Are trans people mentally ill?

Are trans people mentally ill?

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Hi there,kinda related to the point,why do I feel so much sorrow over a particular famous person death? Guy died a long time ago yet it makes me quite sad that's he is gone. He seemed to be a genuinely good person,also very talented in his field. I've been feeling this sorrow for about two years,although his death occurred over 20 years ago. It simply makes me very disturbed that he was taken away from us,specially all the stuff he would have come up with if he hadn't such a tragic fate. I don't know if there's an afterlife,of course I don't,no one does,but either way I hope that his spirit is in eternal peace. Never met him personally but his absence is surely felt by me

yeah,the notion of afterlife is wishful thinking at its finest,but it's quite comforting. I for example wish that all the good people are in a better place. Most recently I've been feeling a great deal of sorrow over that particular famous guy's death. He was taken from us a long time ago,the world was a different place back then. Not that much different as 100 years ago,of course,but it was still quite different. Sad to think about all the work he could have made if not for his tragic fate. That's why I do hope there's an afterlife in which his soul is in peace,he surely deserves it. On the matter,I don't know why his death fills me with sorrow,but it does. I never got to meet the guy in person,of course I didn't,I was still a child when he died also different countries,even so I do feel his death like he was a very close friend. Can't tell why so much sorrow,but there it is. So sad he was taken from us that long ago,what a waste of good talent and nice personality

He died in 1998
Entirely from the 20th century
All the life pre 2001
World was different,all the stuff left behind stuff from the 90's and before old stuff now,all old times and memories
Entirely from the past,the pre 2001 comfy and less complicated times


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stfu samefag ywnbaw

kill troons

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welcome newfriend

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Yes there is no doubt about that

Trans people groovy

Axe sounds wounds are technically grooves

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Look at that thing. It's not even human.

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Post yourself you redneck fuck

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How about you first faggot

Possibly, they need correction, but not disdain and hate.

who cares?


So Yes

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uh huh

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Absolutely. They make good fuck toys though.

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you will never have an abortion

add nasithichean on snapchat if you want to make fun of a ftm tranny

Hey, it’s OP’s mom


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Are people who obsess about trans people mentally ill?


yes im very mentally deranged

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>covering adams apple
>trying to hide receding hairline but failing to even accomplish that
>tilting head to distort jay leno jawline - and failing
>cropped out the linebacker shoulders to fake a slim appearance

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>if its not in the pic its becuse im deliberately trying to hide it
dont you have hidden messages to decode in newspaper headlines?

its funny cause its true LOLOLOLOLOL

Hot, would eat ass in public beholden to bigots

Also cis women are obselete, seethe niggers

maybe but i could print the front page of a newspaper on that guys fivehead

just the ugly ones.

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so, all of them.


post without makeup and filters

oh wait you cant - you'll always be just some sad lonely guy in a dress kek

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Trannies are just incels in makeup and dresses.
They can't get any women to touch their peepees, so they try to trick men into touching them.
Same drama, same need to be the center of attention, same vast over estimation of their attractiveness, same demands for special treatment, same everything.
They only make sense in this context.

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>Are trans people mentally ill?

No. Picrel is perfectly normal, and you should be an ally instead of a hater.

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I see what's going on here. Anons, OP, maybe if you didnt cherry pick the unpassable ones and go for the cis looking chicks with dicks, you'd have a better time.

I know, like you, i cant get trans girls out of my head but thats no reason to settle for low-grade porn.

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Imagine letting jews talk you into mutilating your body like this.

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holy fuck she's hot, i better hold down that tranny on her right now

Most ain't. Most are just attention seeking and looking for an excuse to act obnoxiously and violently "pUnChInG nAzI"

No. The only real mentally ill people are the ones who think elections can be rigged and media can be faked. Everyone but those people deserve welfare, healthcare, education, and housing for free.

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ywnbaw kys

they're suffering from gender DYSPHORIA, so yeah, they are mentally ill.

it's called sarcasm bruh LOL

I believe trans people have a right to transition, however I really feel like the recent push to education children about LGBT issues needs to slow down. Kids can be told that some boys like boys and girls like girls. And that some men decide that later they want to be women. But they should also be told that those are grown up things and kids have more important things to focus on. I especially don't think kids should transition, particularly prepubescent kids. It's process that alters your bodily chemistry and frankly kids aren't responsible enough to make that sort of big decision. It would be as ridiculous as saying children should be allowed to marry each other because of a playground crush they have. My point is while I do support trans rights, I don't always agree with the way certain folks go about it. I wish there were more people I could talk to this about to. Doing it on Yea Forums is the only way I feel safe otherwise I fear being called intolerant.

>i was just pretending to be sarcastic
ironic nigger tranny faggot language ywnbaw kys

Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that is fixed by transition.

You guys are so close to getting it, yet so far.

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Are white trash uneducated and angry?

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I mean, that goes without saying.

I'm not black
I'm a male
I'm shitposting in order to point out the ridiculousness of those views
You're kinda retarded

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Are you trying to say that in history no elections have been fraudulent and no media has been faked? The American government claims that about dozens of other countries all the time.