Why do Democrats want to ban guns?
Why do Democrats want to ban guns?
The same reason anyone has ever wanted to ban guns.
It's a cheap political win that their target urban population doesn't give a shit about to pretend like they actually do something worthwhile.
Join a state regulated Militia and you can have it.
a white person could use one to defend themself against a member of the Holy Race
>banning automatic weapons = banning all guns
nigger detected
To later oppress the unarmed people to submission and accept a totalitarian state.
why are most republicans closeted homosexuals?
becuz white guys use them to kill innocent ppl?
Are libs suddenly cool with kinkshaming and homophobia? Is there something wrong with homosexuality?
>automatic weapons
Implying that AR-15's and semi-auto AK's are "automatic weapons"? And just banning half the firearms I currently own (not all of them) should not bother me? Who's the nigger here?...
Have you joined a state run militia? If not, they all go.
Automatic Rifle
Holy fuck you must be 18 to post here
Left wing politics comes from a deep rooted sense of personal insufficiency and weakness, that's why they are certain that they can't solve any of their own problems - and they're sure that you're just as pathetic. Guns represent your ability to resist a system that they are too frightened/pathetic to oppose (leading them instead to get down on their metaphorical knees and start sucking its cock instead). It offends them on a deeply, viscerally, emotional level, because the idea that you can own guns reminds them just how pathetic they are. Everything they actually say about it is just a desperate rationalisation to make them feel less awful at having been found out. The replies to this post should demonstrate that pretty clearly.
Non-whites are NOT allowed on Yea Forums unless they are cool, intelligent east Asians who have assimilated into America or Canada. Get out, nigger.
Because they want to do things that should get them shot
Why do Conservatives need to own automatic weapons?
>Why do Democrats want to ban guns?
They dont. They've been very clear about that. Republican politicians on the other hand have been extremely anti gun. Republican Ronald Regan banned assault rifles in California and most open carrying laws saying "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons"
and republican lord-god emperor Trump flat out said he would take guns without due process and republican voters were silent.
>Have you joined a state run militia? If not, they all go.
what movie is this from?
In case the government tries to take our automatic weapons.
You stupid fuck
AR = ArmaLite rifle
They're afraid of negroes embracing the 2nd amendment, forming stable families, and as a result begin voting republican.
>why are most republicans closeted homosexuals?
Being drunk with 2 women is gay according to democratic troons.
Cause they’re faggots
>To later oppress the unarmed people to submission and accept a totalitarian state.
Why bother? The 2A cult obviously already want one. Daddy worshipers.
>Being drunk with 2 women is gay according to democratic troons.
Correction, 3 women. I can see the other woman's head in the back.
Yes being drunk and partying with 3 women is very very gay.
I should “own” what ever the fuck I want. Simple as you nutter fruit fag
>Automatic Rifle
Holy fuck you must be 18 to post here
Holy fuck, who are you talking to here? Not what I said at all. AR means Armalite Rifle of course. I am your grandmother and way over 18, btw...
Why did Rosa Parks NEED to sit at the front of the bus? Why do you think a person NEEDS to show some justification for their god given rights?
Being drunk with two women and comparing dick sucking stories or talking about clothes and makeup is pretty gay, user.
Why does that piece of shit have so many parts?
An AK-74 has like 5 moving parts.
Militia's are not run by the state. They're formed by citizens to come to the aid of the state in the case of an emergency. Training, equipping, and arming of individual members is solely the responsibility of those members, or by the militia as a group itself. To form a militia requires an armed citizenry, not the other way around. In fact, the individual states have been restricted in their ability to arm their own militia's ever since the 1790s, when the right was transferred to the federal government in the name of establishing a national military. The explicit right of the individual citizen, however, was not so restricted.
Colonia Americans learned lessons from England, specifically, and other Euro powers when codifying within the constitution a right to remain armed. The key reason colonial thinkers made this a right was due to the natural right of self defense; that is to say, the ability to defend one's self, one's property, and one's community.
