Sup Yea Forums.
What is this thing on my ass cheek? It's been sore for almost a week and now I can barely sit down.
Any medfags around who can help?
Roll dubs to decide if I pop it or not.
Sup Yea Forums.
What is this thing on my ass cheek? It's been sore for almost a week and now I can barely sit down.
Any medfags around who can help?
Roll dubs to decide if I pop it or not.
Sebaceous cyst or a boil. Not sure.
if it really itchy it a pider bite
stop scratch it
It could be an abscess. If it is, get ready. Because this shit hurts and bleeds a lot.
Is it curable?
Never heard of it. Googling now.
Butt aids?
I gave it a bit of a squeeze and it hurts like a bitch 10/10 pain.
It is an ingrown hair. Just waut for it to come to a head then pop it. Or go straight in with a small needle at the purple part. Its not a big deal, basically a big pimple
Not a medfag, but I had a rash of shingles in that exact same place several years ago. Burned like a motherfucker for a few days before I went to a clinic and picked up an antiviral med.
Might want to look into it.
looks like a simple cyst or pimple, I wouldn't worry about it, I'd advise against popping it though, you increase your risk of infection though something tells me you dont give a fuck
Since I posted it anyway can I get my butthole rated as well?
Nasty, are you squeezing it? It looks like you tried to pop it. If it's a cyst and you do that, then it will come back. If it's cancer and you break it, then you just spread it all over. Just don't fuck with it and see a doctor.
Just pop it, with a needle. Its normal, stupid infection from a hair. Just fucking get it over with and dont listen to these fucking retards. Blood and some pus will come out, the swelling will go down, and nothing else.
it will hurt like shit until you go to the hospital and have them drain it. they will try to talk you into have surgery to remove a big chunk.
Ingrown hair. Poke it with a clean needle and stick a bandage on there.
imagine going to a doctor with a fuckin pimple. You fucktard
This, needle kind of deeper into it and move it around just a bit. After squeeze. Post pictures.
It feels like a big deal. Worst pain of my life.
Haven't been scratching it
Never had shingles, thanks for the heads up.
It feels like it's the size of a golf ball under the skin. Was worried about infection etc given the location.
This is the only answer. Stop posting your ass now and move on.
it's a cyst, like a pilonidal cyst, google it. let the hospital do it if you can afford it or have insurance. it will feel better as soon as you let them drain it
absolutely not curable.
you have about a week.
pop it. its filled with puss
bro wash your fucking pants you sick fuck
Ah fuck. I'm squeezing it now and every time I touch it feels like I'm going to pass out from the pain.
just drain it at home. Needle, pop, let air out a bit, maybe band aid but not needed.
Give up sex with farm animals for a week or two.
Congrats bro u got a Fistula go to a doc or they have remove a whole fucking chunk once the tip turns black
Needle first so you won't have to squeeze hard
yeah it's a cyst i had the exact same in a similar spot, it's pretty painful but it goes away with time or getting popped
HE might require surgery for that. Seen people getting ass surgery for ingrown hair. They can grow like a cancer. That shit is probably as big as a ping pong ball.
It's swelled up to the size of a baseball for fuck sake. No pop yet.
I can't touch it with a needle. It hurts to much.
You'll be better off poking a hole in it somehow. Squeezing is going to be way more painful
ginger pubes. is this a black magic ingredient
Looks like a cyst to me, but your asshole being swollen with general redness makes me think thrombosis, but I didn't finish pre med so I'm not really talking from any place of authority
Go to a minor emergency clinic and get it popped by a pro, it costs $50
Go see a doctor faggot. Showing your ass to degenerate cunts on Yea Forums won't bring any help.
Faggot am telling ya u got a Fistula abscess
Why are you squeezing it? You really are a hopeless, stupid, weak faggot
infected hair and wipe better you disgusting degenerate
Everything is painful right now. But I can't see it properly so I'm just blindly stabbing shit when I tried a needle.
Thanks for the info.
I don't have $50 to spare.
If puss comes out, I'd to to the er
>reddit spacing literal faggot
ywnbaw or human kys
It's at the surface, just pop it. Trust me. It's an ingrown ass hair.
Most of the size of it looks like just swelling thankfully. If you let it get much larger it will leave a fistula that will have to be stuffed with gauze after the hospital removes it.
Trust me, my high school friend got one above his asshole and he didn't treat it for a year, now we literally call it his second asshole because it left a permanent fistula there.
It probably is a cyst. I'd say if you can't pop it yourself then just go to a doctor to pop it for you. Be careful sitting in the meantime. One time I was unable to pop a cyst on my back but then when I was laying in my bed out of nowhere my back felt really wet and there was just puss and blood all over the back of my shirt
Spider bite.
Looks like a spider or a bot fly may have laid eggs in your ass, should pop anytime.
It'll be even more painful if you don't do anything about it now
The only answer here is that it's an infected hair follicle. Either pop it or don’t, it'll go away if you use a warm compress and don’t fuck with it too much.
Try taking a shower every once in a while retard
If its that much of a hindrance get it lanced
they'll give you some local anesthetic so it will suck less. I don't think you're in any danger if that puts your mind at ease. If you're an absolute DIY maniac then you can do it yourself with a sterile instrument and local OTC anesthetic. though that is very ill advised
Ya my dad has this shit happen emergency services will help you if you're in America
Regardless go to the hospital that shit will kill you no joke literally kill you
Also they're gonna cut it open and shove yards of gauze in your new asshole which apparently hurts like fuck
Tldr go to the hospital before shit gets in it you get sepsis and die
Medfag here, and go see a doctor
Cyst. Wait until it pops.
