He’s beginning to see some footage. He knows he has now way out now. Felony rape inbound

He’s beginning to see some footage. He knows he has now way out now. Felony rape inbound

Attached: A5BD0AC9-401F-49EB-B65E-E51DEDF0736B.jpg (205x256, 6.73K)


What the fuck? Is this real?


Kill yourself
Yeah, taken 2 days ago I think. He returned to jail. Clearly a broken man

>broken woman

why are you obsessed with this literal nobody? what has gone so wrong in your life that this is what you think about, day in day out? sage

>broken man
There is no way I'm playing make believe with mental illness

>day in, day out
Buddy that’s either pure projection or just you being a drama Queen. Chris is like a good TV show, you pop back in when it’s updated. Right now we’re in the final season

Kill yourself

He realized the merge is not happening


>Kill They'self
Don't assume gender

You racist bigot

He should be in a mental asylum with either no internet access, or restricted and monitored limited access. Maybe he'll actually fade out of delusion and back to some semblance of reality

This fucking faggot again
I hope he dies soon, fucking piece of worthless shit, i don't know why incels love this faggot

>Felony rape inbound
Why are amerimutts so obsessed with men getting raped?

Right? I thought that was a Brazilian, Greek, Mexican, Swedish, German, Italian, Portuguese thing.

Fuck Chris Chan. He's a mom raping piece of shit...lock his retarded ass away for the rest of his life for I care.



>Brazilian, Greek, Mexican, Swedish, German, Italian, Portuguese
That's what I said. Amerimutt. The average american is about 25% of each of those

Indian, Pakistani, Iraqi, Afghan etc etc

how's 3rd world life treating you?

I couldn't tell you. I'm not American.

Being an early CWC enthusiast, his videos were enjoyable. It was a mix of pity, humor, morbid curiosity and unpredictability. Eventually the trolls just became sadistic, and CWC was becoming more delusional. Chris was a perfect storm of bad parenting, autism and lack or more like disregard of consequences. What's more insane, is when you forget about him, he just pops up in a bizzare way and his story just gets more ridiculous.

Gender Male

Attached: pO3vnw1.jpg (1080x2074, 162.26K)

Your 175% retarded

Apparently the "education" you receive in whatever mud hut you attend isn't that great.

Can I see the footage?

he's a 3rd world street shitter...of course he's a retard.

Fucking hell. Maybe your comebacks would be better if you lived in a country with potable water, fat.
You is*

>your 175% retarded
>your retarded

We'll see who's laughing after the dimensional merge

Attached: 1650339481336.jpg (1024x683, 126.59K)

Fixed it for you.

If I was retarded, I wouldn't need 3 fucking posts to my 1. Calm down, and stop samefagging, zambo.

Attached: 1650919786947.gif (324x142, 1.68M)

Attached: 1629416410889.webm (684x854, 1.77M)

>average sekiro player

He got out of jail in the first place?

Bail is a thing 9 out of 10 times.

I didnt think he had any money, last I knew he was still in jail after many continuances

Jail is where they hold people till they get convicted or something right? Is he going to get sent to prison soon? Mental asylum? What's the most likely outcome here?

You only have to put up 10% a bail bondsman can front you the money. Any one can take on the 10% they just need to sign for you.

you're right about the jail thing. he will probably end up somewhere for the criminally insane. not much better than a prison to be honest.

Not necessarily it depends on sentence length. Short terms can be served in country (jail).

He has lost a lot of weight if you compare the photo from a few months ago.

math isn't the yuropoors strong suite

Well, to be fair, those Amerifats are so fucking lardy, that they're literally twice the person regular people are...

He only "transitioned" to get with lesbians, faggot

you gon die alone, fam

Why is the picture only 200 pixels?
It's obviously that way on purpose so why?
Also why is he clearly cropped out from the background?
What a strange image.

Attached: e-fd37acb1-629a-4580-9e65-8c58ba1f1a79+b.png (860x924, 294.19K)

God just give it a rest

Attached: f2d.png (625x626, 82.17K)


Are you noided?

He never was offered bail


He's wearing a long sleeve white shirt under the striped one so his arms are overexposed. The image has a DO NOT COPY watermark superimposed on it. It is a 7kB file that is all the VINE system provided.

>He’s beginning to see some footage.
What is this supposed to mean?

Nah just an incest charge, he hasn’t been charged with rape. It’s doubtful but still possible that Barb actually consented, but more likely the prosecution doesn’t wanna push for a rape charge when they can just nail him for incest

Attached: 818A035D-43DE-4328-A9AA-8DA616197C04.jpg (438x383, 187.64K)

That’s just the online government database’s low quality image, photoshopped by some Kiwifarms retard