Drawthread: Fuck Droid 500 Edition
Drawthread: Fuck Droid 500 Edition
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Fuck ya guys
Get fucked bitch.
Whatever place
You can only really be friend of other drawfags if you're a (competent) drawfag yourself.
Yes or no?
no but it helps
if your a decent person and don't ask for hand outs sure
Hand outs?
yes i mean basically treating them as your personal free art machine
No, not only there are good drawfags that are friends with bad ones but then you have cecenigger, pokenigger and docnigger being friends with drawfags
This one?
>cecenigger, pokenigger and docnigger being friends with drawfags
which ones are you talking about? because all the ones i know dislike them
are you a starsector playing by chance?
Tai, gooey, eggs
Cobra, lee, road
It all boils down to interaction, there was also that whole thing where an user fell in love with a drawfag don't know who it was though
>all drawfags i know dislike them
before thread shitting anons were the regular thing here anons used to make friends with the drawfags. now its mostly anons shitting on drawfags stirring up drama and being a general nuisance. you have exceptions to this but it's getting more and more rare.
don't sperges posts the list daily
or drawfags shitting under user
part of me is regretting taking the request for the big titty whatever that is
There are a bunch of that, who are you and what are you drawing
yeah? hope the guilt settles in cause you just fed one of the threads most toxic tards
They even have gore of her, drawing her is a big nono. Ypu did it, own it. Stupid cat.
just remember this Dante caught you off gaurd once. anything from now on is willfull ignorance.
What? Is this about Milk?
there is that to. but realistically its the same group of obsessive idiots and the proof of it is when they are not here threads are decent
There are a bunch of fags who hate the owner of that oc and spam her to make people get annoyed and hate her
Nobody cares you fag, let people draw what they want
Milk needs to kill herself
i have no idea who that is or what it is i just saw titty and wanted to draw. Egh, live and learn, never again
lesson learned, wont take another one of it
I feel you, user. I've done the same and caught hell from the thread and Dante xirself.
The reference you used was by someone named Milk/Switch. The owner of the character is Dante and hates Milk now, but uses her art of his character to request. It's a fucked up situation.
on a better note, a Fancy N
Great job falling for the dramafag tricks, this is what they want
Verniggers seething
are you dumb? just draw what you want who gives a fuck, the owner of that oc isn't even here
Dante be seething really hard bois, we dinning good!
/r/ Penny and Goldie posing together in their bikinis like the right pic.
Bruh why do you even care what seething anons think
Aw hell yea!
We fuufin now.
Dante the faggy fag and his hippo self insert
So there's two toxic cunts on here that are the source for most of the cancerous drama, Dante and Cece basically never draw for them or take their reqs. you also have repeat requesters just ignore them cause they'll just keep requesting to no end. everyone else is optional or just post and interact with drawfags
Proof that there are several fags who hate the character and want others to hate them
This user is lying
Dante doesn't hate Milk and all this drama is just dramafags trying to hurt him. Their twitters are @AgoraArts_ and @MilkScrewx2 if you want to ask the people actually involved
those anons just want you to hate the character and you've done what they want
>Dante right now
dante has said that he doesn't hate milk and he isn't even here
Look man, i just dont like getting caught up in thread drama. Im just here to make pixel art
At least theres a better understanding of the situation now. Will help me stay out of it
hell yea
More like you whenever someone draws a character you don't like
ignore retards telling you to not draw certain characters and just draw what you want
/r/ lewds of this little boy pls
Can make a request with a two-tone character please?
Dante backpedaling fr fr
Protip, don't listen to anything anons say, only drawfags can be trusted
any spesific request for the colors?
Posts should be evidence that there is a group of anons harassing and smearing the owner of the pink character
No I mean a character with two tones. Sorry for the confusion. This is the request by the way. Mavil the Manta Ray taking a nap.
Most can be trusted but there are a few exceptions