If republicans banned abortion just wait till they see what they can do to trans rights...

If republicans banned abortion just wait till they see what they can do to trans rights. Once they get this ball rolling it will never stop.


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They coming for black people hair next! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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checked and based. kill all race traitors.

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Just promise not to storm the capitol again when you lose

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Every conservaturds wet dream...

Not freedom
Not prosperity
Not peace
Not balance
Not fairness
Not tolerance
Not justice
Not Democracy
Not Christian

Nope, this is their dream?

If it's a "Human right" then why can't women naturally do it themselves?

Bait and actual liberal beliefs, are indistinguishable.

What the fuck are you babbling about?


tl;dr ywnbaw kys

We can only hope.

The fact that bait and actual liberal beliefs, are indistinguishable.

>If republicans banned abortion
nobody banned abortion

no u

Cool. Trannies are disgusting and there's no public obligation to validate or support them.

I don't think it should be criminal to crossdress, or to lie to people you want to be intimate with, but my tax dollars shouldn't go to supporting it.

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There never was a right to abortion in the US

I certainly hope so.

Check 'em!

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Might as well watch Fox News by this point.

Half of America can't do abortions without risking jail or fine after this. How the fuck is that not banning abortion?

I am sure it is, in your state. Same gorles for any protections to gay people and so on. The problem that you haven't realized is the more you distance your state from the rest of the USA, the easier it becomes for the rest of us to think of you as something apart from us. That's not going to end well for you, because the closer you become to being a hostile foreign nation intent on self governing, the easier it becomes to justify a crack down. Your short term victories might ebolden you, but it doesn't change whats coming. Unless you can successfully rule over all of north America you aren't going win much for long.

>If republicans banned abortion
Not gonna happen wholesale. If the SCOTUS draft becomes a ruling, then the question goes to the states. Plenty of blue and purple states out there.
Who fucking cares? What special rights should troons have that 1) they don't already have, and 2) don't exist for everyone?

You'll still be able to go to a different state to kill your unborn baby is your state doesn't allow it

What's a race traitor?

just fuck around with everybody
its that easy
>so many guys out there looking for real honest women to marry and these cunts waste their own life, only to ride the cock carousel and demand abortions...

I wish America was cool instead of filled with Zionist baby boomers and faggot reactionary virgins that watch the same Fox anchors as Zionist baby boomers

You sure about that, bud?

If you don't want you baby just put it in a basket and send it down the river like God intended

Yes, because any state legislation that states you can't go to another state for an abortion will never stand up in court

Can’t wait to see the faces of rightcucks faces when they realize the majority of abortions are low income African Americans

It's already in place in some states, and stupider things have stood up in court before.

good, they dont deserve rights anyway :)

Problem is we have a shit ton of ignorant people on top of schizos who should be getting help and not looking for validation from trolls. But fuck it

Republicans didn't ban shit. It's the justices decision not the rights. Second it's not banning abortion. The fact you think it is says magnitudes about your education level.

Black people aren't inherently dogshit, they're incentivized to be dogshit. Actually being held accountable for being a slut by having to pop out and take care of a baby will be a net benefit, or many, many of them will attempt at-home abortions and infanticide and thin their numbers that way.

Rightcuck here. We have been warning about this black genocide for decades. So, what now, faggot?

Even if it did they wouldn't be able to prove a woman went to another state and got an abortion. All she would have to claim is she had a miscarriage case closed.

Unless you are currently being held for a criminal conviction, there's nothing stopping someone from becoming a resident of another state.

Lmao you really think a bunch of right wing authoritarian rapists won't absolutely say the woman's womb is a crime scene and investigate the "miscarriage"?

It's literally bullshit news to push Dems in the midterms by exploiting people that don't know how the supreme court works.
They commonly discuss topics like this, and what was released was an incomplete draft discussing Rowe vs Wade laws since states like Mississippi and Texas want to ignore it all the time.
They always need to discuss stuff like this because they have to do it and it always gets turned down. This draft would exist even if the supreme court had all democrat placed members.

basically anyone from a blue state.

picrel is a result of coal burning race traitors. Viewer discretion is advised. Mutts are dangerously ugly.

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Lol you really thing they can prove anything? Also I live in Texas and I seriously doubt it will get to that degree. It will be illegal here and if someone goes out of state that will be the end of it.

The leak of a draft SCOTUS opinion re: Roe vs. Wade has had the desired effect. Protests in major cities. This violation of trust was done to "energize the base" for Dems facing defeat in November. It would be easier if Congress legalized infanticide. That won't happen. Why? Because the Dems would no longer be able to use the issue to "energize the base". Politicians don't want permanent solutions to trigger issues because they use those issues to pull the strings on the puppets we call voters. Can you feel the strings?

literally no one gives a shit

Breeding out the whites just got a lost easier. Mutts are gonna rule the earth in 50 years.

So how do you feel about me dumping unprotected loads in my Mexican fiancee 3-5 times a week?

Not too bad. Mexicans are alright. Niggers are not human.

Since when do cops need proof of anything to arrest you?

If you say no to the death penalty then that should also extend to babies in the womb. Democrats are very fucked in the head. Democrats - no killing unless its a baby!

Fair point.

I've had this thought aswell. Why now? What else would have caused this sudden decision, when there are far more pressing problems? But if true, can the DNC really just push the supreme court to do whatever they want? The system is fucked.

Mutts mean every race will be bread out nigger

Not saying they are.. just saying rightoids pov out loud

Sure lol

Exactly my point, you genius you.

I'm pro choice, but if we get get the troops to shut the fuck up, I'm in.

You are intellectually bankrupt if you don't think killing babies is a pressing matter. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the basis for the United States. Life is of utmost importance.

Then why focus on just white people racist fuck

Troons not troops

We could all become caramel colored broccoli heads, that drift ricers on the highway during rush hour with bass pumping. Heaven! fr fr

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No one will be more of a nigger than you so congrats



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thank goodness. Republicans are surprisingly the based party now

Nice trips. Because the whites, like yourself, are assholes about race. So focusing on whites just makes it sweeter to hear you cry.

I'm half native American you fuck now give me my reparations since you killed my people

Whites are celebrating. Inferior scum like you will pay

Lol I was wondering to myself what the military had to do with this issue.

I dont give a fuck about you.
You don't seem to understand. Lowering the abortion rates creates more mutts from all people, including white mothers who love that bbc.