I killed people in Bucha. Ask questions

I killed people in Bucha. Ask questions.

Attached: 520YZC4kHIlYzZvZZkdeTiRxdJcBihn4WvKHriMNblxbF_9qiOxMtvqb-Dp793cxTk_e6555AyqNYKEs-ZmuVCVP.jpg (997x2160, 476.28K)

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Lmao idiot commie


Of all of the LARP personas you could have chosen you chose this one. Why is necrobestiality a hobby for you?

No you didn't.

Hohol please

Do they scream when they get shot


I just wanna say, that's actually cool.

Attached: letter-z-from-st-george-ribbon-white-background-z-victory-russia_344253-1112.jpg (2000x1333, 234.07K)

Electronica, made in USSR(CCCP)

A 20 dollar East German watch

Attached: red-heat-watch-swap.jpg (1889x1029, 186.69K)

No, they grunted

Is that yours?

How long do you think you have to live?

Yeah, I hang them all around my small town in America. They love it.

He probably won't be alive in 2023.

longer than the woman and children... kekekek

So what happened there really?

He was deceived. I bought them for $5. HULIGANI

but shorter than most other people. Especially those smart enough to stay away from joining an army.

why is there gonna be a covid-20? The chances of actually dying in combat are pretty slim if your not stupid.

will there be pictures released of the atrocities including any rapes that may have taken place?

Until the great leader Vladimir Putin builds communism.

Why do they used a Latin "Z" anyway?

Did you stab them with a kitchen knife?

how many ukranian whores have you impregnated?

None, can’t get pregnant if they’re dead.



What is the fourier transform of an impulse train?

Soldiers or civilians?

kek based, good boy!

Attached: putin.jpg (976x549, 66.75K)

how many Ukrainian sluts have you raped? Gang raped any? What we’re the circumstances? Kids or family members around or made to watch?

Were you killing for globalist jews like azov says about you? Or are you actually fighting real life baddies?

A big part of me wants to die in battle.

It's like a third axis in coordinates - x y z. I think this is a symbol of Russia's third way, without communism and without liberalism. In addition, in Russian there is a word x y й

that the male dream, too die for a purpose... and loyal woman

only civilian

If you real, how does it feel for every faggot to hate you for killing nazi larping mongol faggots


As one of our great thinkers said: "The power is in the truth, for whom the truth will win."

Did you have a chance to make a "rose" to some prisoner?

How does it feel knowing you inevitably will lose this pointless war? Dont get me wrong, I really appreciate you killing hohols, but still...

In Russia it is called a tulip. Tulip This is when the skin from the chest is cut out in four directions, it is very painful. I haven't done it myself, but I've seen others do it.

I heard that this "rose" or "tulip" thing is done to the penis. Maybe it's just a different variation.

God, how your media deceives you. Even if we have problems, they are purely economic.

Did you have sex with females in Bucha or any other city? Or are they all gone? If I were to commit warcrimes, I'd do them using my dick

If in this sense, then no, in Russia for homosexuality you can pay with your life

Do you ever feel regret for those people?

>be in poland
>have a friend
>friend has a gf
>gf is russian
>she's afraid to leave house
You must be really proud of yourself, Ivan. Better not travel west any time this century.

kek cope harder

In Ukraine was all of the war crimes. It was funny

Here is the description (sorry, for retarded czech language) idnes.cz/zpravy/zahranicni/ukrajina-rusko-muceni-sbu-vojak-fsb-zajatci-valka.A220504_185211_zahranicni_jhr
But there are some russian screenshots.

You're exactly right. I'm a fat guy sat at home in the UK working a crappy job in IT. I will either die at home from a heart attack, or something else lame. But I'd rather die in battle, at least then my life will have meant something.

No, it's war.

$15 watch

Yup, sounds like Russian military budget to me

Nah, it's stolen.

March to the English Channel!

Дa нихyя пoдoбнoгo

Thats why it is so easy to rally up people for war
going out with a boom would be nice

lol similar to my situation

Though I'll probably die of deep vein thrombosis on account that I rarely move and my legs are turning more purple every day xD

Дa нe в цeнe дeлo, дypaк ты нecчacтный...
This watch is a memory of the Soviet past.

Owning an Electronica watch doesn't mean any of what you claim is true. I own the same watch and I've never been there.

Лaднo, извини.

WTF dude... go outside for a brisk walk every day. Are you ok with losing your legs?

Yeah man...
dying from obesity isn't as comfy as I first thought.

In the background, the uniform weighs.
Дypaк ты нecчacтный

And I'm not talking about the fact that they are electronic, but about the fact that they are called that, idiot.

Attached: Screenshot_2022-05-04-22-03-25-407_com.android.chrome.jpg (720x1600, 377.73K)

if you really killed people in bucha, you are fucked, posting on Yea Forums will literally send your private informaion to the US government, the same government that is helping Ukraine catch the people that commited war crimes in Bucha, but you're larping so it doesn't matter, but just in case it's true, you're fucked