Diaper Thread: "It's Wednesday night, and you know what that means" edition.
Diaper Thread: "It's Wednesday night, and you know what that means" edition
That is an old school diaper.
Any idea who that model is?
ABU Princess? I nearly have an entire case of them.
I've said it before on these threads but if anyone feels like they miss out on these Yea Forums diaper threads or you wish they were more frequent, there's always a regular diapergirl thread on /hc/
Who's the girl in the photo though?
And yeah ABU Princess is from the first incarnation of ABU. They never pop up anymore.
does anyone sleep in a diaper, not wet it, take it off to go about you day, then put it back on and then flood it... then change into a new one? I am scared of leaks so don't wet in the bed, but love wetting so I do it later.
Anyone have anymore pics of girls ashamed/embarrassed to be in diapers?
>that dogs face
Diaper punishment
hot damn I didn't like them and am sure I can get a premium.
if you're worried about leaks wear a diaper cover or something that can hold it closer to your body. I often wore a womens one piece swimsuit for this reason.
how about briefs? or a onesie?
sauce? she's got it all
Chores while wearing an exposed diaper as punishment
wife has taken to cooking wearing a diaper, from time to time.
I keep joking (but she knows I am serious) that her ideal state is pregnant, barefoot, in the kitchen, wearing diapers.
That’s amazing
Incorporating diapers into costumes is a good idea if you want to wear one in public
I’ll be in Europe in a few weeks. What kind of diapers do they have there?
Yeah, I could never pull that off with my friend group.
For years all of my Halloween and Mardi Gras costumes have been low effort things that mostly incorporate normal clothing.
If I tried to be Baby New Year and wear a diaper and top hat one year everyone would think it was weird and suspect something was up with me.
I know they have DryNites so I’ll have to get some of those
That’s unfortunate. It’s a lot of fun wearing a diaper and having no one suspect anything.
Even though my friend group would never think I would do that on my own, ideal scenario is that I get a girlfriend who's weird enough and fun enough to be down for something like that. Then we do a couple's costume both involving diapers, and then my friends just assume I went along with her idea for the costume and don't suspect anything.
It’s worth bringing up to her. A lot of other people will enjoy the costume since it’s a funny, easy, last minute costume.
that's my kind of dinner.
What’s the longest you went wearing diapers continuously? I wore them for a week straight.
Maybe a day.
Also there's a thread in /hc/ for diaper pics as well if you guys ever don't see one here/wanted more diaper pics in Yea Forums
I went for three days straight when I was younger and I had my parents house to myself for a while.
The thing is I don't like messing so I would never actually go 24/7, and I do start to get tired of them after a while. Especially after I nut.
how tall is Ella? what a body!
I've went for 4 days at the most, was peak comfy
are littleforbig little dreamers good? I just got some on order... excited to wear them!
also... how skinny do you have to be to fit into abena m4's as a guy?
be like 35" or less?
Cant remember, Would like to but conditions would make that rather difficult. I would need to be on vacation from work and my gf to be on her period in order have no chance of her wanting to fuck.
thanks for having our back!
I was 24/7 for almost 8 years. I had to retrain myself recently and I am daytime dry, but I still wet the bed. I was not able to regain control of my bowels though. I'm fecal incontinent now, not that I mind. I think it is a combination of muscle atrophy from not holding it in for so long as well as all anal stretching I've done.
Any of you have the supposed leaked messing video of littlelolikat
I feel like messing takes a lot to clean up from, speaking from the one time I did that in a goodnites diaper quite a while ago. Plus if you're living with people you're trying to hide that from, it'd be REALLY difficult to do.
I’m not incontinent but I’ve had a few accidents while diapered. I love how it feels to lose control or stop holding it in
I wet the bed most of my life. I'm dry most of the time now but if I wear a diaper while I sleep I will wake up soaked every time
I never did wet the bed growing up. The first time I did, I was probably 22. it was because I drank to much and fell asleep. I enjoyed waking up in a wet diaper. Then during the summer of 2020, I had a reoccurring dream that would happen every week or so where I was using a urinal and thought it was real so I would wet my bed.
Used to hate those dreams had one at an old GF's house when I was like 21. Pissed all over her lol she was not happy.
My nurse friend told me it was probably stress induced bedwetting. I told her I was wearing diapers and she thought that it was funny. Some nights, she would text me before I went to bed and say things like “make sure you have your pull-up on, user! :P”
Bf is talking about ddlg where I'm 3. The youngest I've ever gone is 12. How the fuck do I not be embarrassed while wearing a diaper?? Mentally I'm so resistant, but every time I think of it I'm soaking wet, so clearly my body wants it.
How do you guys not completely freeze up?
Pic related
>make sure you have your pull-up on, user! :P
damn, wish I had a friend like than
>and you know what that means
uhhh, what does it mean, op?
I'd say 3 year olds would be embarrassed to wear diapers. Pull-ups on the other hand make them feel like big kids.
It’s just a matter of gradually exposing yourself to it. I knew I always wanted to try diapers on, but the first time I bought them and put one on, it was really nerve-wracking and awkward.
Maybe start out as a Bedwetting 12 year old and only wear goodnites or pull ups to bed, or wear them as a disciplinary measurement. Eventually you’ll get really comfortable having diapers on and even be wearing them under your clothes while you’re out running errands. But don’t worry about that yet, just wear your diapers in private until you’re comfortable with whatever you and your partner want to do.
Both of these are actually really helpful responses, thank you
I know, it was really nice. I remember texting her when I was out getting some diapers and send a photo of the Goodnites on the shelf and she replied saying I should get the girl ones because they’re cute.
You can either play into the embarrassment or just let daddy take care of you.
Let him diaper you and hold you until you feel safe
Oh that’s not good
Glad to hear it! Best of luck to you and your partner :)
I swear this is the only nice reoccurring thread on Yea Forums
Would be funnier if it had oreos
Been here since 2004. I agree.
>get the girl ones because they’re cute.
I love your friend
>How the fuck do I not be embarrassed while wearing a diaper??
Just think of it as a poofy, cute (depending on brand), menstrual pad for a giantess.
>Mentally I'm so resistant, but every time I think of it I'm soaking wet, so clearly my body wants it.
Wow what duality.
>How do you guys not completely freeze up?
Because we like it.
It actually ended up good I told her I wore diapers usually just didn't that night cause I was embarrassed by them and wanted to seem cool for her.
She let me wear over at her place after that, she was the first GF I had that let me keep diapers at her place for when I stayed the night.
I probably had a chance with her but it slipped by.
It's a fun niche fetish.
Me too.
Glad it worked out. Diaperwise, at least. Doesn’t sound like you two are still together, unless I misread it
life is full of missed opportunities
Don't bring that cookie monster into the thread.
im triggered lol