If kids are old and wise enough to understand sexuality sufficiently to know they were "born with the wrong sex" and...

If kids are old and wise enough to understand sexuality sufficiently to know they were "born with the wrong sex" and consent to gender change because of it, why are they not old enough to consent to sex itself?

Checkmate troons.

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I would support kids' right to express their gender around the age of consent - 16 - 18 sorta thing. What a reasonable proposition OP.

Go back to plebbit cocksmoker

Explain why trannies think kids understand and can consent to sex changes when they can't understand and consent to sex.

Actually can answer this one without talking at all about troons.
Part of our adaptable nature and how we survive fucking anywhere is we are born blank canvases. Were meant to learn and adopt culture. Its why though we havent evolved much in a million years we also arent cavemen.

And part of that is boys quickly figure out theyre boys and watch what men do and girl's figure out theyre girls and watch what women do. Pro tips: thats an instinctual thing. Not a logical conclusion. Just a boy switch goes off in the kids brain and hes into the colour blue and whatever the fuck dad does.

And, like everything in your genetics and development and expression, that's flimsy as fuck. Literally all that has to happen is that switch goes the wrong way when theyre like 3 and you got a troon kid. And it isnt taught.
Like 30 years ago before trannies were even a discussion at all we still had that kid in class who floated around and tried all his moms lipstick all the time.

So you're saying if a boy likes anything that is stereotypically female or a girl likes anything that is stereotypically male we should just assume they want to chop their genitals off and take drugs their whole life?

Sounds legit.

Weird how it went from "stop gendered toy ! girls can play with guns and boys with dolls" to "...that boy is playing with dolls, he is a trans, lets cut his dick"

Fucking libtards...

This is exactly the point. Liberals have become demented degenerates.

Now CONSERVATIVES are the ones saying "boys can wear dresses if they want" and liberals want to chop off the poor kid's dick.

>Now CONSERVATIVES are the ones saying "boys can wear dresses if they want"
The hell you say.

>The hell you say.

Matt Walsh says this all the time and he's considered an "anti-trans radical conservative" by the left.

Conservatives will tell you that whether a boy wears a dress or not, he is still a boy.

Which is the factual truth.

implying troons are not all pedos!

troons want to groom twinks and fuck their "boy pussy" in the ass with their "girl cock". Thats why neckbeards call themselves Samantha and run Reddit subs, and carry a big net.

As I see it you can't have it both ways. Either society needs to drop age of consent altogether and create a free for all orgy on kids or we need to stop pretending kids can consent to sex changes.

You can't have it both ways.

Liberals: Your move.

what do you think the point was? Teaching kids about sex is so you can "teach" them about sex...

I appreciate this argumentation style.

Rather than trying to protect kids or enshrine childhood like some fetish how about we, I dunno, actually try to establish what a contributing member to society actually is and simply quality and cost ratio optimise that shit for maximum independence and minimal age of rote monitoring?

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There is nothing more important in morality and ethics than consistency. We cannot have a society that has no consistent morals or values.

If we decide kids fully understand sex and gender and can consent to sex changes and fucking then that is fine. Legalize child sex and child sex changes.

Alternatively, if we decide kids cannot do that, then that is fine as well. Ban both.

You can't mix and match incompatible beliefs to create a bunch of nonsense.

Counter-offer: We make all the adults horny for each other and let the kids do whatever they want.

>Solving social loneliness in a single step!

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That IS their plan, my dude.

This is completely true.

Solution 1/ Kids can change sex and have sex.

Solution 2/Kid cannot change sex neither have sex.

Other combibations are not logical.

Think of the tax revenue though! If we made sex ed come with a license to fuck that citizens had to pay for before they could """consent""" we would be pissing money!

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Truely cucked troon response

>Solution 1/ Kids can change sex and have sex.
>Solution 2/Kid cannot change sex neither have sex.

Let's take a vote, which one does everyone on B want?

Free kiddie sex and kiddie sex changes for everyone?

Or no kiddie sex and no kiddie sex changes?

Can I vote to abandon all children everywhere forever?! Is that on the fucking list?

All kids are old enough to consent too sex with each other as long as the sex partner is the same age, its just sex.

If I open my 8yo sons door and find out he is rooting one of his classmates the same age I don't call the cops on them. Its just sex.

Now if a 20yo male or female tried to pick up my 8yo son for a root I wouldn't call the cops either, I'd just bash the fuck out of them for fun.

Why would you bash your son for preferring mature and experienced sexual partners that just so happen to be older than him? Are you some sort of chronophobe?!

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Why are kids old and wise enough to understand and consent to fucking each other but not someone who is older than them?