Have someone fuck you in the ass and the pressure from their body on yours should pop it. Trust me bro
Don't listen to this faggot. Just pop it and keep your ass clean and it will be fine.
I think it just popped. Trying to get a photo now. It's so fucking painful. I can't walk.
It's a Cyst. Wait for it to burst or burst it yourself. Prevent this from happening again by cleaning your ass.
no faggot.
Jesus stop the anal sex you fucking degenerate. Look at those hemorrhoid's.
You sound like a limp wristed fagboi
Fuck fuck fuck.
It won't stop spewing shit out. Every time I move I feel it crack and it starts gushing horrible smelling shit. Feels like I'm going to pass out from the pain.
If it did pop just try squeezing it all out. After that put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and dab it on the popped area
Cant squeeze it anymore. Can barely move its hurtign so bad
That's why i tôle you to not pop it, fucking morons...
Fag pops asszit and dies god damn user should've just gone to the fucking hospital
Faggot OP just fell through his asshole and is now inside out
Lol looks like the swelling went down
Well if you have any strength try taking that to a bathroom and laying on the floor or something, or just like get a towel and put it down wherever you're laying at
Shoe on head
Blood should be running down your leg. You have to squeeze it like a zit then clean it with rubbing alcohol.
Lol Holly fuck bro you did it, good job, now hot shower and then sterilize it with antiseptic something or other
Post more with a time stamp freak
but seriously irrigate and bandage that shit nigga
Waaaaa little babby
relax for s bit and squeeze when ready. shower after
Its going to be a bitch when u poop
now go clean yourslef in a shower and an antiseptic
rinse it and show us your gaping 2nd asshole, oppie!
Yeah actually forget what I said about the rubbing alcohol and the cotton ball. Definitely take a hot shower first and THEN apply the rubbing alcohol and bandage that shit. I'm not sure if you have this but also applying some antibiotic ointment should help too.
are you still alive op?
OP had a miscarriage
I literally had the exact same thing last year, you need to go to a hospital or clinic and get it cut open and drained. If you leave it alone it's just going to get bigger and more painful.
Probably should've gone to the doctor instead. Clean it out as best you can till the bleeding at least slows down and go to the hospital. There's a good chance you aren't going to get all the puss out and you may cause a more severe infection.
Spoiler: he didn't leave it alone.
Imagine if this was an episode of Dr pimple popper.
Try putting vinegar and chlorox on it to disinfect your stretched out asshole
Stop being a pussy, ignore the pain, squeeze the shit out and rinse with peroxide. It isn't near anything that will make you bleed out so it is mostly old blood and pus. The doctors wouldn't give you anything for the pain if they decided to lance it so you would have to deal with it anyways.
i'm so glad i went on Yea Forums today
UsingAcronyms cool to a 14 year old. Greentexting. KYS
We did it Yea Forumsros we saved a man's butt
Glad I was here
You know who else had horrible abscesses and boils on his ass? Karl Marx.
This tbh. I left the cyst on my back alone after it popped but a few weeks later it came back and popped again, albeit it was less extreme than the first one but still. Go to a doctor to get it checked it and if they can have them try to get rid of all the puss so it doesn't come back
He's a fucking red.
Damn. Really says a lot about our society.
>find op crying in shower
>blood and thick white liquid coming from ass
"another man raped"
>leave him to die
I have a scat fetish and I think this picture might have just cured it.
Thanks OP.
This. I had something exactly like that on my thigh, hurt so fucking bad, couldn't be fucked with it anymore so I stabbed it with a sterilized sewing needle and an absolutely horrific amount of rotten blood and pussy burst forth. Spent a few minutes squeezing it clear then washed it up, used some anitspetic on it and slapped a Bandaid on the bitch. All pain was gone, hole it left healed in a couple days. It's going to be harder for OP because of the position his is in.
Only on Yea Forums Yea Forums can you witness insanity like this.
I really dont feel good. Almost puked trying to stand and move to the toilet. Whoever said pop it that was a stupid fucking idea.
stfu nigger
I had something similar but the pain stopped as soon as I popped it and nasty shit came out. So maybe is not the same if you're still feeling pain. just my two cents.
Smoke some hash
First day in prison?
Probably really was an ingrown.
You should shower more
Go to the shower not the toilet dumbass
How is it to be such a faggot OP?
KEK this is great. thanks op
Probably just need to pop it a little more. Still some shit in there
What's it smell like?
Holy. Fuck.
What the fuck am I looking at.
OP go to the fucking shower you dumbass. Clean the area, keep popping. Then sterilize it AFTER the shower.
Friction and pressure — skin rubbing against skin, tight clothing, bicycling, long periods of sitting or similar factors — force the hair down into skin. Responding to the hair as a foreign substance, the body creates a cyst around the hair, and you get what you have.
You should be able to pop it, but try to get everything out to avoid repeat growth.
Not a healthy man's asshole
you're the one who popped it you fucking basket case
OP fucking died
Imagine this faggot in the military. STOP THE BULLETS HURT waaaaa
Holy fuck are you retards trying to kill op or do you not realize the difference between a cyst on your back legs etc. And one near your asshole spoilers
The one near your asshole can get shit in it and kill you in a day if it didn't get shit in it from op having a dirty ass and popping it anyway
Jesus christ. Also, you should be going to the doctor to see if you have hemorrhoids too OP. Put me in the screencap.