at all. I just got skinnier. Maybe I was doing too long/light workouts.
I was thinking that meds could give me mass.
That's cope man. How should a human being ever build confidence if there's nothing to be confident about. Women only care about looks and money. If you have none it's game over, just end it.

no, you doddnt work out for to long, you just digeted to few calories. Eat more, 80% of gains from lifting is food. You can even see gains without lifting if you eat enough high protein meals, so get eating. Eggs, chicken, beef, brocolli, green beans, shakes, cashew nuts over and over and all the fucking time till you barf.

This guy needs a beard

I'll be 24 in september and also hugless, handhold-less and kissless virgin but after watching your picture I feel like I'm not that fucked lol

Some good, some bad aspects. I'd say 4 in total. How about me?

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first off stop wearing a ricebowl for a hat, second get to the gym...

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looking down at the phone camera while holding it super close to your face has to be the worst possible way to take a picture. but you definitely have to lose some weight and get rid of that cut. 4 i guess? not terrible

Yea probably. I'm a hardgainer + 5'8.5ish in the morning. There's no way I can get big without constant roiding.

Good for you

Id kill to have your stubbles man. You look 10x more masculine than me.

Its not how you look, you look average, not hideous. You need to work on social skills, and this is the last fucking place to learn that. Stop worrying about getting some right now, work on confidence and breaking the ice. Work on not being a creepy incel too. You need a personality, not looks. Work on it. It wont happen tomorrow, takes a while. Work on social skills. And dont be afraid of rejection, use it as fuel to improve yourself.

poorfag here
how do i build muscle without gadgets and gym card?

You're doing gods work. I look like this pornstar.

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Thanks man.
What's weird though is I can't really grow a beard, the hair that is there is dark so it shows up even when I shave. But my actual beard is patchy af.

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You can do it OP bro. Another tip - take up interests that can be both social or solo. Surfing is a fine example if you have that available to you. You'll always have people coming to talk with you, especially other surfers (plenty are of the fit female type).

i'd suck your peen

Wow what a difference. That's like a moviestar face


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I'd kill myself

Yeah OP would be killing it with this facial hair, some aviators and a white Oxford shirt.

Why do you choose to look like a medieval peasant?

Hey carot top, tell us a joke.

You're the biggest joke here, what more is there to say?

Aviators are lame as fuck unless you’re eastern european, they’re always like 20 years behind

How old are you. Beard hasn't fully manifested until 30 in some men.

not far off that myself so I don't think it will get much better.

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I like the haircut idk

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Come on then mister fashionista, help OP out with some better suggestions instead of just being a useless complainer.

Dick for full measure

Are we thinking rogaine/beard growths serums? That combined with being in shape... damn I'd fuck that guy

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Literally no one else does man