The writers knew that if the ability and the right of arming a citizen was left solely within the responsibility of the state, then the citizen would be left at a severe disadvantage if the state were ever to turn to corruption. The framer's never envisioned the cul-de-sac from rising up against a platoon of Regular soldiers - but they did give citizens the right to say "fuck you" in the most effective way possible.
>Why do Conservatives need to own automatic weapons?
I am not a "Conservative" so I do not NEED anything. I choose to own some things, however. And btw, define "automatic weapons" for me, please.
>well regulated Militia
>why many parts
Because the "bannana rammer" and "merciless rage piston" (among others) are obvious HiTek and needful.
>Why do Democrats want to ban guns?
We need to ban Jews
Tell me you have no idea what words mean without saying you have no idea what words mean. Go ahead and try to explain how 'the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed' is actually just the government giving itself permission to have an army.
>well regulated Militia
Lol again. Define that term, please. Thank you.
>t. insurrectionist
Funny how countries with gun bans also have much less school shootings. Isn't that just the wackiest Mr. Save-the-Babies-But-Shoot-The-Kids?
>countries with gun bans
No thanks. You can live in one of those if you like.
Ok then. What is your reasoning that a woman should no be able to make her own choice in carrying a fetus to viability then?
>Nobody going to tell me what to do.
the initial and original proposal of the 2A text:
>The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person
Clearly stating that the individual right was the basis upon which a militia could be formed. It was later swapped, to read:
A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, being the best security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed....
Because the original framers wanted to be abundantly clear that an overly-strong central, federal government, not unlike those experienced in a monarchy, wouldn't be able to pass laws that restricted states from defending themselves. And this militia is stilled based around the idea of individual citizens having the right to own their own weapons, giving communities the ability to band together to defend themselves if necessary. A well-regulated militia is hard to form and integrate into Regular forces if nobody has weapons to bring.
>nobody going to tell me what to do
Nobody? Well, not you, certainly.
Ar means assault rifle you negroid.
>Be me, Britbong
>Read Americans desperate to ban all guns in their own country
>Read their retarded reasons for wanting that
>Look at my own country
>After the 'Firearms Act 1997' (AKA: The Gun Ban) watch assault rates go through the roof
>Watch murder and GBH rates go through the roof
>Watch home invasion rates go ... through the roof
>Watch rape rates go .... yup, you guessed it, through the roof
>Watch terrorist attacks get to the point where they're barely newsworthy any more because they're just getting boring, "just part and parcel of living in a modern city"
In all seriousness, what part of their brain are American anti-gun activists missing?
>Ar means assault rifle
It means air isolation reverberatory you stupid jew
Bid deal. Girl with firearm. The real question is: can she disassemble, clean, and then reassemble without any help?
Post webm to prove that this girl is not a larping cunt.
hypothetically, if there were additional gun control laws passed but no change to the rate of mass shootings, would you support repealing the act?
Of course he wouldn't. Gun control was never about the guns.
>prove girl not larping cunt
I have no idea. I just like the pic.
You need to up your game
>Ar means assault rifle
I already posted the A Salt Rifle pic. This ancient bait meme is getting a little old. How about AR means Ass Ripper?...
I like that pic too...
Dunno, I was in one today specifically because I might need to shoot a Republican soon.
Because Democrats are literally Hitler, Stalin and Mao.
A lotta words there, pal.
So Blacks don't commit more crime
so the construction of the gas chambers can begin of course!
>Why do Democrats want to ban guns?
Criminals don't like people who can fight back. Intelligent people like the Idea of self defense.
Many people want to ban guns. You do the math, it's not hard to figure out what kind of people those are.
To be honest, the feminist movement should be the most pro guns of any group out there as a gun gives women the best chance to defend themselves against the violence of men. But those running that organization are criminals and criminals never want to give people the ability to fight back.