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We love logs matey

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All part of a balanced breakfast.


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logpizzas the most health

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Oh boy

When I grow up I am fuckyoualldieslowall

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salty loglet

Attached: Logfather_229_1000_maybellog_edition.png (750x1000, 935.52K)

Is it ever OK to hit a woman?

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Give me logs, or give me death


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ywnbaw kys

why tf would i want to be a woman?

so mad bro kek what got you so angry ?

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I am just a simple log farmer
making logs all day to serve too Our log lord

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Clog my fucking throte andy

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but still Just made it in aye
Not hidden not saged you love the logs
Eustace the closet log fag

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Im lovin it!

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Logs rule

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Cool story bro

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Thanks for the bumps E

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No problem, I know when you're new it can be hard to get threads started.

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