Cum Eater
Cum Eater
Straights give better blowjobs
Tyler the Guy Who Looks At Another Man’s Ass And Thinks Mmmm Lunch
Tyler the creator is NOT a gay, he is a TROLL, and a shock rapper.
Shock rapper? More like cock snacker lol
u wouldve heard about his gf or girls he dated by now after all these years of being a famous millionaire. and then all garden shed and that gay rainbow guy coming out of the closet drawing.
>tfw you think you’re “gay” because you first identified with not being able to get women and after internalizing that and becoming less depressed you rationalized it by thinking you just didnt want women in the first place
dude what. thats literally incel.
Imagine having your dick sucked by those massive ape lips
lets be real, wolf is the only good album he has. goblin was a nothing album and has no relevance today. they sold out and gave in to sjws and flower boy wore off quick. The album was okay I guess but it played out reaaaallly quick. Now they just cling to relevance anytime they can.
wtf r u talking about retard lol
you tellin me all these incels are just pre-gay?
exactly Tyler used to be 100% pure incel now he's just completely gay
Flower boy is by far Tyler the Creator's worst album.
This is fact and cannot be disproven.
this nigga gay, I refuse to listen
bastard is his best
goto bed earl ur drunk
how the fuck is being gay even real like nigga just fuck girls hahahaha
This but unironically
his face looks like a shitty nigger anus
he's a obviously a black top who loves white bois. Ya'll really think it's a coincidence he models his clothes with white twinks.
Is he retarded? That face makes him look like a short bus passenger. Has it got something to do with him being gay? Talking about his retardation and Neanderthal bone structure
more like gaycel. lol
dude im out
you have such a way with words
all these niggas mad they got no talent lol
tylers out here makin history
I want Tyler to eat my cum while fingering my ass and then he'd suck my shit from his finger and we both shout "that's fucking gross dude" and laugh and then we cuddle
So are he and Frank full on gay or do they occasionally fuck only the hottest bitches. Because I'm pretty sure Tyler has had multiple chances to fuck Kendall Jenner. Also that one chick he was making waffles with on that show. What a waste. This nigga really could be looking it right now.
*Killing it
no please come back
hes not even gay hes into both
is this supposed to be attractive?