it leaked
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wow, it's their magnum opus. Not even memeing
can someone reupload?
bumping to try and listen to this
it's gone. new link?
just fucking google it. holy fuck
>STILL not using soulseek
It’s like redditors just can’t do anything unless it’s shoved in front of their stupid piggie faces on r/all or a Spotify playlist
>google it
nice try, Mr Botnet
halfway through, and it's really incredible.
literally just burst out crying during Where Is Her Head. I am so proud of the boys for this one holy
much more importantly, the new Full of Hell leaked as well
just download the first or third link
>Where Is Her Head
what did Matt mean by this?
the national blows only fags listen to this soi shit
listen to the album, faggot
>literally just burst out crying
Haven't they basically played all of the songs live? From what I heard it sounded nice, Rylan and Quiet Light are probably the best songs, it definitely drags for too long though. And the political pandering lyrics on Not in Kansas are pretty bad.
So this is what Yea Forums blows their load to. I should have known.
The National are Coldplay of indie rock
They will be a mom rock band in 10 years
they have been a dad rock band for 10 years
we're all moms and dads here
wat is this plsssss confirm someone
fuck off
just fucking use soulseek faggots
>The National in 2019
Smh desu
The National are the most consistently good indie band of the last 15 years?
zoomers are biologically incapable of liking something for more than 2 months
a band being consistently good for this long fucks with their GMO-riddled brains
again with this shit take? fuck right off, that's as bad of a statement as one can get. sounds like an insult straight out of the 2010s whenever someone would bash muse for being comparable to coldplay or radiohead when that never made sense, gtfo
imagine not listening to a band that keeps on putting out quality material just because it is the current year
Well honestly lot of people compare the National to Radiohead now rather than Interpol, this album has some real AMSP vibes and the subtle electronic elements remind me of TKOL.
is The National the Interpol of Radiohead?
I understand where that comes from but it all ends up boiling down to the mere existence of electronic elements. The National clearly were more influenced by justin vernon with his 22, a million recording process, they're close friends with him and even before SWB they did a lot of what one would assume to be jam sessions with him
I guess this leak is... easy to find!
thank you
>Trouble Will Find Me
>I Am Easy to Find
What did they mean by this?
>Hard to Find
>I am Easy To Find
Which is it?
What the fucking hell were they thinking. The album is filled with ugly electronic production that don't fit with The National at all, there are obnoxious women choirs everywhere, the songs themselves are boring. It barely sounds like a The National album.
What on Earth happened, i know they don't get much love on this boardbut even people who liked their last record will be disappointed with this. How could any decent indie rock band make such an awful record. There is barely anything to save.