If I was 12 and a 20 year old hot chick wanted to fuck me I would have been happy.

I meant bash the adult trying to pick him up lol.

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies they make up like 1% of nothing. What's in it for me for giving a fuck?

Its very simple its not sex, its the relationship.

So you have no problem with older people having casual sex with kids? But it's a problem if there's a "relationship"?

When I was 12 if a 20 year old girl like this let me fuck her I'd have been super happy.

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Casual sex is a relationship.

There's so much fucking reddit spacing ITT.

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So tell me what would have been wrong if you were 12 years old and a chick like that had fucked you.

You would have been traumatized if she offered and you accepted?

Why not just teach your son how to seduce older people. Then he could have his pick of the cream of the crop!

Ya see my parenting style is turn them into sexual predators before a sexual predator reaches them! That way people are even MORE horrified at me as a human being!

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No kiddie sex and no kiddie sex changes.
Leave the kids alone, the world is confusing enough as it is.

I would have loved to fuck my teacher, when I was 10-12 years old. I would probably have a good fetish with teachers, If it had happend. I don't see the problem If I had a positive experience with it. But I sure as hell was horny as fuck.

They're already thinking that some just don't wanna say that part out loud the ones that do call themselves maps

How about we make a kid city that is hyper-monitored and all us adults can live everywhere else and enjoy life without having to limit ourselves because of these weak and feeble things we call children?

That’s their goal though. Once they get everyone to accept gender change they’ll say well if their old enough to change their gender their old enough to consent. This has always been about them wanting to fuck our kids.

... I'm not gonna humor you on that.

Because you NEED to be around kids or you'll die or something?!

Not traumatized but it would have weirded me out later, the super majority like 99% of all adults have no interest in fucking 12 year olds, they are stupid, lame, have annoying voices, squirm and are just annoying to be around.

Since 99% of adults don't do it with 12 year olds when I became an adult after such an experience and I have no interest in fucking amateur dumb shits and y peer group of adult freinds have no interest in fucking dumb shits that's the issue, its not normal to want too fuck stupid people and kids are dumb as fuck.

This is actually my opinion as well. I was horny as fuck from 11-12 on and would have loved to have fucked a girl even if she was 10 years older.

I don't know why people act like it would be so bad if that happened. It would have been amazing for me if it did.

I might have turned out normal later in life.

But trannies DO think kids can understand and consent to sex. It's part of their slippery slope agenda. Make it ok to express themselves in the public eye, then make it ok to act on it.

Instead you were doomed to type out that post and gift me delicious kek.

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Hahahaha That's ridiculous. The bigger traumas can be made by the same age partners, not by old people parteners.

Remember everyone that trauma is there for you and doesn't care about the when, why, or how!

Because you understand who you are in terms of identity and orentation before you complete your sexual development

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Twinks are adults

ok groomer

I didn't know I wanted to fuck vaginas until I was like 12. Sure, if they hit puberty and feel like somethings up, we can look into it. Not at 5, Jesus. Never before they understand you freaks

no one is chopping off dicks and I personally think SRS is a joke, but adults have the right to make bad decisions.

Yeah, at 12. That sounds about right. Who the fuck is saying 5? You don't even start forming solid memories until about 7

I am not saying that.

lmao at that picture.

Ok, boomer.

So, the same for sex changes.

I mean, I was looking at my classmate's asses at 8 started to masturbate at 9.

By the time I was 10 years old I fapped from 4 to 6 times a day and was constantly horny, I would've fucked anyone... from my mom to the 90 years old old man across the street.

Hell I even masturbated thinking about the 3 years old girl that strolled naked in the camping site when I was 12, and more than once.

Everyone gets horny at a different pace.

Do you think you would have been traumatized or it would have been wrong if you did have sex at 10 or 12?

Not really, I was watching porn and knew very well what sex was, heck I even had my first fetishes back then.

Extreme stuff or physical pain might've traumatized me, like a huge cock breaking my ass without lube, but hard to say when I was already masturbating to 2 girls 1 cup.

Actually, I was the one traumatizing my pals just talking to them.

Holy shit stay away from kids

Hey guys a long time ago a little kid wore makeup when he was 3 so he’s trans checkmate bigots

Kids grow out of things and have stupid ass opinions and habits. Because they are kids. Don’t make life decisions for kids based on habits which are 99% to be just phases, especially from when they are toddlers.

That's how I feel about it. I would have been grateful if a chick had fucked me when I was 10-12.

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>Actually can answer this
Completely made up in your head unsupported bullshit.

>At the beginning of the 20th century, some stores began suggesting “sex-appropriate” colors. In 1918 the trade publication Earnshaw's Infants' Department claimed the “generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls.


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